The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

Cool. Why do you want to keep your HR elevated?

Also, i would suggest doing a plank instead of sit ups. Or while doing sit ups, place your arms in different positions, like in a Y, T or X pattern. Changing limb position will change the stimulus being imposed on your core

I usually go till I get winded, rest till I can breathe at a normal pace again but still moderate, as I rest I'm usually walking around or doing push ups or sit ups depending on how out of breath I am. I try to keep my heart rate elevated the whole time
Man my weight is really fluctuating. The other day I had alot of protein to eat the other day, and last night I was up like 5lbs but then this morning I was back down 4lbs.
Cool. Why do you want to keep your HR elevated?

Also, i would suggest doing a plank instead of sit ups. Or while doing sit ups, place your arms in different positions, like in a Y, T or X pattern. Changing limb position will change the stimulus being imposed on your core

Keep the heart rate elevated to burn fat. From what I read, keep it 120% above normal and you burn fat.

I never incorporate plank into my workout, I just keep it simple, probably contributes to the considerably slow progress.. I'm interested in changing that, and have been incorporating different positions and routines in each workout. I'm at a comfortable weight, but I'd like to be a little better, especially before fall/winter comes, fuck that shit, it's REALLY tough to run when it gets cold for me! Dreading that shit, I'm going to diet like a MOFUCKER' this year!

I'm gonna step it up a few notches before it gets too cold.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. I know I've been neglecting this thread a lot, but I'm still doing everything, same as usual, just don't update... it's very tedious.. I do about 2-4 miles every time I go run, lately I've been incorporating a lot of sprints and quick, explosive exercises to burn more fat, also been dieting a lot more consciously, I hear the Paleo (Palio?) diet is good, and if you think about it, it makes a shit ton of sense, and I've heard Rogan and some of his guests promote it. I still eat wheat and peanut butter..
yea palio is suppose to be great if you wanna eat like a damn cave man lol. ill stick to my reg food until i wanna have a lot better endurance an bf%. i been on my shit still just havent been postin just like you man. ima do some shoulders today an if it stops rainin go for a run later. not durin the day tho cause its gonna be like 100% humidity out!
Nice work guys, I ran 4.5 miles this morning and feel great! Wish I could hit the weights but that will have to be post surgery. I picked up a timex watch that does heart rate, GPS and a bunch of other things I'll never use. It really helps me track things and will help me reach my goals much faster
yea palio is suppose to be great if you wanna eat like a damn cave man lol. ill stick to my reg food until i wanna have a lot better endurance an bf%. i been on my shit still just havent been postin just like you man. ima do some shoulders today an if it stops rainin go for a run later. not durin the day tho cause its gonna be like 100% humidity out!

My wife and I have been eating paleo for awhile. She's lost 130lbs and I've lost 60.
Don't know what's wrong with eating some nice grilled grass-fed steaks and roasted vegetables instead of some frozen bullshit in a box.
My wife and I have been eating paleo for awhile. She's lost 130lbs and I've lost 60.
Don't know what's wrong with eating some nice grilled grass-fed steaks and roasted vegetables instead of some frozen bullshit in a box.

oh i mean dont get me wrong im sure its good, but its pretty much as i said a cave man diet. i dont really feel like givin up my red beans an rice an all the other louisiana dishes that i love soo damn much! i watched a vid of a dude eatin paleo an doin crossfit an he got in amazin shape an felt great off the diet. i plan on tryin it when i have the funds to. ima have to cheat a lil more than most cause losin weight isnt on my to do list. only frozen thing i eat is them boneless skinless chicken breasts MMMMMMMM

ima need to get me one of those watches too that has all that an a stop watch an alarm so i can do my runs an other random bodyweight workouts i do.
So with the paleo diet do u have to cut out all cheese and dairy too, I mean I don't think cavemen were aging dairy to make cheddar cheese or makin butter. But damn its hard enuf to stay away from certain things but paleo means no processed foods whatsoever doesn't it? So went 2 days off from workin out, just been walkin a bit, and I dropped down to 220lbs now and added a 3rd set with the heavy weights.
Yeah, no dairy. I like to think meats and veggies all day everyday.

I would like to add however, if you make the cheese yourself, i dont see why you would avoid it

So with the paleo diet do u have to cut out all cheese and dairy too, I mean I don't think cavemen were aging dairy to make cheddar cheese or makin butter. But damn its hard enuf to stay away from certain things but paleo means no processed foods whatsoever doesn't it? So went 2 days off from workin out, just been walkin a bit, and I dropped down to 220lbs now and added a 3rd set with the heavy weights.
Mmmm..gumbo, aitufae, bodan...

