Active Member
well, the democrates allways want to raise taxs. and they allways use the revenue, for more SPENDING. so, more tax we give out of our paychecks, goes to the unwed mothers buero. lol. and "free" condoms, needles, birth control pills, etc. this creates more gov, which in turn, needs yet MORE taxes. and none to the dept. sorry. we have become a spoiled nation. and people are brainless who bad mouth this country. if its so bad, why do they die trying to come here? (ahhh!- so they can bad mouth it in PERSON!?) the repubnlicans are allwalys made to look like guys who what to push gramma off a cliff. thats becasue the left dont like cuts. they like increases. so. out with the dems this fall. lots of crybabys out there, there will be! but, i will enjoy that humor! we live in a budget, or get into financilal problems. so should the goverment operate. wlhen things get better, then "some" of the things will return. some. i boughyt a rubber stamp, that i put on the back of all out going mail. "in god we trust". my freind, who is a mailman, told me he wished more would do this. well, time for a sunday, "HALLELUJNA" BONG HIT!