Do you believe in ghost

When I was a little girl I could tell when some things were going to die.

One hot, humid night in a town that clings to the edge of Lake St. Clair I laid in bed. The humidity was stifling and you could hear the frieghter's horn off in the distance. My parents had moved my bed to just below the window to catch any breeze. I laid there too hot to sleep. I raised myself up on my elbows and gazed out my window and looked at old man Baker sitting on his front porch illuminated by the street light out front listening to the Tigers on his transistor radio. I looked at him and I just knew that he'd be gone by tomorrow morning.

A few days later I was at my mom's best friends house. She had this dog named Jumper. As I was practicing piano I looked down at Jumper and I knew.

My Mom kinda freaked out and said to just stop it and don't talk about it-people might think I'm a witch.

It doesn't happen anymore, thank God. But, every once in a while I'll know something. There was a couple of times in Vegas that I knew that a machine was going to hit. Alas, never for MegaBucks.

I did hit a progressive once but it had just been hit on 15 minutes before... shit, shit, shit.
Yep, I am a believer! I've had a few experiences, and hope to have more; very interesting subject.

My latest trip was to Jerome, Arizona. We stayed at the "Jerome Grand Hotel"; kick ass place with TONS of paranormal. Stayed 3 nights in 2 differant rooms. We captured EVP's clear as day while you can see us sleeping on video! Orbs, not DUST, orbs on video and still camera. A 40 minute video conversation with "Gurthy May"; the lady that jumped 3 stories to later die of injuries a few days later. Kick ass place!

Then we went to Bisbee, AZ.... Tombstone...... Douglas....... Just a bitchen ghost hunting vacation! Looking forward to the next one!
i have had a couple experiences, i know when something is near. its hard to convince skeptics haha, but this one time my buddy(an atheist) came over to my friends house(i lived there two)... me and the atheist were outside, and at some point i got the feeling and muttered "no, it cant be". next thing you know i'm inside my friends house watching this evil entity walk in through the my room, i observed it as it walked towards the kitchen door i was next to. but then i hear my atheist friend yelling my name distantly, then i awoke from a trance and he was violently shaking me and screaming my name pointing at the house. so i look at the house thru the kitchen window and i could see the ghost/entity thing, it was standing in my friends body(possession?)... it turned and looked at us and then left. we ran inside and my friends said they didn't see anything but they had felt some immense fear, the kinda fear that makes you pale and your knees weak.

my friend almost shit his pants i've never seen someone so panicked. the ghost was a teenage Asian girl from the 1800's, she had a white dress that went down to her knees. here's the kicker, we've come to learn that the land behind my buddies house has an old Asian couple living on it, its been in their family since rail-road times. my room was also the closest to the Asian's property. the atheist decided to re examine his views, hes not religious just agnostic for now lol, at least he will acknowledge and listen to my banter now
Never had a ghostly experience myself BUT after reading thru this thread I get up to go outside and smoke a cig and as I'm grabbing my lighter from my lunchbox I turn around and unexpectedly see my wife still half-asleep zombie walking to the bathroom. Scared the bejesus out of me. :lol:
This just happened last night.

It was a big day for us. Our home went live on the market yesterday. We had 7 showings on the first day. Everything is topsy-turvey, nothing is sitting where it usually is.

Anyway we have a tv that has a remote with a finder button. The sound is that of a barking dog. It went off at 5 am this morning. We are sound asleep and then I'm aware that there is a dog barking and it's in my house!

Then I realize that it's a mechanical sounding dog. I get out of bed and wander into the livingroom and here is the remote lite up and it's barking. As I reach for it it stops barking and goes dark.

No, the batteries are fairly new, so it wasn't them. It probably shut off because it timed out. But it most certainly did freak me out.