AZ dispensary owners are clueless


Well-Known Member
I have interviewed with a few groups now and they all want the same thing...

Tons of Buds!

They are so clueless. They expect a grower to come in and produce 50lbs a month!

I have also ran into the bullshitters too. A guy produced a pound at home on his e&f table and now is getting a head grower job.
He told me how he is going to set the place up and not only is he screwing the dispensary and himself, he is screwing the patients cuz he won't be able to produce. You would think that dispensaries would talk to as many growers as they could before hiring one.

Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off.
I have interviewed with a few groups now and they all want the same thing...

Tons of Buds!

They are so clueless. They expect a grower to come in and produce 50lbs a month!

I have also ran into the bullshitters too. A guy produced a pound at home on his e&f table and now is getting a head grower job.
He told me how he is going to set the place up and not only is he screwing the dispensary and himself, he is screwing the patients cuz he won't be able to produce. You would think that dispensaries would talk to as many growers as they could before hiring one.

Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off.

The less diligent dispensary owners will most definitely make blunders that jeapordize their business or seriously
The less diligent dispensary owners will most definitely make blunders that jeapordize their business or seriously

I have interviewed with a few groups now and they all want the same thing...

Tons of Buds!

They are so clueless. They expect a grower to come in and produce 50lbs a month!

I have also ran into the bullshitters too. A guy produced a pound at home on his e&f table and now is getting a head grower job.
He told me how he is going to set the place up and not only is he screwing the dispensary and himself, he is screwing the patients cuz he won't be able to produce. You would think that dispensaries would talk to as many growers as they could before hiring one.

Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off.
Worth the rant but that is only a small part of the problem.

The 2yr master is taking over in AZ.
None of these dummies knows what is takes to run a real facility. Let these businesses come crashing down...
Maybe that is why they are so appealing, they know as much as the dispensary owners. I can only imagine the god complex in this scenario...
That is what happens in the real world when you don't know jack about an industry.
Just because there is cannabis growing does not mean you will be making money.
A lb per light promises are only that, open ended promises.
These owners have no idea what they are getting into let alone the plant count needed to sustain the state patient population.
The average of patients per dispensary dictates a specific amount of product.
The typical 10kW-20kW facility will not meet the demand. Not even close!!!

I suggest to any of the registration certificate holders to look for growers/associations who have all the figures laid out for your business.
Those are the people who know what the fuck is going on and what it takes to stay above water in this industry.
The rest are not professionals and will be the typical stoner employee.
I would not be risking my investment and businesses longevity with what majority of the growers have to offer...(Esp. if the farmers markets are dicating the quality to come; minus one or two booths.)
Good luck finding an organized group out here that is not already spoken for.
If by some miracle there are a few available, I would rethink my current approach and lock that in a contractual agreement instantly.
Otherwise, all the perseverance to obtain a dispensary will all be for nothing..

The owners who are not cultivating have no idea what their potential profit margin is going to be, they are fumbling around in the dark.
Please show me a business model that relies on competitors success in order to prosper....
Some of the winners are lucky real estate agents, good luck making any money not producing your own medicine.
Suppliers know what they have and they intend to make money with their business plan. Compassion is in the wind for these folks.
Sad but understandable, look out how our state officials are handling this dispensaries. With all their scare tactics, they have set up a situation were a the get rich quick schemes seems to be the best bet.
Prices are going to be outrageous the first few years. I have spoken with producers who intend supply the state and their figures are extremely high/ ($3500 -$5200 an LB Wholesale of sub-par medicine)
CFCC was saying $350-$500 and ounce prices, w/o a break that is anywhere from $5600-$8000 a lb. NO MONEY WILL BE MADE IN THIS SCENARIO.
Get a CPA over here and crunch some numbers. At these prices dispensary owners will be lucky to make a few thousand dollars profit a year, after all the expenses are paid for, if that..

This does not even begin to scratch the surface of this issue...
How do these owners intend to procure these Lbs?
Cash.... Not only have a lot of these winners exhausted serious funds to get to where they are today, now to stock their shelves they need to come out of pocket 10's of thousands of dollars? With no profit margin available.
I think not..
Business owners need a slap in the face if they do not see the huge dilema here.
$40 1/8's is only $5,120 lb.

