Capital Punishment


Well-Known Member
What do you think about it? Should we live by an eye for an eye law system? I personally think it is not mans place to judge another mans life, unless it is to immediately protect his or his families life. A life in prison is more than enough punishment IMO, I would rather die than spend all that prison time. Execution is too easy..

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I'm against it too. For the reasons you cite as well as the fallibility of the justice system. There have been MANY people wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit, some of those were executed.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I'm against capital punishment, I think those found guilty should have to make retribution to the victims and inmates should labor to provide for their own cost of incarceration.


Well-Known Member
I am in favor of it in certain Sandusky or Dahmer or some other needs to be heinous crime with 100% proof of guilt..and not 20 years of appeals ..killed quickly ... A lot of the innocent people convicted of a crime were railroaded by a corrupt detective or D.A. or a lying eye witnesses..there needs to be serious consequences for sending an innocent man to prison.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am against having to have my tax dollars pay to keep someone in prison for life. But do admit the system makes mistakes.


Well-Known Member
just because it's a kaendar thread.



Well-Known Member
You guys made some good points. But even in cases like Sandusky, death would be too easy. It wud be much better justice for him to eat cock meat sammiches every day for life. Also, many men are wrongly convicted, especially in rape cases. Tookie Williams was a good example of a man that was executed because of a false conviction. Plus, I believe criminals should re rehabilitated instead of punished. In Isreal they have a great prison system.


Well-Known Member
With Dna and forensics it is much rarer for innocent men to be convicted as opposed to 20 years ago..Sandusky will get 3 hots n a cot segregated and have his own cell or be with another scumbag who can't be in gen 30k a year to keep this piece of garbage alive? fuck that..kill his dirty ass.


Well-Known Member
With Dna and forensics it is much rarer for innocent men to be convicted as opposed to 20 years ago..Sandusky will get 3 hots n a cot segregated and have his own cell or be with another scumbag who can't be in gen 30k a year to keep this piece of garbage alive? fuck that..kill his dirty ass.
He should be sent to Guantanamo Bay and forced to indulge in cock meat sandwiches. Thats fucking disgusting to molest boys all that time.. sick fuck. People like that need to have a daily 1PM beat down by a different volunteer everyday. Thats justice if you ask me.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Monetary restitution if possible is an option. I think the only reason to kill is to defend from immediate threat, although I understand the thoughts of vengeance some people have if their loved one or child was murdered, raped etc.

Low life people exist and I do not want to pay to sustain them, therefore a very small island might suffice to isolate them. I share concerns about executing an innocent person and don't think government sanctioned killing of somebody is harmonious with advancing humanity. Kind of interesting that many religions forbid killing, yet many of their practitioners are all about killing people.

As an aside I think the government has granted itself the power to execute people for a large quantity of those who support the death penalty...careful what you wish for.


Well-Known Member
There is not a state in this country that executes people for pot, Some people are born bad..they do disgusting things and are wasting oxygen..kill em...look at that scumbag who killed 50 some women in new mexico..why keep this dirty hillbilly alive?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
There is not a state in this country that executes people for pot, Some people are born bad..they do disgusting things and are wasting oxygen..kill em...look at that scumbag who killed 50 some women in new mexico..why keep this dirty hillbilly alive?
Federal law for very large amounts can result in death penalty. I'm not in favor of "keeping him alive", I'm in favor of putting him on a very small island...his fate will then be decided by his neighbors.

I won't kill him unless he's threatening me with immediate harm, but if you want to pull the trigger that would be your choice. Why not go carry out "justice" and go do it yourself? Why have a substitute do it for you?

What do hill billies have to do with this?