1. Stop spending your money on food. "Foodie" is not a real thing, get a real addiction. Start buying cigarettes, and you won't have as much money on hand to spend on food. And cigs are a known appetite suppressant.
2. Stop driving everywhere. When all you have to carry is a backpack or a purse, and you're going less than a half mile, WALK.
3. Walk anyways. Start smoking weed/more weed, and to meet local stoners, go for walks and ask everyone who passes if they smoke weed
4. When you want to eat sugary things, just drink liquor. It's made from sugar, and will make you throw up if you drink enough, so you don't have to keep any of the calories.
5. Start taking hallucinogens. You'll be a lot more active, and even sitting still you can put on a sweat sometimes.
6. Do some yoga. Stretching makes you higher anyways, because it gets your blood flowing.
7. (if you REALLY want to lose weight) Buy food that you don't like.
8. Move to Colorado, and ask someone what they do for fun. Yeah, ANYONE. They climb mountains and shit, they'll lose you some weight.
I'll try to think of more later