Not to mention without caregivers growing medicine and supplying dispensaries the black market will be more affordable.
Currently the state only has 800 CG's, but the 25 mil rule will quash that number.

To summarize: The patients and small business owners are fucked.
We have been contemplating starting a consulting group of growers. Offer not only consulting, growers that have passed a test given them by experienced growers, for hire.
Problem is, I only know so many locals that can grow worth a shit and it isn't many.
Its OK let the prospective dispensary owners think they are the shit and they are gonna run shit. While they are busy doing that and fighting with the state. I will just keep on growing and supplying patients. The growers really hold the power here and we stand to benefit the most. Any grower worth their salt should recognize the power they have. The producers have always gained the most and now will be no exception unless some idiot signs up to work as a slave for a dispensary.
We have been contemplating starting a consulting group of growers. Offer not only consulting, growers that have passed a test given them by experienced growers, for hire.
Problem is, I only know so many locals that can grow worth a shit and it isn't many.

There is already a company/group doing that... There product is fire all around.

It's actually $6400 by my math.
I was thinking $40, wishful thinking.
Amended, Thank You
Most Dispensary owners seem to be pulling growers off of the growers networks on Facebook. Also by referral.

I think the Dispensary owners are looking for thing in this order

1. A dependable person who is professional and grows by the rules

2. A person who can show them good product that they have produced

3. A person who isn't a 1 man show and knows how to run a business and hire the right people to run a grow.

The reason most bedroom growers on the net will always be bedroom growers is the following:

1. They think they are the greatest thing to ever hit marijuana cultivation

2. Their egos are too heavy for most Dispensary owners to deal with

3. They think they can do it all themselves. Most don't have any clue how many people it takes to run a 700-1000 plant cultivation.

But who knows. Maybe i'm wrong. I guess we shall see.
Most Dispensary owners seem to be pulling growers off of the growers networks on Facebook. Also by referral.

I think the Dispensary owners are looking for thing in this order

1. A dependable person who is professional and grows by the rules

2. A person who can show them good product that they have produced

3. A person who isn't a 1 man show and knows how to run a business and hire the right people to run a grow.

The reason most bedroom growers on the net will always be bedroom growers is the following:

1. They think they are the greatest thing to ever hit marijuana cultivation

2. Their egos are too heavy for most Dispensary owners to deal with

3. They think they can do it all themselves. Most don't have any clue how many people it takes to run a 700-1000 plant cultivation.

But who knows. Maybe i'm wrong. I guess we shall see.
This whole post just made me laugh. 700-1000 plant cultivation. Have fun in federal prison. Where do you come up with this bullshit because it certainly does not come from experience. Do you just make it up as you go a long? Just your idea of a 700-1000 plant cultivation shows how far away from reality your mind is.
This whole post just made me laugh. 700-1000 plant cultivation. Have fun in federal prison. Where do you come up with this bullshit because it certainly does not come from experience. Do you just make it up as you go a long? Just your idea of a 700-1000 plant cultivation shows how far away from reality your mind is.

I am just basing that off of the 3 cultivation centers ive been in here in the valley that are planning on growing enough for a dispensary.

You wouldn't have a clue as to what a cultivation location would require to be able to provide for a busy Phoenix Dispensary. Would you? No.

Clone room 150-300

Veg room 100-150

Flower 100-150

Or are you under the impression that you can cultivate under 98 plants and possibly provide enough for a Dispensary? LOL

You're clueless dude. Stick to your 5x5 tent and leave commercial growing to those dude who know what they are doing. Whoever they are.
Let's just say that there is a commercial grow with ~1,000 plants here in AZ. In order to be in compliance, that grow would have to be registered with AZDHS, I have a gut feeling that Bill M or Tom H would derive great pleasure from leaking that information to the Federal Government - who will promptly shut that down and prosecute accordingly.

The only way I see this happening would be for the dispensaries to have several grow locations where the plant counts stay below that magic Federal number of 99. This however destroys the economy of scale and will drive costs up significantly. I will be very surprised if dispensaries open at all, let alone stay open under our current law and political climate.
Let'ss just say that there is a commercial grow with ~1,000 plants here in AZ. In order to be in compliance, that grow would have to be registered with AZDHS, I have a gut feeling that Bill M or Tom H would derive great pleasure from leaking that information to the Federal Government - who will promptly shut that down and prosecute accordingly.