Fucking awesome

oh i mean dont get me wrong im sure its good, but its pretty much as i said a cave man diet. i dont really feel like givin up my red beans an rice an all the other louisiana dishes that i love soo damn much! i watched a vid of a dude eatin paleo an doin crossfit an he got in amazin shape an felt great off the diet. i plan on tryin it when i have the funds to. ima have to cheat a lil more than most cause losin weight isnt on my to do list. only frozen thing i eat is them boneless skinless chicken breasts MMMMMMMM

ima need to get me one of those watches too that has all that an a stop watch an alarm so i can do my runs an other random bodyweight workouts i do.
Paleo is an awesome way to keep the carbs down. Carbs are what are fuckingall of us over,especially the government, by promoting low fat high carb diets. Totally fucking retarded as EFA's are an essential part of our body. There is a lot of good stuff on paleo,

Have you ever visited Awesome site for us paleo fanatics

What i do with my clients is, after each set of exercise, i have them do planks or isometrics that mimic the pattern we are training.

Yeah, i hear you buddy, i hate doing anything out in the damn cold. Develops mental toughness, but damn son, it sucks

You run around a track? Do 100m intervals, sprint straights, jog curves

Keep the heart rate elevated to burn fat. From what I read, keep it 120% above normal and you burn fat.

I never incorporate plank into my workout, I just keep it simple, probably contributes to the considerably slow progress.. I'm interested in changing that, and have been incorporating different positions and routines in each workout. I'm at a comfortable weight, but I'd like to be a little better, especially before fall/winter comes, fuck that shit, it's REALLY tough to run when it gets cold for me! Dreading that shit, I'm going to diet like a MOFUCKER' this year!

I'm gonna step it up a few notches before it gets too cold.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. I know I've been neglecting this thread a lot, but I'm still doing everything, same as usual, just don't update... it's very tedious.. I do about 2-4 miles every time I go run, lately I've been incorporating a lot of sprints and quick, explosive exercises to burn more fat, also been dieting a lot more consciously, I hear the Paleo (Palio?) diet is good, and if you think about it, it makes a shit ton of sense, and I've heard Rogan and some of his guests promote it. I still eat wheat and peanut butter..[/COLOR]
At night fluid begins to fill our intersticial spaces which can impact our weight and our appearance. Normally, in the evening and early morning hours will this be more visible.

Man my weight is really fluctuating. The other day I had alot of protein to eat the other day, and last night I was up like 5lbs but then this morning I was back down 4lbs.
I just jumped to the last page but was tickled to see paleo being mentioned. I was paleo for about a year but fell of the wagon with the divorce (bad excuse I know) I put a lot of weight back on. I was 226 and between P90x, insanity and eating paleolithic I got down to 150's pretty quick... unfortunately I found a good portion of that back when I stopped. I keep telling myself I will start up again.

I used to run a FB page Practically Primal but I haven't been updating obviously cause I don't really cook for just myself and im not rockin all that healthy any more.
I kinda started it just wanting to break away from fast food and try to eat healthier. Hardest thing to cut was soda. Ended up liking it and the results I was seeing even with very little exercise so I've stuck with it. I still drink milk though so I'm not 100% paleo but it's the only thing.

I enjoy not feeling like shit from all the carbs and artificial additives now.
Holy shit 150s, goddamn idk if I could ever get down there again. I think the last time I was in the 150s I was probably in 9th or 10th grade. I'll be happy once I get below 220 for the 1st time in awhile. But I think its kinda funny what ur sayin bout carbs, I mean I agree but my Gramps ate more bread than anyone I've ever met and he is also one of the skinniest in shape old guys u'll ever meet, he's been walkin at least a mile a day for well pretty much my whole life.
biceps an legs today its gonna be a short one cause the bow flex isnt real good for leg workouts. that plankin is a good workout tho!
I decided I'm going to start focusing a lot more on the diet side of things. Cutting out all the bad shit I eat and limiting portion size. No eating past 8 or 9pm. Time to burn off this extra 15lbs, fuck!
i can do it but i choose not to. im always too damn hungry past 9...i also dont sleep till 4 in the mornin an wake up till round 1-2 in the day so i guess i can eat later than 9. portion size is hard for me too cause im never full of them small amounts even if i snack between meals.