Is Obama and the Senate Holding America Hostage?


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand about Bucky is, why he rags on a 30yr old picture of a skunk plant on a POLITICAL forum?
If Bucky wants to brag about his skills, then do it in the right forum.

Never said he was a shitty grower dude, just called him a newb, which he is.
These days, anyone with a computer and enough money for good gear can produce quality goods, does that make them a shitty grower, no. Does it make them a master grower, please!

Besides, backing up that mouth of his will take a lot more than some pics of plants but I have noticed you calling him a green thumb, props to you!

A couple of the most successful commercial growers in Cal are on this forum as we speak, no journals, no self promoting, no bragging or shit talking, you'd never in a million years know who they are unless they told you.

What I've found over the years to be true is, if you have to tell other people how good you are in public, either you're promoting a product, you're stupid and trouble will find you or you're a legend in your own mind, just saying.
all this gum flapping from a romney loving douchebag who has never shown the extent of his skills beyond an abused yellow twig.

and my "self promoting" is limited to an outdoor grow journal which i have had ongoing for two years. i never really showcase my indoor stuff because it's not that impressive. just a bunch of small cabinets in which i grow smallish plants of high quality.

now, in regards to this thread, it has clearly been the GOP holding america hostage, specifically the house. facts are facts: obama and boehner hammered out a deal which would have raised the debt ceiling, cut entitlement spending much deeper, and raised taxes a miniscule amount. boehner was on board with it, but he couldn't get his extremist caucus on board. brinksmanship ensued, a much smaller debt ceiling deal was reached, and we got downgraded.

all thanks to the GOP house and their inability to swallow their pride and raise revenues slightly. they took less cuts because of their ideological douchery.



Well-Known Member
In truth beenthere is an "anyone but Obama fan". Guy would have voted for Santorum if had gotten the nod. He would have held his nose but he would have voted for him....


New Member
all this gum flapping from a romney loving douchebag who has never shown the extent of his skills beyond an abused yellow twig.
I'm just curious why are you so obsessed with a 30yr old pic of a plant, I mean please! LMAO

and my "self promoting" is limited to an outdoor grow journal which i have had ongoing for two years. i never really showcase my indoor stuff because it's not that impressive. just a bunch of small cabinets in which i grow smallish plants of high quality.

now, in regards to this thread, it has clearly been the GOP holding america hostage, specifically the house. facts are facts: obama and boehner hammered out a deal which would have raised the debt ceiling, cut entitlement spending much deeper, and raised taxes a miniscule amount. boehner was on board with it, but he couldn't get his extremist caucus on board. brinksmanship ensued, a much smaller debt ceiling deal was reached, and we got downgraded.

all thanks to the GOP house and their inability to swallow their pride and raise revenues slightly. they took less cuts because of their ideological douchery.

Here is where you go wrong Skippy. Only a partisan would blame one party when it is clear it takes two to come to an agreement. Sure I think the left is wrong for their unwillingness to address the biggest part of the problem which is spending, that fact is irrefutable. But I can't totally dismiss the right, they are indeed the other half of the two and must share some of the blame!

It's typical for a whiner like you to blame republicans for standing on their principle, yet ignore the fact that democrats did the same exact thing. And yes, Obama and Boehner hammered out a deal alright but you forgot to mention Obama changing the deal at the eleventh hour, pretty convenient huh?


New Member
In truth beenthere is an "anyone but Obama fan". Guy would have voted for Santorum if had gotten the nod. He would have held his nose but he would have voted for him....
Nah dude, I'm holding my nose, my ass and my wallet as we speak, but you are correct on the ABO statement, shit, even if I had to choose between Obama and Hillary, I'd jump at the chance to vote for her.


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious why are you so obsessed with a 30yr old pic of a plant, I mean please! LMAO

Here is where you go wrong Skippy. Only a partisan would blame one party when it is clear it takes two to come to an agreement. Sure I think the left is wrong for their unwillingness to address the biggest part of the problem which is spending, that fact is irrefutable. But I can't totally dismiss the right, they are indeed the other half of the two and must share some of the blame!

It's typical for a whiner like you to blame republicans for standing on their principle, yet ignore the fact that democrats did the same exact thing. And yes, Obama and Boehner hammered out a deal alright but you forgot to mention Obama changing the deal at the eleventh hour, pretty convenient huh?
Despite what Republicans and the tea party would
like to have Americans believe, taxes, spending and the deficit are all lower
than when President Obama took office.

Think Progress:

In January 2009, before President Obama had even
taken the oath of office, annual spending was set to total 24.9 percent of gross
domestic product. Total spending this year, fiscal year 2012, is expected to top
out at 23.4 percent of GDP.

