King Tut
In all honesty. I delivered furniture with my dad to a family that homeschooled. I didnt see any schooling The smallest one was watching teletubbies the other 2 kids were playing some kind of board game. Seemed like a decent famliy. But i felt bad for the kids. Their whole life revolved around staying home and going to church. I brought it up to my dad. He said it was none of our business.
There are successes in home schooling, but there are many many more failures.
The key to a succesful public education is parental involvement. And that is something homeschoolers may or may not have an advantage in. If their parents are capable the kids will learn, if not well then you get out what you put it. And I do know for a fact, Evangelicals that are teaching homeschooling leave out some education for the girls. As they are of lesser value.
And in MANY cases, when the parents try to get involved, they are misled/lied to, talked down to, ignored, etc. It's a fight i have been fighting for several years now. This year, i'm on the school site council and involved in all school board meetings. They don't like me at all. Too fucking bad. What bugs me more than anything, is that there are few people (raised in public education mind you) intelligent enough, with the will-power or gumption or even the SPINE to stand up to a system that treats you like shit.