Do you in your heart of heart believe in god?

Believe in God?

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any religious de nom ination. Do you truly believe in your God?

be useful if you post what religion when you vote.

Roman Catholic here, heavy influence from new age healing too. Do I believe in God. I think I do.
What else is there to Believe in? MAN? HA! Ourselves HA!
Faith in God is the only way to live. I was raised in a Christian home I have lived in or been thru 38 of the 50 states I have lived in Spain, Africa, Puerto Rico and Lisbon Portugal I have seen Faith in God in all these places.... Recently Baptized in Oct 2011 I had fallen off the correct path laid by God as most folks will do. Being in any religion is not easy... anyone who tells you otherwise might be trying to sell ya something.

Yeah there are going to be haters of all religions and people of religion... allow them their opinions but dont change yours.

Way too many Prophecies are being fulfilled to question God.
Have you ever wondered why you believe what you believe? If so, why then?

(I'll give you a hint, it started when we gained the ability to think as children)
Weather you want to accept him in your live or not, Seen too many godsent messages for me not to belive.
If you cant see it and arnt counting your blessings your an ignorant person.
God Still loves you even if youve turned your back.
God Bless
:D my 2 cents ;p
i absolutely do not believe in god. the singular form makes the word an appeal to authority, and a veiled threat to any who have a different belief.

there are many gods. each one with a part to play,, but none of them are named yaweh jehovah allah or jesus. that would be stupid.
Weather you want to accept him in your live or not, Seen too many godsent messages for me not to belive.
If you cant see it and arnt counting your blessings your an ignorant person.
God Still loves you even if youve turned your back.
God Bless
:D my 2 cents ;p

I count much wonder and advantage in my life. I just don't get why that has to be attibuted to a superior being and not myself. I made hay while the sun was shining.

I took my heath lumps and prevailed. I sought and found a fine wife. I have to render to Cesear, sure. But, God is an opinion only.

And you know if you call someone ignorant about something, that there is abolutely no Objective indication of, then who is ignorant? How can you prove that you are not ignoring all facts and clinging to an imprint you got before you could talk? No, your proof is false logic. God can't exist, just because you were taught that it does. And just because you attribute your wonders to not-Self, doesn't make you special. It just makes you feel that way. The sin of Pride.

And no evidence against God either. So that puts me squarely where I don't care about others' definition of what i can define for my Self.

That is not ignorance, that's savy.
I can at leaste respect that u do believe in God to the point that i wont be disrespectful but,IMO he is purely a subjective figure,I will be very broad with this statement,,there are far too many different occurances and phenomena in reality,the Universe for that matter to constitute a being that is so definitively controlling of fates and destiny's.In other words the notion of God and what it has been constituted as and described as,is to black and white for such a being to fit into the natural way of existence,its like trying to say you know what happens after death when you really do not know.Mind you I state this with the leaste of abraisive influx toward your perspective,but I still say,it is beneficial to always question belief.
I don't believe in god...or fairies or miracles or Santa Claus. I would like to believe in Santa Claus but my older brother ruined that for me when I was 8 years old.
so the question isn't do you believe in god but do you believe in YOUR god... we'll if my god is what I want him to be than yes. I mean it's all based on interpretation anyway, isn't it? Bottom line I believe in creation and that doesn't mean god created everything or allah or whom ever... We live in a Universe filled with wonder and mystery and to make ourselves feel better we created "god"... man thank "god" (LOL) i'm not high other wise I would just ramble more nonsencicle shit than I already have... oh by the way I was raised catholic and went through baptism, and confirmation and whatever else the fuck but not cause I believed but because I was forced... I too wish Santa was real, I would have got that toy I really wanted as a kid instead of underware... stay high
i like how people think that god gave them all of the good in their lives, but what about all the shit things that have happened to you and others.. my gf's son died the day after his 3rd bday, what is so god like about that?? what about wars, disease, cancer, hunger and many other things.. if god was so powerful, why would he chose to allow so many of his children to suffer??
lemme guess, it was because some dude ate an apple right?? i don't buy it, and i don't buy into god either...
i like how people think that god gave them all of the good in their lives, but what about all the shit things that have happened to you and others.. my gf's son died the day after his 3rd bday, what is so god like about that?? what about wars, disease, cancer, hunger and many other things.. if god was so powerful, why would he chose to allow so many of his children to suffer??
lemme guess, it was because some dude ate an apple right?? i don't buy it, and i don't buy into god either...

the point being... we have no idea why shit happens... you can look at this a few ways...
it happens for the greater good, you question why things happen... so why not look into it.. or you can ignore it think shit happens and were all a pile of dirt in the end...

I believe.. there is a reason for all the madness we undergo.
Santa Claus exists. He loves all manner of internet interesting items, and he sends them to himself. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
the point being... we have no idea why shit happens... you can look at this a few ways...
it happens for the greater good, you question why things happen... so why not look into it.. or you can ignore it think shit happens and were all a pile of dirt in the end...

I believe.. there is a reason for all the madness we undergo.

i don't.. i think that at the end of the day, we don't stand in front of some imaginary man in the sky and be judged for the way we lived our lives, but rather simply sit in a coffin and rot, turn to worm food if you will.. end of story..
any thought of a heaven or hell is simply something that man came up with to feel better about their meek existence, to make them feel superior to the rest of the animals on this earth, and also to try and control other people with thoughts of going to some fire laden existence for all eternal for thinking for themselves and not swallowing the kool aid.
If there were one God, one religion, maybe! Would the world be better off if everyone believed in the same God and religion, most likely! BUT, being that Gods and their religions have caused more deaths since the beginning of time except for disease and old age, well, I just don't buy it!