Best things to do while you're high?

Live like out in the no where. Ok, the neighbor calls me and asks me to go accross the street to his house and help his wife in the backyard, claims she is trying to break up a fight between his dog and a small animal, he is about twenty minutes away. I am in underwear, stoned, in bed and watching tv. When I say stoned I mean like outer space somewhere. I get up, get a shotgun and put rubber boots on (it was raining) I head to the kitchen to get a beer and there sits my 20 year old son. I say "boy get a damm shotgun and come on" he looks at me with jaw wide open and says "Dad, whats going on"? I realize that I am standing in front of my son with a shotgun in my hand and a pair or underwear on and some knee high rubber boots. Well what a fucking sight that must have been, most lilely will cost him like a year in therapy lol.. Any way I explain the situation, say im soory, go put pants on and we both went over there. By the time we got there the critter was dead, the mom was crying, the daughter was also freeking out and the Dog was OK. I got rid of the critter and the dad bought me a bottle of crown royal the next day...... As to my son, I have never had a talk with him about the rubber boot, underwear, shotgun thing.... Real stonner move. lol

DUDE, I'm not the least bit high right now, but that tale is funny!! I can definetly relate.
If im smoking by myself ill throw on a rap beat and just practice freestyling while browsing the web. I got no intention of becoming an artist... but when you got a few mates around all smoking together... theres nothing more entertaining then freestyling together and dissing each other. Funniest shit ever.
Go for a swim with a couple of friends, in a swiss lake at midnight, really fucking high. Did that yesterday, can't even describe how epic it was, the water was like 20°C but felt like 30°C :D

I usually hate getting in the water because it's always too cold for me, even when it's 26°C, and never stay in for more than 15mn, but yesterday I felt like it was the most natural thing to do and stayed for half an hour, after we didn't even dry ourselves, just chilled in our wet underwear running around and shit.

Definitely something amazing to do but can become dangerous^^
well what kind of high? indica or sativa? with indica I stare into the distance with my mouth open, drooling, and then fall over and roll on the floor laughing my ass off haha, with sativa, I just go through the motions of life, I think of it as a life stimulant.
Popped a viagra, smoked a joint and fucked my girlfriend in the pool under the waterfall, heater was on and water coming out was warmer than the already bath warm pool. Dick was hard and floating the second it hit the water. Went forever all over the pool, virtually 0 gravity under a water fall ect stars bright as fuck just the sound of the river 100' away.... that was fucking epic.

In response to above i pretty much only like Sativa's ... I turn straight brain dead retarded on indica.
i have a yoga class at 9 am every monday morning
it feels amazing to do yoga high
i just feel so in tune with my body and my surroundings

one time i randomly went to the zoo high
that was pretty interesting

swimming high is always great

have to agree that high showers are the best
best experience ever was walking around on the beach high as ever listening to music through headphones
i could hear the waves still but not the people around me
there was a perfect breeze and i was walking on the shoreline occasionally a wave would rush over my feet
just the best feeling ever
Playing with the dogs while baked is a good time. The more I laugh and giggle at them, the crazier they get. Laser pens, they go nuts over it.
It actually depends on what kind of weed i smoked. A sativa is good for watching TV or a movie or playing vid games or a concert or a fireworks display or the redwood forest. An indica is gonna make me eat and sleep and raise my THC tolerence to the stars. I too, enjoy busting a nut whilst high on the indica. Then I can go into a deep relaxing sleep.
HAHAHA brushing your teeth and taking a shower is a pretty good feeling when your high. speaking of which I need to get baked rite now
Here in sweden you get mostly hash on the street so you'll get pretty tied down to the couch. But yeah shower, teeth.. LOVE IT! :D But my favorite thing must be watching the news, never do it when i'm not baked.. but when i'm baked.. yeah it's some crazy stories that come directly from satan himself if you ask me :shock: LOL Peace and love