I didn't even read your post until after I made mine and you hit my point on so many levels, everyone is standing out there because it was MM, if I had two gold bars on my lap or two iphones or whatever anyone can rob you to make money from they will, times are hard, people will rob, shoot or even kill you over a few hundred bucks, If you don't pay attention you won't make it long here, Sadly I've been here my entire life, and I've been through alot of things being here, and I want to move out by next year which I plan on doing, but people can run there mouth and say this and that but if it happen to you, I can bet you wouldn't sit back and watch, and at that I'm 120LBS these guys were 140-160lb they didn't even need the guys but hey no one gives a shit anymore, funny part is after everything the cops let them go, I find the weed, they pick it up, and now they look stupid, of course they don't want it to come down on them. It's either your life or there life, they will pull the trigger for no reason, I will too because I've got a family and I'm not getting into any type of situation where you should have to risk your life, Sad part is I lived here 29 years never owned a gun or even thought about owning one, I purchased one due to that reason, I only keep it at home but still sad you need one now days.
sounds to me like u guys are driving the wrong style of carThis is saginaw, I assume everyone has a gun. A buddy saw a car load of thugs flash a revolver at another car a few days ago. The other car flash an AR-15 back at them and the first car sped away. Just four blocks from my house some kid got blown off his bikefor no apparent reason. These are the same neighborhood I used to feel safe in as a teenager. Just plain fucked I can't go two blocks from home on a hot day without some ghetto muthafucka trying to fuck with us. Good thing they all go inside for the winter!
This is saginaw, I assume everyone has a gun. A buddy saw a car load of thugs flash a revolver at another car a few days ago. The other car flash an AR-15 back at them and the first car sped away. Just four blocks from my house some kid got blown off his bikefor no apparent reason. These are the same neighborhood I used to feel safe in as a teenager. Just plain fucked I can't go two blocks from home on a hot day without some ghetto muthafucka trying to fuck with us. Good thing they all go inside for the winter!
Whatever. I'll take the blame. It's my fault and I'm sorry. Now...... smoke up.![]()
I love the cop quoteWe get crazy in gladstone too. http://www.uppermichiganssource.com/news/story.aspx?id=783379#.UBrUzU2PXFY
Local Gladstone Pig said:As for the garage door, police say it's not currently operational. It will have to be replaced.
Many have pointed out very good reason for why this whole thing happened, and I just wanted to add 2 things to the list. The first is just an assumption but if you were driving around with MM on your lap, you were probably smoking which would be a violation of DUI laws, at least where I'm from it is. Tell a cop who pulls you over you've been smoking that day, get hit with a DUI. Second, as far as federal law is concerned, you can't own a firearm because (in relation to federal law, not Michigan law) you are illegally using marijuana which is one of the questions on an ATF (Federal) transfer form. Be careful what you post online because it can come back to bite you in the ass. And now you can't shoot anybody, because you were on here already stating intent before the situation arose. The prosecutor will burn you with that statement alone.
Your insane and your scared of the government, I've got top notch lawyers that say I can own a gun under our own rights, it doesn't matter if I have MM or not, even if it's illegal federally I'm far from worried, I'll take it to the highest court, and you would be suprised if anyone that got charged with a dui get reserved once these court rulings go through, I don't smoke and drive and I didn't that night so I wasn't worried about calling the cops. I even asked the police dept before I even got it and showed them my card, I will get my cpl in a month or two.
Also you would be a idiot for telling anyone you smoked that day, they can't legally charge you any other way except by you admitting to it, because the courts ruled thc isn't a illegal and can be in your system, even if they did blood test you, you could easily take it to higher and higher court because it stays in your system for DAYS, No state can take your right to drive a car, just because you medicated yourself yesterday? Your crazy and by next year I bet the laws change in michigan and other places quickly.
Whole lotta wrong info there.