So I was robbed at a gas station and the idiots got caught!

this story is getting stranger by the moment.
so the op is dealing pot at a corner store. (not a good place to be)
gets robbed. (which happens)
calls the cops. (which never happens)
the cops and the op are all on a high speed chace, trying to get the robbers. (unsafe driving no good)
and at the end of the story the op is going to go to the papers and alert the press, and go on talk shows.
but next time he will use his .40 cal. (or will he)

it will make his google rank go up though
This has got to be the most retarded shit I've ever read on here....

You chase down guys that robbed you at gun point, spend all night arguing with cops, then you willing hand over your meds to the cops after you found them? Seriously? ?? You know police can not legally give you back your meds now that they took possession, right?

I call bullshit, no one is this stupid...
you sound pretty stupid and for your information it was for my patient I was taking it to him, now you want to run your mouth, I'm glad we have 12 year old kids that can't go out past 11pm, people like you don't even deserve to be on these forums.

dude in all honesty, why did you have a couple of zips with you in the first place where were you going with them? you sound fucking stupid, you got robbed for your weed you where trying to sell. everybody knows it. and your trying to play it off like oh i was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

you are correct those scumbags did not need to rob you for your shit. and last but not least where the shit legal youd be selling your shit in broad daylight where this type of shit doe not happen.

but like i said your not fooling anyone, nobodys just holding 2 zips for fun.
I don't think google rank will go up any higher for my nickname, since a hundred thousand results.


Anyways if you let everyone step on you, and rob you for everything you got, that's you, Not me I work for my shit, and for a living, I can't afford to lose out by some idiots robbing me, You can be a bitch and be taken for, IF you grew up in saginaw for even 1% of your time, you would know your a idiot if you don't have some type of weapon after dark.

I guess you don't know but Saginaw is the most violence city in the united states?

Oh and I figured if they didn't shoot me at the store they weren't going to shoot me chasing them, I guess I was right, there facing felony charges and they get years to think about it, at least they got to talk about it.
I don't think google rank will go up any higher for my nickname, since a hundred thousand results.


Anyways if you let everyone step on you, and rob you for everything you got, that's you, Not me I work for my shit, and for a living, I can't afford to lose out by some idiots robbing me, You can be a bitch and be taken for, IF you grew up in saginaw for even 1% of your time, you would know your a idiot if you don't have some type of weapon after dark.

I guess you don't know but Saginaw is the most violence city in the united states?

Oh and I figured if they didn't shoot me at the store they weren't going to shoot me chasing them, I guess I was right, there facing felony charges and they get years to think about it, at least they got to talk about it.

its a real good place to get stabbed
I don't think google rank will go up any higher for my nickname, since a hundred thousand results.


Anyways if you let everyone step on you, and rob you for everything you got, that's you, Not me I work for my shit, and for a living, I can't afford to lose out by some idiots robbing me, You can be a bitch and be taken for, IF you grew up in saginaw for even 1% of your time, you would know your a idiot if you don't have some type of weapon after dark.

I guess you don't know but Saginaw is the most violence city in the united states?

Oh and I figured if they didn't shoot me at the store they weren't going to shoot me chasing them, I guess I was right, there facing felony charges and they get years to think about it, at least they got to talk about it.

Look Ryan, I'm not going to call you a liar. I have no reason to believe that you aren't telling us the truth .... so let's move past that.

The real issue is this: Now that you've had a chance to chill out for a minute, would you handle the situation the same way? I do feel badly for you because that sucks to get shit stolen, but do you really feel that a bag of weed was worth getting shot over?

You may have lost your weed, but don't lose the lesson.
Funny thing is those crooks probably had there lives saved with things going down like that. Not saying I am the smartest guy but I buy cheap ass cars so if any trash ever gets stuck under them I don't feel bad! Around here they we're going to end up dead this summer anyways acting like that. Maybe when they get out of prison they will see they got lucky!
Saginaw is a bad place. It's not the most violent in the country but it is a shit hole. Flint and Die-troit are far worse. Al are bad places though...
I call straight steamy bullshit. The op on June-3 was asking for overages and someone to give him grow tips. 6-30 he has a few seedlings on his very first grow thread. 7-30 He claims he gives his patients 3 oz. per month as a caregiver. Haha.

edit: 3oz. per harvest,
im on your side i woulda chased them down, but wouldn't have called cops. cops are evil and look for any way to fuck you over
I call straight steamy bullshit. The op on June-3 was asking for overages and someone to give him grow tips. 6-30 he has a few seedlings on his very first grow thread. 7-30 He claims he gives his patients 3 oz. per month as a caregiver. Haha.

Just gave you props on other thread. Never EVEN seen this is the same person. We should pay you for online security. The OP could have easily gotten ripped off, but it was meds he purchased, so he was more screwed when they were stolen. More than likely though, you are onto another one. Good job. lol.
Just gave you props on other thread. Never EVEN seen this is the same person. We should pay you for online security. The OP could have easily gotten ripped off, but it was meds he purchased, so he was more screwed when they were stolen. More than likely though, you are onto another one. Good job. lol.

He couldn't have been too screwed considering after this all night event he willingly gave his meds to the police. I still can't get over how retarded this entire thread is...
Hey Ryan? If I was Workin with you and heard this story? Best case? I just walk away from you. I prefer brains over ballin any day.
you sound pretty stupid and for your information it was for my patient I was taking it to him, now you want to run your mouth, I'm glad we have 12 year old kids that can't go out past 11pm, people like you don't even deserve to be on these forums.

lol i hadnt even noticed this till someone liked my post so obviously what i said must strike home with some people there fore i have more of an agreeing audience than you, so in other words it is not I who should not be allowed on the forum, it is you who should not be allowed to post dumbshit.

second and probably he most important point is, why would you deliver you patients shit at 2am? it can wait for daylight. i9 never ever do any biz after dark, hell i used to sit on the corner and sell crack! i still never did much biz after daylight for the simple reason people where just like me when i was young and i used to be quick to rob a mother fucker, im not saying thats right and trut, karma got me in the end and im doing my part to try and make my bad deeds balanced with good ones but you werent delivering it to a patient, plus "half" the so call "patients" are just regular stoner trying to stay out of trouble by staying legal.

aslo i never said you where on your way to sell it to the people who robbed you. that could have happened by chance(unlikely) and then another point is you wouldnt have had it out at the gas station unless you planned on meeting your dude there which doesnt sound like a "patient" to me.. perhaps the person you where supposed to sell to did not show, because he set you up.