robbed for an oz

it's true. He really is.

As a matter of fact...probably a really good one too.

If i had to rate the pictures i've gotten (i've gotten over 40 more thanks to buck posting my email lol, albeit several from the same user) ds would actually be the best looking uh...male parts around. Making him an excellent "lover" candidate.

For any of you ladies wondering.

Or gentlemen. Whatever.
damn girl........
Aint nigger allowed? Why not? How come 'niggahs' can call each other 'niggah', yet i cant use the correct spelling of 'niggah'. and say nigger? I'm a white honky, by the way.
Racist ignorant infantile children act like this, grow up and have some respect.

What would u do if some1 robbed u for an oz? Basicly it was me and my buddy and dude and his buddy I was wit dudes buddy and dude pulled a pistol on my buddy and took it I could send troops to get him but I don't wanna bring all the violence to my town over something so small but I could have 5 aks dropped off to me whenever we beat the fuck out of his buddy because they were seperated at the time like a said I was with his buddy and we were waiting for my buddy and dude to come back and I got a call saying he pulled a pistol so I started beating his buddies ass n then my dude came back around the corner and we stomped him but dude who pulled the pistol got away with the weed but I was thinking break him hands Wat would u do and also dude who got stomped said he didn't no but we gave him his wallet and phone back after the fact and had a run in with the cops right after cuz some kids called the cops and kid went to the hospital and didn't snitch either his buddy was a g I have to say myself for getting fucked up and not snitching

I few weeks ago a bag conteining at least 2-3 once of catnip bud diapered from over my fridge during a party, my cat was so pissed off.
you're a straight up catfishin' gangsta!
i do love catfish...