Is Trolling a Choice?


Well-Known Member
and yes, our president is epic troll.

he opens his mouth back in february about birth control, and watches the right summarily march off a cliff with women voters.

he lets himself appear weak and ineffective for months, then he comes out with bin laden's head on a stick and his long form BC in the other hand. watch out for more epic surprises after labor day.


Well-Known Member
5 Page discussion on trolling

You guys=0
This is just drive-by trolling. Next, will you say, you meant something else? Is this your gateway troll? Are we wasting your photons? What could we be possibly be wasting if we are discussing ideas in the village?

So, perhaps we have our first confession? Or why did you say anything so free of content and appropo of nothing?


New Member
This is just drive-by trolling. Next, will you say, you meant something else? Is this your gateway troll? Are we wasting your photons? What could we be possibly be wasting if we are discussing ideas in the village?

So, perhaps we have our first confession? Or why did you say anything so free of content and appropo of nothing?
you responding to my drive by
you guys=still 0


New Member
I have to admit, I never even heard of this. Been in the biz of websites since the beginning and am on every type of forum.

But, I have not seen this "trolling" before. I didn't even really get it, here. Everyone talks at length and accuses. But, when you find you are being run around in circles, when comments in one thread, contrdicts another, when attitudes are exposed and then blamed on other forum members, that's different! Wow. Here I thought you guys meant the usual potty mouth and petty insults and called that trolling.

But, no. I see now, it is a distinct phenom of the internet. Something new for jaded ole Doer? No, I don't like it. It seems so
anti-social. Like those kids that dropped the shopping cart on a lady from 3 stories up.

Does anyone know the why they do this? Does anyone know why we fight them and not just ignore it? For me it's like participating in train wreak. I want to choke the lights off the one who caused me to be in the wreak.

Bad parenting? Glee in others' discomfort?

Is trolling a choice?
i blame it on drugs


Well-Known Member
it takes two to troll. if you let someone push your buttons on the internet than you just suck.

or if you entertain trolling. or troll threads.


Well-Known Member
Trolls like to troll for reaction and attention. Trolls are people that are generally insecure or have too much time on their hands and enjoy pissing people off. Trolls know that they thrive off people responding to them so they purposely call people out on a personal level to get the responses flowing. Trolls are immature children if you ask me. They sabotage the site for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Trolls like to troll for reaction and attention. Trolls are people that are generally insecure or have too much time on their hands and enjoy pissing people off. Trolls know that they thrive off people responding to them so they purposely call people out on a personal level to get the responses flowing. Trolls are immature children if you ask me. They sabotage the site for everyone.
Nuh uh. You're a troll.