The primary role of government?

Hmmn, there are lots of people that WANT to die, maybe we could just ask them to line up. it would ease the process, be more cost effective, and do away with the needless shit that goes on everywhere else...
I said this before
I took my duaghter to the Museum (free admission on mondays) a group of homeschoolers was below us in front of a diorama of a t rex and a stegosuarus fighting it out
it is like 15 foot tall
One of the chaperones says to the group
"See that is what you need to watch out for, it isnt true the bible tells us the world is 6000 years old"
She was referring to a sign that said this happened millions of years ago
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Okay great story, so does that mean ALL home schoolers are like that ?

Your story could just have easily been about a group of stoner kids hanging around scaring old ladies in a park with their skate board attire et al and then the old ladies would feel justified in thinking, "all people that use cannabis are stoner kids" . All of us brilliant intellectuals here know that isn't the case right? People that use cannabis represent a spectrum of life, just as home schooled people do. Of course recognizing people as individuals is hard for collectivists to do, so I'll excuse you this time.

BTW, trading a religious master for a government master is better how? Aren't both institutions founded and maintained by fear ?
Okay great story, so does that mean ALL home schoolers are like that ?

Your story could just have easily been about a group of stoner kids hanging around scaring old ladies in a park with their skate board attire et al and then the old ladies would feel justified in thinking, "all people that use cannabis are stoner kids" . All of us brilliant intellectuals here know that isn't the case right? People that use cannabis represent a spectrum of life, just as home schooled people do. Of course recognizing people as individuals is hard for collectivists to do, so I'll excuse you this time.

BTW, trading a religious master for a government master is better how? Aren't both institutions founded and maintained by fear ?

The dymanic is not as you suggest Rob.

One of the primary reasons home schoolers... home school is because they do not agree with the public school curriculum. Now what exactly is there to disagree with? Prayer in schools, the teaching of evolution and not creationism and the like. This would tend to indicate that the character of most home schoolers is as has been described. Now add to that the difficulty of lay parents teaching science and the lack of hands on science labs in private homes and you get home schoolers who are notoriously inept at science.
The dymanic is not as you suggest Rob.

One of the primary reasons home schoolers... home school is because they do not agree with the public school curriculum. Now what exactly is there to disagree with? Prayer in schools, the teaching of evolution and not creationism and the like. This would tend to indicate that the character of most home schoolers is as has been described. Now add to that the difficulty of lay parents teaching science and the lack of hands on science labs in private homes and you get home schoolers who are notoriously inept at science.

But science gets it all wrong
The earth is indeed flat and the sun revolves around it
it has been this way since God thought it into existance 6000 years ago
Collateral damage.

You may be ok with that but i'm sure as hell not. i completely understand the concept of collateral damage and accept that it is quite often unavoidable. MY issue comes with the fact that i don't believe we should be in as many situations as we are putting us into a situation where we HAVE to deal with collateral damage.

Some collateral damage is acceptable when attempting to save a life. Not so much when you are empire building.
The dymanic is not as you suggest Rob.

One of the primary reasons home schoolers... home school is because they do not agree with the public school curriculum. Now what exactly is there to disagree with? Prayer in schools, the teaching of evolution and not creationism and the like. This would tend to indicate that the character of most home schoolers is as has been described. Now add to that the difficulty of lay parents teaching science and the lack of hands on science labs in private homes and you get home schoolers who are notoriously inept at science.

Cool story, bro. Full of scientific facts and what not. Do homeschoolers who often win spelling bees and become valedictorian at times, are their offspring born with two heads? Tell us how they're unsocialized. They need indoctrination into the liberal brotherhood, otherwise they might actually be children as children. Not mini-adults. Can't have that!
The dymanic is not as you suggest Rob.

One of the primary reasons home schoolers... home school is because they do not agree with the public school curriculum. Now what exactly is there to disagree with? Prayer in schools, the teaching of evolution and not creationism and the like. This would tend to indicate that the character of most home schoolers is as has been described. Now add to that the difficulty of lay parents teaching science and the lack of hands on science labs in private homes and you get home schoolers who are notoriously inept at science.

People can disagree with public schools over much more than the curriculum now can't they? What people apparently are not FREE to disagree with, is how they are being made to pay for it, whether they use it or not or approve of it or not.

What is that term we use when one person or goup makes another person pay for something that they don't want and don't use under the threat of force ?

Praying to an invisible "god" that lives in the sky and will give you sugar plum treats and make all the "bad people" go away if you just lick his boots isn't much different than praying to a "god" that wears a red, white and blue pin on his lapel now is it ?

Certainly there are some home schooled kids that may not be Einsteins or Thomas Edison's in science (hmm...didn't they DROP out of school?) . Of course after 12 years o public schools you still get some kids that can barely write their name. Arguing the efficacy of the education is still a step toward a rationalization of the method of public schools and disregards my argument that the means of funding those schools is morally wrong.

Why do you think the communist manifesto included public education as their 10 plank? To ensure a compliant and obedient servant that would not question things some might say...
But science gets it all wrong
The earth is indeed flat and the sun revolves around it
it has been this way since God thought it into existance 6000 years ago

Of course the point you are "proving' with your example is irrelevant. I'm not siding with the bible thumpers or the government school types in ideology. Stay with the program or you'll have to repeat slow class again bub.
Of course the point you are "proving' with your example is irrelevant. I'm not siding with the bible thumpers or the government school types in ideology. Stay with the program or you'll have to repeat slow class again bub.
I've been searching the web for a homeschool curriculum and I've noticed some
are quite "multicult;" Sonlight for instance.

I want to provide a
Eurocentric education with a Christian and Classical base, so do you know who
provides the best pro-White homeschool curriculum?

I'm open to mixing
and matching, using Language Arts from one provider and Math and History from

I'd be very grateful for some feedback. I don't know how open
these publishers would be for this kind of question, but I'll ask them directly
if I have to.
Okay great story, so does that mean ALL home schoolers are like that ?

Your story could just have easily been about a group of stoner kids hanging around scaring old ladies in a park with their skate board attire et al and then the old ladies would feel justified in thinking, "all people that use cannabis are stoner kids" . All of us brilliant intellectuals here know that isn't the case right? People that use cannabis represent a spectrum of life, just as home schooled people do. Of course recognizing people as individuals is hard for collectivists to do, so I'll excuse you this time.

BTW, trading a religious master for a government master is better how? Aren't both institutions founded and maintained by fear ?
The Population Reference Bureau recently released their most current
statistics regarding interracial marriage. Their data is current through the
year 2000 – the latest year that figures are available. In their report they
say, “Recent opinion surveys show greater acceptance of interracial romantic
relationships, with majorities of respondents saying that they accept
interracial dating and marriage. These shifts in public opinion are remarkable,
considering that anti miscegenation laws were not overturned until 1967 and
that, as recently as 1990, 67 percent of whites either opposed or strongly
opposed a relative marrying a black person…In a 2000 survey , 38 percent of
white Americans opposed their relative marrying a black person.”

According to the PRB, intermarriage will increase. The rise in intermarriage
is credited to three things. 1)the overturning of anti-miscegenation laws in
1967. 2) the large-scale immigration of people from Asia and Latin America
following changes to the immigration laws in 1965 and 3) the civil rights
movement which included school desegregation and affirmative action that in turn
placed whites and non-whites in continual day to day interaction via school and

The biggest increase in intermarriage has occurred in recent years, due to
the social interaction of children of different races in the school room.
Obviously school busing, the promotion of interracial marriages by “Christian”
preachers, visible images in all types of media, and 12 (plus) years of social
conditioning in the schools for each and every child has had a devastating
effect on the racial integrity of white America and our sister white

Chesus Rice your nonsensical replies and your constantly building strawmen and imaginary racist boogie men scare stories has me thinking you are incapable of adressing another persons arguments using logic and reasoning. I like you better when you draw me nice pictures of Jesus and his pet dinosaur.

Did you examine the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto yet ? What do you think of that ?
Chesus Rice your nonsensical replies and your constantly building strawmen and imaginary racist boogie men scare stories has me thinking you are incapable of adressing another persons arguments using logic and reasoning. I like you better when you draw me nice pictures of Jesus and his pet dinosaur.

Did you examine the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto yet ? What do you think of that ?

The Duke already figured out the 11th plank.
Chesus Rice your nonsensical replies and your constantly building strawmen and imaginary racist boogie men scare stories has me thinking you are incapable of adressing another persons arguments using logic and reasoning. I like you better when you draw me nice pictures of Jesus and his pet dinosaur.

Did you examine the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto yet ? What do you think of that ?

Simply pointing out the majority of homeschoolers do so for the reasons of they do not agree with society at large and instead indoctrinate their children in a belief system that is not positive

Does that make you uncomfortable?
Simply pointing out the majority of homeschoolers do so for the reasons of they do not agree with society at large and instead indoctrinate their children in a belief system that is not positive

Does that make you uncomfortable?

While what you say is true in some cases, many home-school not because they "don't want their child indoctrinated" but because the government run school system sucks just as bad at educating kids as the government run DOJ does at fighting the drug war.
While what you say is true in some cases, many home-school not because they "don't want their child indoctrinated" but because the government run school system sucks just as bad at educating kids as the government run DOJ does at fighting the drug war.

And i am sure most homeschooler teachers are vastly more qualified to teach than someone with a degree in child education and a license like you see in the goverment run school system
And i am sure most homeschooler teachers are vastly more qualified to teach than someone with a degree in child education and a license like you see in the goverment run school system

The ones that I have met are better at creating an interest in learning and teaching kids how to think independently.
And i am sure most homeschooler teachers are vastly more qualified to teach than someone with a degree in child education and a license like you see in the goverment run school system

While i understand what you're saying, i've seen quite a few "educated" people that were dumb as rocks in the real world. Seriously, around 50% or more of the college graduates that i know would have no clue what to do if they had a flat tire and somehow lost the lugnuts to the tire they were changing.

There ARE benefits to formal education but it seems that there is a correlation between the number of years a person spends in the education system and the lack of real world sensibility imo.
The ones that I have met are better at creating an interest in learning and teaching kids how to think independently.

In all honesty. I delivered furniture with my dad to a family that homeschooled. I didnt see any schooling The smallest one was watching teletubbies the other 2 kids were playing some kind of board game. Seemed like a decent famliy. But i felt bad for the kids. Their whole life revolved around staying home and going to church. I brought it up to my dad. He said it was none of our business.
There are successes in home schooling, but there are many many more failures.
The key to a succesful public education is parental involvement. And that is something homeschoolers may or may not have an advantage in. If their parents are capable the kids will learn, if not well then you get out what you put it. And I do know for a fact, Evangelicals that are teaching homeschooling leave out some education for the girls. As they are of lesser value.