Here’s another interesting fact. Taxes today are
lower than they were on inauguration day 2009. Back in January 2009, the CBO
projected that total federal tax revenue that year would amount to 16.5 percent
of GDP. This year? 15.8 percent.

One last nugget. The deficit this year is going to
be lower than what it was on the day President Obama took office. Back then, the
CBO said the 2009 deficit would be 8.3 percent of GDP. This year’s deficit is
expected to come in at 7.6 percent.

Read more
Another notable figure: When President Bush came
into office in 2001, he inherited a $281 billion federal budget surplus from the
Clinton administration. By the time Obama took over eight years later, the
deficit was $1.2 trillion. An interesting fact given that conservatives love to
blame Democrats—and in particular Obama—for America’s current economic problems.


Well-Known Member
Despite what Republicans and the tea party would
like to have Americans believe, taxes, spending and the deficit are all lower
than when President Obama took office.

Think Progress:

In January 2009, before President Obama had even
taken the oath of office, annual spending was set to total 24.9 percent of gross
domestic product. Total spending this year, fiscal year 2012, is expected to top
out at 23.4 percent of GDP.

Here’s another interesting fact. Taxes today are
lower than they were on inauguration day 2009. Back in January 2009, the CBO
projected that total federal tax revenue that year would amount to 16.5 percent
of GDP. This year? 15.8 percent.

One last nugget. The deficit this year is going to
be lower than what it was on the day President Obama took office. Back then, the
CBO said the 2009 deficit would be 8.3 percent of GDP. This year’s deficit is
expected to come in at 7.6 percent.

Read more
Another notable figure: When President Bush came
into office in 2001, he inherited a $281 billion federal budget surplus from the
Clinton administration. By the time Obama took over eight years later, the
deficit was $1.2 trillion. An interesting fact given that conservatives love to
blame Democrats—and in particular Obama—for America’s current economic problems.
You's ALL (Red and Blue) wanted war after 9/11, now you've discovered war is expensive and now you's want to hang Bush for it...

The fuck is wrong with you people? He was dumb as fuck but Afghanistan had huge public support, he'd have been stupid not to attack.

What would your balance sheet look like if all foreign conflicts ended? Has Obama ended them all like he said he would? No.

Republican or Democrat; America, Business as Usual.


Well-Known Member
You's ALL (Red and Blue) wanted war after 9/11, now you've discovered war is expensive and now you's want to hang Bush for it...

The fuck is wrong with you people? He was dumb as fuck but Afghanistan had huge public support, he'd have been stupid not to attack.

What would your balance sheet look like if all foreign conflicts ended? Has Obama ended them all like he said he would? No.

Republican or Democrat; America, Business as Usual.

You have a point with afgahnistan, I was for that war - I believe now that I was as stupid as everyone else regarding that "conflict". Has Obama ended conflicts? No, and I really don't know why, there must be something else that we can't fathom that has presidents continue wars long after their popularity wanes.


Well-Known Member
In truth beenthere is an "anyone but Obama fan". Guy would have voted for Santorum if had gotten the nod. He would have held his nose but he would have voted for him....
I'd vote for a Jerry Sandusky/James Holmes ticket before Obama.


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for a Jerry Sandusky/James Holmes ticket before Obama.
So in the end you will be casting a vote out of hatred? Never mind the comparative abilities to lead right? Romney committed 3 gaffs on the same day in England, kinda makes you wonder doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
So in the end you will be casting a vote out of hatred? Never mind the comparative abilities to lead right? Romney committed 3 gaffs on the same day in England, kinda makes you wonder doesn't it?
Lol, lead.

Yeah, I won't vote for a Marxist scumbag, therefore I must be a hater. Idiot.


Well-Known Member
Lol, lead.

Yeah, I won't vote for a Marxist scumbag, therefore I must be a hater. Idiot.

Marxist, oh, I forgot, Obama is a Marxist - he is bent upon the total control of all means of production, which is why he enacted a law that gives private insurance companies large amounts of control - over the means of health production.

RIIIIGHT, Marxist. And he loaned large amounts of money to manufacturing companies in order that one day, perhaps long after he is no longer president, he can "Take Over!". Riiiight, Marxist.

And he isn't a U.S. citizen either, right?


Well-Known Member
Marxist, oh, I forgot, Obama is a Marxist - he is bent upon the total control of all means of production, which is why he enacted a law that gives private insurance companies large amounts of control - over the means of health production.

RIIIIGHT, Marxist. And he loaned large amounts of money to manufacturing companies in order that one day, perhaps long after he is no longer president, he can "Take Over!". Riiiight, Marxist.

And he isn't a U.S. citizen either, right?
Raised by a Marxist. Hung with Marxists his entire life. Sought out Marxist professors as mentors. Espoused Marxist ideals his entire adult life. Trying to "fundamentally change" the country.