The only way I see this happening would be for the dispensaries to have several grow locations where the plant counts stay below that magic Federal number of 99. This however destroys the economy of scale and will drive costs up significantly. I will be very surprised if dispensaries open at all, let alone stay open under our current law and political climate.

Except that it's 98 total. Not in 1 location.

The Feds are not going to be rushing to save AZ anytime soon. They aren't exactly happy with our governor.

My guess is each dispensary ends up with 2-3 locations and 300-400 plants each.
Since dispensaries are allowed more than 1 additional facility for cultivation /sarcasm /wanking motion with hand, do you guys even read the laws or just make them up as you go? Thats an interesting approach that will get you far in life. Sometimes I think this board exists for the sole purpose of misinformation, which could help us in the robot apocalypse come to think of it... Drabble on.
Since dispensaries are allowed more than 1 additional facility for cultivation /sarcasm /wanking motion with hand, do you guys even read the laws or just make them up as you go? Thats an interesting approach that will get you far in life. Sometimes I think this board exists for the sole purpose of misinformation, which could help us in the robot apocalypse come to think of it... Drabble on.

Who was that directed to? I missed the sarcasm part. They can have multiple locations. That's a fact.
Most Dispensary owners seem to be pulling growers off of the growers networks on Facebook. Also by referral.

I think the Dispensary owners are looking for thing in this order

1. A dependable person who is professional and grows by the rules

2. A person who can show them good product that they have produced

3. A person who isn't a 1 man show and knows how to run a business and hire the right people to run a grow.

The reason most bedroom growers on the net will always be bedroom growers is the following:

1. They think they are the greatest thing to ever hit marijuana cultivation

2. Their egos are too heavy for most Dispensary owners to deal with

3. They think they can do it all themselves. Most don't have any clue how many people it takes to run a 700-1000 plant cultivation.

But who knows. Maybe i'm wrong. I guess we shall see.

Last portion sounds very self-descriptive from what I have seen here on the kings forum...

Since dispensaries are allowed more than 1 additional facility for cultivation /sarcasm /wanking motion with hand, do you guys even read the laws or just make them up as you go? Thats an interesting approach that will get you far in life. Sometimes I think this board exists for the sole purpose of misinformation, which could help us in the robot apocalypse come to think of it... Drabble on.

I wonder what portion of society in general actually has taken the time to read the rules front to back.
Robot apocalypse....
Sounds promising if AZ dispensaries intend to grow the current garbage that is available to patients while hiring shit gardeners.
Combining two total piece of shit philosophies and praying for the best results will never yield anything worth smoking.

All these plant counts being thrown around out here are moot, has anybody REALLY crunched the numbers?
Plant count is irrelevant/total guesswork until one can calculate the necessary amount a dispensary will need to produce to provide for its patients.
The cost to build, stock and operate a facility should be more of the concern for the registration certificate holders.
I would love to see what the experts on RIU have in mind for costs, we all know the dispensary owners have no clue about equipment esp. A/C..
Another scenario that will be extremely common is the wasting money on worthless equipment for trial and error purposes because a grower(s) does not know what they are doing.

How does everyone intend to get paid? That would be another awesome RIU thread to laugh at.
I would also love to see a thread of the potential dispensary owners/growers genetic line-up, including photos.
I bet it is all beyond sub-par and tests at a whopping 23% or higher.
How can patient expect to receive quality when the dispensary owners and their growers are settling for "top-shelf" clones they found on CL or at a local Compassion Club?

The people who think they have it figured out will not be able to hold a candle to an organized team.
Creating an established relationship with other growers is not easy, look at all the bickering on the forum.
To run a real facility that would supply the necessary demand for just one dispensary, the cultivators should already have experience working together.
No two growers will ever have the same methods unless they have taught one another, figuring out the best nutrient regiment will be a ticking time bomb.
Last portion sounds very self-descriptive from what I have seen here on the kings forum...

I wonder what portion of society in general actually has taken the time to read the rules front to back.
Robot apocalypse....
Sounds promising if AZ dispensaries intend to grow the current garbage that is available to patients while hiring shit gardeners.
Combining two total piece of shit philosophies and praying for the best results will never yield anything worth smoking.

