Confederate Flag Wavers = Traitors

For the Dark Lord. cn
Mister "kynes" or whoever the fuck u wish u could be

should i slap u now or later?

you might be the most fake person on this website. reality is a bitch isnt it

you are no more a doctor than you are a wordzsmith
Mister "kynes" or whoever the fuck u wish u could be

should i slap u now or later?

you might be the most fake person on this website. reality is a bitch isnt it

you are no more a doctor than you are a wordzsmith

My diagnosis, terminal butthurt. there is no cure, and the prognosis is grim. i give you less than a month before you pop your top like Steve Kangas,, who i am sad to say was also driven to the brink of madness by his intolerable anal pain and rectal agony while trying to convert me to his cause of "liberalism resurgent".

yep, the X-Ray confirms it, terminal butthurt. sorry bro.

My diagnosis, terminal butthurt. there is no cure, and the prognosis is grim. i give you less than a month before you pop your top like Steve Kangas,, who i am sad to say was also driven to the brink of madness by his intolerable anal pain and rectal agony while trying to convert me to his cause of "liberalism resurgent".

yep, the X-Ray confirms it, terminal butthurt. sorry bro.

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you are not an american
you are not an american

ohh my, banished to the outlands and forced to take the long walk into the desert wilderness by the decree of our overlord "dtp5150" how ever shall i resign myself to continued struggle on this mortal coil of pain and woe!

Take me now lord, im not worthy of "dtp5150" and his puissant insights! i surrender myself to yor mercy ohh mightiest of all the heavenly host! please descend upong me now and reap me with your grim scythe and return me to the bosom of our maker and redeemer in your mercy. amen.

if i wasnt just takin a break from splittin wood i might just hang loose and milk you for all the lulz your udder can provide. but i got some sweatin to do before winter comes.
ill wave my confederate flag and id dare you to try and slap me and you would be wearing my x all the way home
As a TRUE American patriot who believes in the Constitution & free speech, I would fly a confederate flag proudly if I chose too. These obamma huggers are another sign of how just how far our rights have been eroded. They, like obamma forget about the american way of life & the Constitution.
As a TRUE American patriot who believes in the Constitution & free speech, I would fly a confederate flag proudly if I chose too. These obamma huggers are another sign of how just how far our rights have been eroded. They, like obamma forget about the american way of life & the Constitution.

do you feel good yet

i would slap you
do you feel good yet

i would slap you

you will slap nobody. i doubt you have the strength to slap your own pickle. go cry in your Malt-O-Meal, and tug at your impotent gristle you wretched flap of putrescent boil covered anal tissue.
you purple hued malt worm
you rogue
you villain
you paragon of decrepitude
you despicable poltroon
you un-hallowed friar
you wanton gambol
you porter of Hell Gate
you common enemy of man
you inexecrable dog
you lean unwashed artificer
you whoreson cullionly barbermonger
you King of Codpieces
you contemptuous base-born catamite

also, NO U!
I have a stars and bars on my wall, a collection of other civil war items- hats, swords, commemorative knives - both to Ulysses Grant and Robert E. Lee. It's an interesting part of history to me and I enjoy collecting things from that era. Theres nothing racist or offensive about it except what people choose to do to themselves.

No actually you're incorrect. I have other military items I collect, none of which have any blood on them which is disgusting or are from foriegn-nazi origin. All of them are US items. You might ask yourself why the history of our country offends you so much. I like going to museums too. Seems you have no appreciation of American history.