Supchaka's Growing Weed! Style and Wattage May Vary!


Well-Known Member
SM90 SM90 SM90 SM90

Can I come over after work today to smoke that White Owl? I get off at 10! Shoot me a text on my old number after 8pm tonight. I got my new phone and it should be activated by then. What the fuck kind of drag show you running in that tent???
The blunto pinner got smoked man! Ill get another one together though! Did you get the phone back?


Well-Known Member
Heres a bit of the possible aftermath. Dead pistils are an indicator of the plant getting touched or rustled about, but more importantly its a sign that some marijuana man butter has created a seed!
I can live with a seed or 2. Watch in a couple days theyre all brown LOL


Well-Known Member
Yes I got my phone back! Please text me so I got your number. My number is the same still. I need to borrow your eyes when you have some time. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Hey Chaka...have you tried Diatomacious (sp?) Earth? It works really well on soil insects. Great for fleas too.

These gnats have really been kicking my ass. I've never struggled with them before. I'm about ready to zap them with a chemical. I've got vinegar traps, cinnamon on the dirt, a pest strip, I let the buckets go really dry this week too and hit them with a quart of water with 25% h202 and spraying them with my jalapeño spray. After my herm issue and these fuckers I'm kinda bummed. I'm thinking strongly of just scaling back to a little 2x2 and going back to LED's. That way I can still do what I love which is growing and continue breeding. Drop my temps back to nothing, electricity back to zero and still more herb than I can smoke. Ok enough whining for now!


Well-Known Member
Yes DE was next on the list. It's really hard for me to buy shit growing related. The old lady tolerates my hobby but doesn't like me taking household money to do so. Consequently anything I've ever done comes a little slower and usually after I exhaust available things that are already around the house!


Well-Known Member
Yes DE was next on the list. It's really hard for me to buy shit growing related. The old lady tolerates my hobby but doesn't like me taking household money to do so. Consequently anything I've ever done comes a little slower and usually after I exhaust available things that are already around the house!
Man that sucks. I spent over $5000 on my setup and I will be upgrading after this grow. I really am enjoying my life decision to live as a bachelor. I won't stand for anyone telling me I can't spend my own money, I fucking earned it. I do understand and respect your life choice, I am just happy that I went in a different direction.


Well-Known Member
I always get what I need in the end. I just appreciate that we're kind of broke at the moment
My wife is pretty hot too and doesn't have to be drunk to take it in the ass:fire:


Well-Known Member
i always get what i need in the end. I just appreciate that we're kind of broke at the moment
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My wife is pretty hot too and doesn't have to be drunk to take it in the ass:fire:

P.S. - the reason I spent so much on my setup is because I was tired of being broke all the time from spending too much money on herb. I have already gotten all of my money back from my first grow and this second grow will be pretty much all "profit"


Well-Known Member
I spy... with my eye...
a fatty seed!
I popped this seed off and the thing is at least 2 weeks old.
Listen up kids and dont be a lazy Chaka! Pay attention to your shit unless you dont care about random seeding!


Well-Known Member
Heres those buds on my X nutrients plant. Not super impressive and probably seeded all to shit along with the rest. Im going to be making alot of hash I think!


Well-Known Member
I took the plants outside today to get some better pics. What do you guys think?
I totally made myself lol with that one.


Well-Known Member
He/She night at Club Chaka


BC and Berkman are the backup dancers!