All these plant counts being thrown around out here are moot, has anybody REALLY crunched the numbers?
Plant count is irrelevant/total guesswork until one can calculate the necessary amount a dispensary will need to produce to provide for its patients.
The cost to build, stock and operate a facility should be more of the concern for the registration certificate holders.
I would love to see what the experts on RIU have in mind for costs, we all know the dispensary owners have no clue about equipment esp. A/C..
Another scenario that will be extremely common is the wasting money on worthless equipment for trial and error purposes because a grower(s) does not know what they are doing.

How does everyone intend to get paid? That would be another awesome RIU thread to laugh at.
I would also love to see a thread of the potential dispensary owners/growers genetic line-up, including photos.
I bet it is all beyond sub-par and tests at a whopping 23% or higher.
How can patient expect to receive quality when the dispensary owners and their growers are settling for "top-shelf" clones they found on CL or at a local Compassion Club?

The people who think they have it figured out will not be able to hold a candle to an organized team.
Creating an established relationship with other growers is not easy, look at all the bickering on the forum.
To run a real facility that would supply the necessary demand for just one dispensary, the cultivators should already have experience working together.
No two growers will ever have the same methods unless they have taught one another, figuring out the best nutrient regiment will be a ticking time bomb.

You win bro!

The award for the biggest pessimist and hater on the forum.

LOL...Hortus One puts a guy like you in charge? No wonder they have to spam Craigslist.

Just LOL
You win bro!
The award for the biggest pessimist and hater on the forum.
LOL...Hortus One puts a guy like you in charge? No wonder they have to spam Craigslist.
Just LOL

Once again, misinformation all over the place. Pulling randomness out of thin air...
Typical LV..

Im in this for the patients and myself, just to set the record straight, despite the picture you have painted in your Lucius reality.
I can afford property 25 miles outside the sanction and I can afford to sustain a life there...
This state is to shifty to be heavily invested in this industry in any capacity IMO, sorry to burst your fantasy.

Although fabricated, I appreciate the compliment about being "in-charge" of one of the outfits that does grow dank. (I think most forum goers would attest to this as well.)
For you to assume that about me makes me laugh, my previous post obviously made you realize that there are people out there who have thought this through much further than your measly plant count theory...

Thanks LV, keep growing those hempy buckets buddy. You shouldn't be the one to talk shit about closet growers...
I love how you edit the posts you chose to quote from i.e delete 1337hackers post that I was responding to, solely to create drama...
Only the first portion about you being a king and self descriptive was directed towards you.
But you are the king, so its all about you man...
I think everyone was able to realize that distinction but you.

"Hater" "pessimist" sounds like more self-description to me. :clap:
If you have ever read your own posts you would see that this describes you to a T..

They think they are the greatest thing to ever hit marijuana cultivation

Their egos are too heavy for most Dispensary owners to deal with

Keep drinkin that Haterade man. As well all know, everyone grows shit and you are the only one with "dank".

Thanks for allowing us to share your forum with you. Glad to know we are worthy. I don't think I've ever seen any forum Newb start as much drama as you.

Keep drinkin that Haterade man. As well all know, everyone grows shit and you are the only one with "dank".

Thanks for allowing us to share your forum with you. Glad to know we are worthy. I don't think I've ever seen any forum Newb start as much drama as you.


Thin Air....
When did I ever say I grow dank or the dankest?
Just like hacker said you never use a quote, not even to prove your argument.
I want some evidence of that claim before you start talking shit.

Haterade? What great idea of yours am I hating on, the plant count theory?
I do not think that is an efficient foundation to build a facility around.
There are too many variables to consider.
For instance: what do you think it would cost you to grow 300-400 plants at your multiple facilities?
You provided the numbers so surely you know the exact amount of production costs, building size required etc.

I also love how I call you the king of the forum and your rebuttal is that this is my forum.
Your obviously a real witty one.
In case you have not noticed, you are the only one everyone gets into it with, including myself.
I challenge you to find a quote on here of me ripping apart someone else.
You will be hard pressed to locate a QUOTE, because nobody has a napoleon complex like you.
Like the rest of the forum population, I'm hear to take/give advice.
You only serve as an obstacle for the public's access to quality information, one must sift through all your trash you spew at EVERYONE to find a shred of good info.