So I was robbed at a gas station and the idiots got caught!

I should go sit in Detroit gas station tomorrow night with two ozs on my lap and see if someone actually kills me when they rip it off, so that I can prove Detroit is cooler than Saginaw.

Welcome to Detroit
Now go home!

Murder City

Young Boys Incorporated.
Black Knights.
White Boy Rick.

Coleman Young.

Saginaw is a poor stepchild to the D.

So do I now hope for Saginaw to get worse so the rest of UP LEO leaves to help?!
Well, for what its worth. Thanks!
Some of those comments on that page are ridiculous. Sure there is crime in Sag, but people don't get shot, smoke crack, or get raped at the park by the hospital. And how is marquette following in sags footsteps? Hardly. A lot of out of touch yoopers up there. I'm sure you guys are glad to get rid of a few state boys though. The only time I have been pulled over in the UP was on 2 and that was by a state boy. Damn pass only lanes.
Actually I took 3 idiots off the street that might of killed or hurt someone badly that night

I got into a high speed chase with them they were doing over 100mph I was doing 90 just to keep behind them, as soon as we got into it I called 911 and reported what happen, I got into a high speed chase running lights/stop signs

LMFAO. So they were the only idiots who might have hurt or killed someone right? :lol: Pot calling the kettle black or what!
Some of those comments on that page are ridiculous. Sure there is crime in Sag, but people don't get shot, smoke crack, or get raped at the park by the hospital. And how is marquette following in sags footsteps? Hardly. A lot of out of touch yoopers up there. I'm sure you guys are glad to get rid of a few state boys though. The only time I have been pulled over in the UP was on 2 and that was by a state boy. Damn pass only lanes.

Capt Marq is finally getting some crime. People that make comments like Marquette is getting as rough as Detroit or Saginaw are people that have never crime before. I have actually worked with racist people up here that have never even spoken to a black person before. (Now that is fucking crazy). Another common Yooper fucked phrase is "If you can drive in Marquette, you can drive anywhere", That is said by fuckers that have only heard rumors of traffic jams. lmao. Lots of out of touch Yoopers sticky. We are getting people to try and realize that meth and marijuana are different things up here.

All that being said, I bet we could spare a few more troopers! lmao
I've always wondered why there were parking lots at bars, if you're not supposed to drive drunk. They always say, "we're cracking down on drunk driving", but go by any bar and not a single cop. Make that bar a dispensary and see how many cops loiter around.
Everyone here is drunk, well not me, but everyone else I know. Even the cops, go down to the Hamilton street pub for lunch and I bet there is 5-10 of them in there having a drink.

After watching that Milton Hill video I'm more scared of them than ever. I've been beat down by them before when I got confused and thought I should swing at one of them. I'm hoping after that shit goes to court the cops will chill around here. But I actually think they will drop the case move the murderers to a safe house, then its gonna be just like Rodney King around here. Hope they fry but I don't see it. If they get away with that its just like giving permission to all the other piggys and that shit scares the fuck out of me!
Yeah, I don't think these cops helped ryan find his weed. You're right taco, it makes me wonder if they'd shoot me like that. That's kinds scary.
What's up with the last cop shooting that dumped like 6 more rounds into him? He must have been having too much fun.
Freaking psychotic! This is the kind of crazy fucks that we hired to protect our self from that kind of crazy fuck! I can't even wrap my head around it really...... been showing the video to as my people as possible, rubs me the wrong way. Probably not a good idea to be white and near that riot when they let the cops off.

I try to teach my kids to not kill much more than a mosquito and I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut when pigs come to there school. I want to make a bunch of WHO MURDERED MILTON shirts and stickers just to show a little support, or whatever it is when you want to go after the guys with guns and handcuffs!
America... There's a reason why it is perceived by outsiders as one of the biggest jokes of the world. I'm not saying that to arouse a reaction, i'm just telling how it is.

Just this afternoon i read that other than the guy who was shot down by the ex-employee, every single person injured by gunfire at the Empire State building incident was injured by police gunfire. It's fucking pathetic, it is beyond a joke.
Thats funny, arouse a reaction. I'm proudly an anarchist, anytime I bring up any of my opinions on uncle sam or the military the tread just dies..... no reaction though, people don't like to see the obvious when they are part of the problem.
That is as wrong as wrong can possibly be. I hope those motherfucking pigs pay for executing that human being. Fucking other police officers MUST be outraged. And that cock sucking police chief. "The guy has had a long history with us?!!" Are you motherfucking kidding me? How many run ins before they can execute you?
Yeah, I don't think these cops helped ryan find his weed. You're right taco, it makes me wonder if they'd shoot me like that. That's kinds scary.
What's up with the last cop shooting that dumped like 6 more rounds into him? He must have been having too much fun.

OMFG.... All those pigs should be in prison, every single one that fired a shot. Like none of those fucks had a taser? Unfucking believable.