How would raising taxes affect you and our economy?

OK, so that's "capital income", right? "Capital Income is the income which comes from wealth itself not from direct work."

Damn those trickle down guys for not demanding the middle class and poor save some of their money and invest it! LOL

He's a typical liberal, they find a chart on Huffington Post, don't bother to read it and run with their leftie talking points.
OK, so that's "capital income", right? "Capital Income is the income which comes from wealth itself not from direct work."

Good catch. I selected the graph because it was clear; i missed that part.
If I use a graph that shows "all income", the disparity (and more importantly, its trend) actually is worse, once you look past the noisiness of the data. So while I appreciate the correction, my basic premise still stands.

To claim that trickle-down works, the curves would have to move in lockstep or nearly so. cn
I'm quite serious. If trickle-down worked, it would float all boats evenly, on average. Like the man said in the movie, it's "fairly explanatory". If there is a disconnect thee, i'd appreciate if you identified it rather than just laugh. cn

I told you before, trickle down economics do work. It is working right now in Amercia.
Good catch. I selected the graph because it was clear; i missed that part.
If I use a graph that shows "all income", the disparity (and more importantly, its trend) actually is worse, once you look past the noisiness of the data. So while I appreciate the correction, my basic premise still stands.

To claim that trickle-down works, the curves would have to move in lockstep or nearly so. cn

I can't read that one, either, too small.
The question struck me as deliberately obtuse. Seriously, the point is graphically illustrated. What do you require of me before you'll discuss the basic premise?
normally its some sort of mistake in your post that he cann deflect the issue to.

i think your problem is too much care in your work ;)