How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?


What is the complaint with this? You don't want to work for your money?
i love how conservatives' main tactic is to make us scurred of the dark people. if only we could get rid of them somehow, problem solved! america prospers under a david duke presidency.
He didn't mention "dark people" in his post at all. You scream "racist" at anyone you disagree with. Pathetic.
Again Bucky, posting a pic of one of your pay stubs is not telling us you paid 25% in federal taxes on $28k income. LMFAO
You have it wrong. His gross pay for the YEAR was $4560.00, not 28k. Think about it. If that was a weeks pay, he'd be making $237,120.00 a year; Bi-weekly, it would be $118,560.00 a year; monthly it would be $54,720.00 a year. So, UncleShitBritches was not being honest about his earnings. I must say I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that our mentor is not the fountain of truth we thought he was!
keep following that trickle down myth. start threads about it. cry, bitch and moan. point the finger at low SES people. declare class warfare. none of it will make trickle down work.
1993=> internet boom 2001 => 9-11 Apples to oranges
so we've lowered taxes for 30 years, so we should have tons of jobs by your reasoning, right? and production should be way up, right? :lol:
We elected Obama, so we should have tons of jobs by your reasoning, right? and production should be way up, right?