Weather you want to accept him in your live or not, Seen too many godsent messages for me not to belive.
If you cant see it and arnt counting your blessings your an ignorant person.
God Still loves you even if youve turned your back.
God Bless
my 2 cents ;p
I'm an atheist, a hedonist, a nihilist, and an anti-theist just to be specific.
i like how people think that god gave them all of the good in their lives, but what about all the shit things that have happened to you and others.. my gf's son died the day after his 3rd bday, what is so god like about that?? what about wars, disease, cancer, hunger and many other things.. if god was so powerful, why would he chose to allow so many of his children to suffer??
lemme guess, it was because some dude ate an apple right?? i don't buy it, and i don't buy into god either...
the point being... we have no idea why shit happens... you can look at this a few ways...
it happens for the greater good, you question why things happen... so why not look into it.. or you can ignore it think shit happens and were all a pile of dirt in the end...
I believe.. there is a reason for all the madness we undergo.