I am of a mind to say if I get killed by a hurricane.... I sort of deserve it. Sort of like getting run over by a bus I see coming from a mile away knowing full well if I don't move I will get hit.
Well, no attack on you, but you should reexamine your humbleness, because this texan learned a long time ago that humble does not include judging an entire state by your experiences living here to the age of 4. If you met some unhumble Texans, that doesn't make it right to judge all the rest.
Since you love pictures, IMO, someone who makes fun of people from another part of the country but hides where he is from is a
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I don't have to say it he proves it with just about every post. Not everyone in texas is the monolithic republican biblethumper who voted for bush he seems to think. I'm willing to bet if he posted where he was from on his profile I could go find some people there who weren't really quality individuals to make fun of as well. Then again, I have far better thinks than to do than waste my day ragging on other parts of the country I mean no offense but I'm not a negative person who dwells on that kind of shit, and while none of us are perfect, I make an actual attempt not to judge everyone of another group like they are all the same. I'm looking to move out of the state because texas is no place for a grower. Just because there are things I don't like about texas doesn't mean there aren't things I won't miss -- like for damn sure I guarantee you I'm not going to find barbecue anywhere near as good as here on the west coast. One thing I won't miss about texas that's just as oppressive as the weed laws -- the fucking heat. I will take cold over heat any day. I wish there were a libertarian state. Really no place for us anywhere in this world.
So Texas is still the best state around.. Orrr am I missing something?
Seeing as how easily buck has pressed your buttons you outta get a kick outta this. But in all seriousness have you no sense of humor? The rest of the country is laughing at Texas for the whole Don't Mess with Texan gaff that bush turned it into, the state is just too easy to make fun of. If you don't pull that stick out of your ass and learn to make fun of yourself you won't have much fun in washington which is a pretty fuckin blue state unless you go east. Plus all the representatives of your state (politicians and country music) aren't doing a good job of making the state look good to the rest of us. While I don't honestly beleive that all Texans are red necked bible thumping republican uneducated non believers of evolution, your politicians sure arent helping your case.
Actually the only reason uncle buck pushed my buttons was because in another thread where some dudes were ragging on him on his sativa grow I defended him, then in another I told him if he ever came to texas I'd be more than happy to hook him up, then here he gives me shit. I don't really care about his trolling or hating on texas, but it's a matter of personal disrespect. IMO, MEN are judged by their actions, and there are a lot of little fucking boys on this website from outside of texas who think they're the cool kids in high school. And actually, no this weekend I really don't have a sense of humor for reasons that don't concern any of you. So maybe what you see as me getting my buttons pushed is simply me letting off a little steam on convenient targets (because they're acting like total dipshits).
The west coast isn't a state.
Shit I'm high.. I'm thinking of Uncle Ben on the sativa grow, not you LOL.
I only Wyomed once, and briefly at that. cn
Texas's Capitol is a replica of the National monument...But 15ft taller.
Which gets me thinking.... as weed does... may this whole zombie craze has merit. It could possibly be brought about by a ultra dank strain that makes fuckers so hungry they eat people. But they are so fried they just appear to be walking dead to the casual observer...
the west coast.