Where would I ever get the idea he holds those beliefs close to his heart? I must be a birther for noticing his obvious political slant.

So you've called me a hater (soft term for racist), now I'm a birther. Any other dead horses you'd like to beat?


Well-Known Member
Raised by a Marxist. Hung with Marxists his entire life. Sought out Marxist professors as mentors. Espoused Marxist ideals his entire adult life. Trying to "fundamentally change" the country.

Where would I ever get the idea he holds those beliefs close to his heart? I must be a birther for noticing his obvious political slant.

So you've called me a hater (soft term for racist), now I'm a birther. Any other dead horses you'd like to beat?

Show me what he has DONE, in office that reflects his Marxist philosophies, that he hangs out with marxists has no bearing whatsoever. So the country doesn't need "fundamental change

Hater? not so bad a term, I hated Bush, HATED him, but I would have voted for him again rather than vote for a pedophile, I, in fact, would likely have voted for him rather than vote for Romney (although it would be close).

I didn't call you a racist, racism has not come up, I don't call anyone racists on websites. My point is simply that you claim you would rather have a convicted pedophile in the whitehouse than Obama - what else could that indicate but blind hatred?


Well-Known Member
Show me what he has DONE, in office that reflects his Marxist philosophies, that he hangs out with marxists has no bearing whatsoever. So the country doesn't need "fundamental change

Hater? not so bad a term, I hated Bush, HATED him, but I would have voted for him again rather than vote for a pedophile, I, in fact, would likely have voted for him rather than vote for Romney (although it would be close).

I didn't call you a racist, racism has not come up, I don't call anyone racists on websites. My point is simply that you claim you would rather have a convicted pedophile in the whitehouse than Obama - what else could that indicate but blind hatred?
Hanging with Marxists has no bearing? Says who? You? Nice try. Guy hangs out with the Klu Klux Klan, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess he doesn't have many gay, Jewish, Milano friends. Who you associate with and list as your mentors has a great deal of bearing.

No, this country doesn't need fundamental change, at all. Unless you count throwing out EVERY horseshit, Progressive (both sides of the aisle) piece of legislation since FDR. If that's what you mean, sure, I can get on board with that.

I don't hate Obama, I think he's personable and quite funny. I abhorr his policies and just about everything that comes out of his piehole regarding this country and the direction of our society, but him personally, seems like a decent bloke.

And yes, I'd rather have a convicted pedophile and/or murderer leading this country, as long as their political philosophy was 180 degrees from Obama's.


Well-Known Member
Hanging with Marxists has no bearing? Says who? You? Nice try. Guy hangs out with the Klu Klux Klan, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess he doesn't have many gay, Jewish, Milano friends. Who you associate with and list as your mentors has a great deal of bearing.

No, this country doesn't need fundamental change, at all. Unless you count throwing out EVERY horseshit, Progressive (both sides of the aisle) piece of legislation since FDR. If that's what you mean, sure, I can get on board with that.

I don't hate Obama, I think he's personable and quite funny. I abhorr his policies and just about everything that comes out of his piehole regarding this country and the direction of our society, but him personally, seems like a decent bloke.

And yes, I'd rather have a convicted pedophile and/or murderer leading this country, as long as their political philosophy was 180 degrees from Obama's.
What are Sandusky's political views? and again, what has Obama DONE to warrent your exteme dislike of his policies? What Marxist things has he done?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
And yet - perception is reality. If we truely think we are free, then who is to say we are not?
Thinking you are free is not enough. I used to think I was smarter than the adults in my life, telling me otherwise. I used to think I was ten foot tall and bulletproof. I used to think a lot of things that I later learned were not true.
If you perceive that you are free, doesn't make it so. Does your supposed freedom pass the test?


Well-Known Member
Thinking you are free is not enough. I used to think I was smarter than the adults in my life, telling me otherwise. I used to think I was ten foot tall and bulletproof. I used to think a lot of things that I later learned were not true.
If you perceive that you are free, doesn't make it so. Does your supposed freedom pass the test?

My problem is that I know that I am not free and furthermore I suspect that no one else is either, but I suppose that would depend upon one's definition of free.

If a man in a cage does not believe that he is limited, he may still remain in that cage but he could be said to be free nonetheless.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
My problem is that I know that I am not free and furthermore I suspect that no one else is either, but I suppose that would depend upon one's definition of free.

If a man in a cage does not believe that he is limited, he may still remain in that cage but he could be said to be free nonetheless.
There is a freedom of the mind that is found in prison but that is not what we are talking about now. We are talking about physical freedom. The freedom to come and go as you please. The freedom to keep your personal and private property. The freedom to be left alone. I know that I am not free and it pisses me off when some of my own countrymen want to enslave me even further.