White Girl Bleed A Lot

If the races of perpetrators and victims were reversed, do you think this might have made the national news? This account inspired the title of the book.

July 6, 2011, Milwaukee WI:

"Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter. “They just said ‘Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,” said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend."

"Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said."

some in the media were making a huge deal that the Red Sox hired their first Italian in history. Most of us don't care, but there was a time when most did.

that's the most absurd thing i've ever heard. terry "tito" francona is italian and he was the manager of the red sox for the last 7 years and was quite beloved...i have no idea why anyone would be making a fuss about valentine's heritage. valentine is hated because he's not the caliber of manager that the new england sports scene demands, he's a shitty baseball guy and always has been. he's a joke as a manager for an AL east team.
geeze you're right man, my bad. Maybe it was Francona I read about. I half paid attention because my first thought was SO? but I also noticed because I'm Sicilian myself.
If the races of perpetrators and victims were reversed, do you think this might have made the national news? This account inspired the title of the book.

July 6, 2011, Milwaukee WI:

"Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter. “They just said ‘Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,” said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend."

"Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said."


sounds like a hate crime to me
For those not familiar with "streetervile", it is a gay neighborhood. No mention of the race of the marauding gang. Everybody is tiptoeing around that one.

June 6, 2011, Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) – At least five teens have been charged in a string of mob-style attacks in the bustling Streeterville neighborhood over the weekend.
Chicago’s acting police superintendent says people need to stay alert but “nobody should be afraid” following incidents this past weekend.

As CBS 2’s Susanna Song reports, the attacks are now raising fears of flash mobs.
The first attack happened around 8:25 p.m. Saturday when a man was attacked after parking his motor scooter near the Northwestern University law and medical school campus.
The man had parked on the 300 block of East Chicago Avenue across the street from Northwestern’s Wieboldt Hall when a group of 15 to 20 teens and young men approached him, according to an alert from the university."
No. Title sounds sorta


So what is it about? cn

I had that exact same car when I was a kid. It had awesome rubber tires instead of the stupid plastic ones that hot wheels have.
I wonder why people don't get that the reason the Trayvon Martin case was national news was the fact that a grown man shot an unarmed teenager based on a presumption of him looking suspicious and was not charged after initiating a conflict and that the Florida stand your ground statute imposes a a duty upon the initiator of a conflict to retreat before using deadly force. This is why the original investigating officer wanted to charge Zimmerman and was somehow overruled by the DA and the Sherriff.

If you would like to show where african americans are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when perpetrating violent crimes against white victims, I'd love to see the evidence of that. FBI crime and incarceration statistics don't support that idea in fact show the opposite is likely true....that an african american perpetrator is likely to receive a more harsh sentence and be denied bail leading up to the trial than their white counterparts committing the same crimes.

I always though Pot made people more open minded. I have observed more bigotry and outright racism since perusing these RIU politics forums than I ever thought possible from people who get down with Mary.
About the level of proof I expected to see.

From everything I can tell, you are very careful about how you word things so as not to provide smoking gun evidence. I haven't been around here long enough to say you are straight up racist, but reading between the lines of some of your posts and looking at which posts you respond to and which ones you ignore and given certain positions you have taken, you are definitely someone who objects to the end of white male privilege and any legal consideration given to historical context (ya know the whole reason hate crime legislation was enacted in the first place). Does that make you a racist? Possibly. It more likely means that you resist the paradigm shift that no longer holds white men superior to everyone else including white women. Or maybe I am reading too much into your posts and positions that I have seen, but I doubt it.
you think he comes up with this shit on his own?

its all part of internet advocacy for white nationalism they teach over at stormfront

Hey Desert Dude
you still going to links at the call to arms over their?

You know hitting the links posted so you and your low life brethren can flood blogs that have anything positive to say about immigrants or minorities?
I know you been working overtime with the zimmerman case
you guys have it all wrong.

DEAsertdouche has never even had a racist thought in his life. he said so himself.
you think he comes up with this shit on his own?

its all part of internet advocacy for white nationalism they teach over at stormfront

Hey Desert Dude
you still going to links at the call to arms over their?

You know hitting the links posted so you and your low life brethren can flood blogs that have anything positive to say about immigrants or minorities?
I know you been working overtime with the zimmerman case

That's some crazy conspiracy theory stuff you got going on.

Look at my join date, then look at yours. Look how many posts I have made in nearly two years here. Look how many you have made.

Now, who is flooding blogs?
That's some crazy conspiracy theory stuff you got going on.

Look at my join date, then look at yours. Look how many posts I have made in nearly two years here. Look how many you have made.

Now, who is flooding blogs?

look how many of those posts have been in countering your racist bullshit you spew