Well-Known Member
Hi all this is my first attempt at growing, so far seems like things are going pretty good but I wanted to get some experienced eyes to take a look at what I have going and hopefully get some suggestions. I have to 2 4ft florescent with a warm white and cool white bulb in each. I have a five gallons of distilled water at a ph level of 5.5 and ppm of 6hundred something(its in my journal but not handy at moment) im going into the third week of growth. im using a feeding chart I got on line for the products I have, flora grow,flora micro, and flora bloom. changing water once a week... There is a little curling of some of the leaves im a lil concerned about. but to be honest I really dont know what signs to be looking for... any coments will be welcome... oh yea 18 hour light cycle, and watering 3 times a day with a drip system to rockwell cubes. pretty much I just make sure they always have a lil weight to them.