Well-Known Member
Yeah they do, big difference 30lbs makes on a small frame...
your not kidding thats what i have to lose. its dropping though im only a week and a half in and i have shed 3lbs. first week was really tough though i didnt think i was going to be able to move and couldnt push myself as hard as i would have liked. second week is going great guns i can feel my core strength returning and i am pushing myself a lot harder. im thinking 5lbs a week is around what i should be able to drop so in 6 weeks i should be fighting fit as long as i keep my eye on the ball and stick to eating healthy. thats the hard part for me.
yeah good work blazin. my diet isnt so bad. i pretty much just remove all starchy foods and anything that sends your blood sugar into a spin. its all about keeping your blood sugar stable. if you can do that you will find that you dont get cravings. cant wait till i smash all my body fat off so i can start the bulk up process. main thing is though gotta get the chub off its mid winter here now but i want to be looking at my best when that aussie sun rolls out so i can hit the beach.
A couple of years ago i was 16.5 stone(fat) now 2 years later and gym 5 days a week 4 of them weights and 1 cardio, eating right im down to 13.8 and looking pretty dam good even if i do say so myself
A couple of years ago i was 16.5 stone(fat) now 2 years later and gym 5 days a week 4 of them weights and 1 cardio, eating right im down to 13.8 and looking pretty dam good even if i do say so myself
right ima take #1 an #24 all day! good luck serial my 2 of my 3 fav bodyparts to workout besides back....fuck abs lol they suck but gotta have that strong core.#34 is BANGIN!
yeah man i do abs 5 days a week mon wed and fri, i do a 30 min with weights and then 10 mins of crunches and shit like that then the days in between i only do a 10 mins of various different crunches, reverse crunch, bicycle and a few others
also i found just straight running is really inefficient at burning fat. i used to do weights with running days in between but found its not the most effective. thats why i switched to the cardio workout that i do now. i cant remember what its called but it basically just really high intensity cardio for 60 second bursts with 15 sec breaks and doing
exercises that use a lot of core strength and heaps of muscle groups. running