First Time Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
looks similar to my plants
whatare u growing
2 bag seeds. Seems one is indica dominant, as well as one sativa dominant. Anyway Don't get me wrong engima. I may be wrong as well I mean it was my first time. I'll figure out if i cut it wrong or right when it grows some more!! lmfao. If i did it wrong well oops live and learn ;P Thanks tho for ur help . I coulda swore tho i only cut 3/4s off n left a nice lil end of new growth. Hrm


Well-Known Member
Man this will be teh first time where i wont be able to see my plants for 21 hours STRAIGHT!! the possibilities!! MAN last night lights went out at 12, So i sealed up the room. Lights come back on in an hour but i'll be at work n wont be back till 9pm!! ARG! teh whole day i'll be like god i hope they didnt shoot up over night n get too close to teh light lmfao .


Well-Known Member
hey bro, how big is your grow area? How hot does your temps get in your area? Whats been the max tempp??


Well-Known Member
To tell you teh truth. I saw ur grow op. Looks exaclty like my closet, cept looks like ur doors are gone, n i have a shelve above kinda where ur light is that cuts it in 70 / 30 lmfao. The overall specs that I actually "USE" tho 63" H x 2' W x 7' L . Above the shelve I have about another 3 feet or 4 That I dont use. Now in the buttom part that I just gave the specs for. Its split like this 64" H x 2' W x 4' L for vegatative. In flowering (this flowering space isnt perm) its 64" H x 2' W x 3' L . Temps at night go to about 78-83 Degrees. turning the day Since the room is split now n has only 1 fan on each side, instead of 2 for the whole room. It gets up to about 95 degrees max during peek hours around 12-2pm. Then back down to around 85ish. Humd in flowering is 21 percent. In vegatative 40-50 percent :P . My plants seem to love these conditions as its been this way for about 28 days ;P


Well-Known Member
thiose are intense F readings. I freak out when they get over 83 lol. I've always read that low temps are ideal for flowering but it's hard to maintain low temps without spending some money. Since you are using doors, getting that air out is going to be a pain. Thats why I took the doors off my closet and just put a tarp that I can cut holes into. How many fans are you using, and are you using any kind of fan for your light? Do you have AC running to that room at all?


Well-Known Member
i was having temp problems at first also because like your guys, mine is also a closet with a door and no AC vent into the room. My temps could easily get into the 90's but if you check my set up thats why i have that big regular room fan just blowing constant cool air in from my room, and than the other black fan on top of the whole grow blowing hot air out of that closet, without that black fan on top blowing out that hot air it was still staying a warm temp in there though. My room has great air circulation now and i dont have any probs with temps, they never go above 83 now even during the hottest part of the day. And during the summer to reduce the cost of AC, we just run the "fan" function all day.


Well-Known Member
thiose are intense F readings. I freak out when they get over 83 lol. I've always read that low temps are ideal for flowering but it's hard to maintain low temps without spending some money. Since you are using doors, getting that air out is going to be a pain. Thats why I took the doors off my closet and just put a tarp that I can cut holes into. How many fans are you using, and are you using any kind of fan for your light? Do you have AC running to that room at all?
I am using 2, but since i cut the room into 2, Its 1 per side :-x. Nope no fan on the light, no ac in the room at all, my room is nontheless hott lmfao!!! Anyway i did add a cool mist humdifier into the room when i came home for lunch cause well my highs were 99 today in my flowering lmfao. So i got it down to high of 85 n low of 80 So thats better ;P For now anyway .


Well-Known Member
I am using 2, but since i cut the room into 2, Its 1 per side :-x. Nope no fan on the light, no ac in the room at all, my room is nontheless hott lmfao!!! Anyway i did add a cool mist humdifier into the room when i came home for lunch cause well my highs were 99 today in my flowering lmfao. So i got it down to high of 85 n low of 80 So thats better ;P For now anyway .
When you drop that wad on the new tube I gotta see it in action!

That might be a RIU first!


Well-Known Member
mcclean try what i am doing with those 2 big fans blowing air in and out i gaurntee it will drop it.


Well-Known Member
I cant have 2 big fans running tho when im not here, n it has to be closed up when i'm gone. n this isnt a perm flower spot, So im not gonna set up a vent system. Just anotehr month i'll have my money for what i want n need to get .


Well-Known Member
I cant have 2 big fans running tho when im not here, n it has to be closed up when i'm gone. n this isnt a perm flower spot, So im not gonna set up a vent system. Just anotehr month i'll have my money for what i want n need to get .
For some reason, this sounds all too familiar...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Just read your whole journal. I'm in my first grow about 15 days behind you. Your success is encouraging. Can't wait to see the results - those are some healthy plants with classic indica and sativa traits.


Well-Known Member
Just read your whole journal. I'm in my first grow about 15 days behind you. Your success is encouraging. Can't wait to see the results - those are some healthy plants with classic indica and sativa traits.
Oh thanks for stopping by and support ;P ya they are both very differnt lmfao. I honestly think the sativa was my dro seed I had.

Still looking great Clean, keep it up :D
Thanks alot grass :P ur never ending support is great :) Hope u enjoy my typo :P

lookin clean x.x
thanks I took a shower this morning :P


Well-Known Member
hey bro, glad to see you got the temps down a good bit. can't wait to see the pics, and thanks for your support on my thread :mrgreen: :joint: