Hehe, DMT is one mans opinion? Gotta love that. Hmmm, youtube or scholarly articles? Lets see who believes in DMT -
The visions of dream sleep are suggested to occur through a dream mechanism which implicates tryptamine derivatives as endogenous paychedelics. The hallucinations that occur in some schizophrenic syndromes are also proposed to occur through a similar, though desynchronized, mechanism. These compounds occur in the human pineal gland and are regarded as neurotransmitters or neuroregulators. A protocol for experimental verification is suggested.
Abstract (endogenous = Growing or originating from within an organism)
We generated dose-response data for the endogenous and ultra-short-acting hallucinogen, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), in a cohort of experienced hallucinogen users, measuring multiple biological and psychological outcome measures. Subjective responses were quantified with a new rating scale, the HRS, which provided better resolution of dose effects than did the biological variables.
Biogenesis of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine in human pineal gland
Oh wait, there's several hundred pages of scholarly articles on how DMT is in the human body...
..... scientology? (j/k, couldn't resist.)
I never mentioned DMT until you said it was just one mans opinion that it naturally exists...
OMG, this guy just did a science fair project on my thread! LOL. I NEVER said I dont believe in DMT. So please enough with the gotdamn DMT from you two! you two seem to be the only ones talking about DMT. As previously stated if you dont agree your opinion has been noted, I seem to be making you two guys angry.. ehehe. take a chill pill u two
hahaha ah pushing down elderly people, one of my favorite past times. and yup, i went a straight year and a half but decided i needed to slow down after i needed to smoke more than 2 grams of high grade or probably a little under a gram of hash to get to sleep. and its different even when you take 1 day off, it wont last for long but you will feel different, its like a realllllly good wake n bake. and damn, you should slow down yourself lj, you can never smoke too much weed but you should be able to know what it feels like to be a bit sober, thats what makes it worth getting high.
your the one saying the trip from a near death experience is the work of god, dont get mad when your wrong then try to play it off as if we're the angry people here. if you havent noticed, everyone is making fun of you. you have made a fool out of yourself, and continue to make it progressively worse. read your original post, genius.
How dare you ridicule my unique belief system?
hey, at least i didn't accuse you of being a moonie this time.
How dare you ridicule my unique belief system?
Well, its a forum, so why would I have feelings? Secondly, you and Gastanker are the only ones commenting, so define "everyone", lol. Dude im smoking some tangerine dream and reading posts, why would i be upset? I am actually flattered that my post has gotten so much attention, I thank you for giving it notice honestly....
I agree, our endorphin system releases everything during our final flush. . .its prob the bodys way of dying peacefully drugged up from natural defences