Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
well i had a little nose this morning and did a bit of light pruning. nothing too drastic. i removed a few of the scraggly branches so it can concentrate on the bigger nugs and ive noticed i have an awful lot of red stems. does this mean N def like i thought or....... any help would be appreciated. also it is just the fan leaf stems, not the main stems.


Well-Known Member
the veins are a normal looking green but between them is starting to yellow. its starting from the tips of the leaves and working its way back to the stems. i kinda figured it was the buds draining the N from them as its approaching its last few weeks. they have only 2 weeks left according to the breeder but im gonna let em go for another 3-4 depending on how frosty they get.


Well-Known Member
the veins are a normal looking green but between them is starting to yellow. its starting from the tips of the leaves and working its way back to the stems. i kinda figured it was the buds draining the N from them as its approaching its last few weeks. they have only 2 weeks left according to the breeder but im gonna let em go for another 3-4 depending on how frosty they get.
Potassium deficiency will do the same it starting from the bottom of the plant? If so, it would probably be N. Otherwise I'd bet potash.


Well-Known Member
it started on the older leaves and is working its way up to the newer growth. ill post a half decent picture in a bit


Well-Known Member
ive just acquired a 4 tube 2ft t5 fixture. all it needs is a mains switch and some bulbs, the local shop is having a refit and they are replacing all the light fixtures. pretty happy with that :)


Well-Known Member
just a quick update. the fuller of my 2 big bud autos died :( very sad day. i got up and all leaves were brown and shriveled. so i chopped it. got 11g dry and it tastes pretty good. the other one has filled right out and my dwc plant is coming along really well. its almost 2 weeks old and is a simlalr size to a plant twice its age. ill put pics up in a bit


Well-Known Member
just a quick update. the fuller of my 2 big bud autos died :( very sad day. i got up and all leaves were brown and shriveled. so i chopped it. got 11g dry and it tastes pretty good. the other one has filled right out and my dwc plant is coming along really well. its almost 2 weeks old and is a simlalr size to a plant twice its age. ill put pics up in a bit
Oh, That sucks. What happened, brett? Was something going on with that plant? Didja forget to water it? ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh, That sucks. What happened, brett? Was something going on with that plant? Didja forget to water it? ;)
to be honest im not sure. think it may have been sabotaged. the missus is getting proper ratty with me. she took a pair of wire cutters to the other plant this morning :(. its getting pretty tense lol. just got the white widow in the dwc bubbler. got it under 2x65w cfls atm on 18 hours a day. its huge for only 2 weeks old

best i can do for pics im afraid



Well-Known Member
ok well this is officially the end of this thread. plants turned out worse than my first run, really disappointed. back to the drawing board. ive decided to let the plant in the bubbler veg for a couple months to try and increase the yeild i have been getting. i will start a new thread once ive switched to 12/12. thanks for getting involved again folks and you will still see me lurking in your threads :)


Well-Known Member
to be honest im not sure. think it may have been sabotaged. the missus is getting proper ratty with me. she took a pair of wire cutters to the other plant this morning :sad:. its getting pretty tense lol.
Wow, I don't even know what to say to that. I'd have a fit. I'm gonna bite my tongue...

ok well this is officially the end of this thread. plants turned out worse than my first run, really disappointed. back to the drawing board. ive decided to let the plant in the bubbler veg for a couple months to try and increase the yeild i have been getting. i will start a new thread once ive switched to 12/12. thanks for getting involved again folks and you will still see me lurking in your threads :)
Bummer bro. Sorry to hear that. Well keep lurking and when your ready to start again, perhaps without anyone fucking with your grow be sure to let us all know.