30,000 drones will be spying on you within 10 years.

why do i kill threads is it because you trolls suck? or is it because i use too much common sense. you fucking troll bastards need to get some fresh air. add UV to your grow or get a reptile it will make you less depressed.


Need a Kleenex for those tears bro?
i think you mistaken im not mad im happy i can put an end to bullshit threads..... not that this tech doesnt exist, but this is some dumb shit look up the real article yourself, thier still experimenting and thats probably a billion $ bug.

oh and btw palm-> face.
You need a treadmill, dont let it stress you. Go suck a UV bulb, some gobshite online said it'd fix your depression.
Won't happen.

America will default before that garbage goes down.

It's all governmental pipe dreams.

That's your pipe-dream. It's very cheap. These drone are not much more expensive than the model airplane drones, I make. Opensource software on Arduino processor, cheap camera and I'm spying in your back yard. I'm working up a helicopter right now. GPS auto route management, pan/tilt/zoom.

It's here. Get over it. We can all have drones. My car needs a drone launcher on top to survey the traffic. That mosquito is a hoax but they do have hummingbird size now that can carry an a couple of ounces of C4.

And they can actually wire a cockroach to carry a camera and move away from the mentally induced irritants you use as controls.

So, if you think the USA will default, you don't understand macro-economics. We are not only the largest economy. At roughly $15 Trillion per year, it is the size of the next 3 combined, at $5 T, each. We are too big to fail at this point. The world economy would crash and we would still pick profit. China is seeing the writing on the wall, about now, as well.

Did a little research, and the mosquito is supposed to be "in production." And I found an article about a guy that snapped a picture of a dragonfly drone in his back yard.


This is about micro-battle drones.

i think you mistaken im not mad im happy i can put an end to bullshit threads..... not that this tech doesnt exist, but this is some dumb shit look up the real article yourself, thier still experimenting and thats probably a billion $ bug.

oh and btw palm-> face.

This tech is probably not yet in place. Bio mosquitoes can pack energy storage and command/control into a pack that size, but it's a frontier for roboticists. just look at those legs - they're not functional but designed to evoke a mosquito. That "bug" is almost certainly a nonfunctional model built by top-shelf FX guys. cn
I think this thread got a little side tracked, even thought be mosquito is cool as hell it isn't the focus of the story. I think it was to get people to pay attention to this.... The new drone stuff has kinda slipped under the public's radar.

[h=1]Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front[/h]http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/10/nation/la-na-drone-arrest-20111211

[h=1]Congress Approves 30,000 Spy Drones Over America As US Police State Tightens[/h]http://theintelhub.com/2012/02/09/congress-approves-30000-spy-drones-over-america-as-us-police-state-tightens/
And yet, for years and years of established precedent, they have been flying light aircraft for the same goals. This is no different, says the law, so far. "As the police state tightens" Smarmy journalism.
yeah I see the writing on the wall this will get out of hand until a hacking group gets a hold of it and crashes a few in someone's house, then shits going to hit the fan.
I think this thread got a little side tracked, even thought be mosquito is cool as hell it isn't the focus of the story. I think it was to get people to pay attention to this.... The new drone stuff has kinda slipped under the public's radar.

Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front


Congress Approves 30,000 Spy Drones Over America As US Police State Tightens


Yes, but a Predator can't discreetly enter your home and read your RIU login over your shoulder. The Mosquitron (and its privacy implications) are pure sweet alarmism. The syringe is a masterful touch. Oh noes! cn
Yes, but a Predator can't discreetly enter your home and read your RIU login over your shoulder. The Mosquitron (and its privacy implications) are pure sweet alarmism. The syringe is a masterful touch. Oh noes! cn

No me moleste mosquito
No me moleste mosquito
No me moleste mosquito
Why don't you go home
No me moleste mosquito
Let me eat my burrito
No me moleste mosquito
Why don't you go home.
I'll just shoot dem skeeters with my 44 mag like an American. I don't see the big deal, y'all some pussies.

You can shoot a drone that can shoot missiles from 60,000+ feet in the air? Because that's what we're using now to kill terrorists in pakistan.
You can shoot a drone that can shoot missiles from 60,000+ feet in the air? Because that's what we're using now to kill terrorists in pakistan.
It's not a Predator (which is fucking huge, it's got as large a mass if not bigger than an F16) we're talkin about, it's the Mosquito with the DNA sucking capability.
It's not a Predator (which is fucking huge, it's got as large a mass if not bigger than an F16) we're talkin about, it's the Mosquito with the DNA sucking capability.

Its max takeoff weight is 2250 pounds, so about one Imperial ton. The wingspan bests an F16's though. cn

<edit> What's wrong with this picture? ~grin~
That is roughly a cost of 66 TRILLION DOLLARS for the drones and does not count the manpower it takes to operate them.

Dont think so.

There current pricetag is 4.5 million each delivered.