So I was robbed at a gas station and the idiots got caught!

in all honesty tho you are doing the right thing stick to your story give the weed to the po and hope they can do thier jobs according to the "evidence" presented and go to jail.

in all honesty i would have thought out my story better never gave the weed to the po and let them let the criminals go so i wouldn't get in trouble, hassling them with the cops and a car chase should be enough to fuck up a persons day.
So much drama in the S-A-G, it's kinda hard being card-carrying MMMP's!

But some how, some way, keep coming up with banging ass weed like every single day.

So you just happened to be delivering MM to a patient of yours and you thought it was a good idea to have it out on your lap in plain view while you were driving and at a gas station? In a neighborhood that is so shitty that spending even 1% of your time there requires you to have a firearm after dark?

Then when your dumb ass gets robbed you decide to ensue in a high speed chase so that instead of 0 lunatics flying through the city at 100pmh running stop signs and stop lights there are 2? And somehow you were able to convince the dispatcher to dispatch 36 officers to apprehend them (a few = 3, dozen = 12. A few dozen = 36)? Despite dispatching 36 officers to arrest these punks, they decide they are not going to search them for a gun unless you know where it is? And since they apparently had thrown the marijuana out of the car they were not concerned with the fact that these guys had been in a high speed chase topping over 100mph and running stop lights and stop signs? That alone is enough to be arrested. Speaking of which, how did you not get arrested for reckless driving?

Then you find the marijuana and call the pigs back? And if you pick them out of a line up it's a rap? You already identified them to the officer, why would you need to identify them again? And even if they lift finger prints from the bag and you ID these thugs, how is that taking them off the street? 3 people are going to go to prison for stealing $500 worth of stuff? It doesn't even work like that.

You sir are a dangerous retard. You need to be incarcerated before you hurt someone.
hey ryan (threadstarter) despite wat others are saying i think you did a hell of a job for being unarmed when you know the other guys are armed.

most people would have just called the cops and did nothing else about it. you stayed on top of it and are trying to make sure they are punished.

while i dont live in MI i do live in a crappy area myself where shootings and home invasions are often the standard. I personally sleep with a firearm nearby because you never know if some punk is gonna kick in your door at night.

I think its very respectable what you did...whether it was over 500 bucks of mj or simply just 50 actual dollars. someone has to stand up to the thieves, punks, robbers, etc. or otherwise they'll keep doing what they do without thinking twice.

same thing goes for me if someone breaks into my home or gonna shoot up. str8 up. gun is registered to me legally so i wouldnt give 2 fuks honestly because i view it as "i wasnt asking for were" so i wont feel guilty lol
No one broke into his house. He had $500 worth of MJ on his lap, in his car, in plain view. You think his actions were justified in endangering his own life, endangering the lives of countless people by participating in a 100+mph chase that runs stop lights and stop signs, and using massive amounts of police resources? Whether it's $500 or $50? You support those dangerous and illegal actions over $50? You literally value the principal of busting a thief for $50 over the lives of innocent people? You are as criminally stupid as the op is. I'm sick of seeing such stupidity not only tolerated but encouraged. You are just as much of a dangerous retard as the op is. You should both be locked up as a service to society.
If you are at home and someone breaks in to your house in the middle of the night, you have done nothing wrong, and you have every right to defend your family and your home.

If you're sitting at a gas station at midnight in a shitty neighborhood with 2 ounces of weed sitting out on your lap, you're kinda inviting trouble.

That's not a real good analogy ....
No one broke into his house. He had $500 worth of MJ on his lap, in his car, in plain view. You think his actions were justified in endangering his own life, endangering the lives of countless people by participating in a 100+mph chase that runs stop lights and stop signs, and using massive amounts of police resources? Whether it's $500 or $50? You support those dangerous and illegal actions over $50? You literally value the principal of busting a thief for $50 over the lives of innocent people? You are as criminally stupid as the op is. I'm sick of seeing such stupidity not only tolerated but encouraged. You are just as much of a dangerous retard as the op is. You should both be locked up as a service to society.

If you are at home and someone breaks in to your house in the middle of the night, you have done nothing wrong, and you have every right to defend your family and your home.

If you're sitting at a gas station at midnight in a shitty neighborhood with 2 ounces of weed sitting out on your lap, you're kinda inviting trouble.

That's not a real good analogy ....

well...if i were sitting at a gas station with 2 zips on my lap (highly unlikely no matter the neighborhood or time of day) and was minding my own business and someone tried that why would i just let it go?

2 zips or a thick gold necklace = no difference. jackers will rob you for weed even if they dont smoke...the same way they'll steal ur necklace even if they dont want it...cuz its valuable and they can sell it for money...

so whats the difference overall? mj is just something of value like an iphone, jewelry, etc.

granted i probably wouldnt have went on a 100mph chase but id attempt something if i were in the position to do anything. if i was unarmed like the OP was i certainly wouldnt have chased. if i were i might mattering on certain conditions.

point is criminals need to be put in check especially when they go around messing with people that arent messing with them. thats why they do what they do...because they think the victim will always just lay down and comply with watever demands they have...the more people that stand up to them the more likely they are to think twice next time before doing the same thing.
No one broke into his house. He had $500 worth of MJ on his lap, in his car, in plain view. You think his actions were justified in endangering his own life, endangering the lives of countless people by participating in a 100+mph chase that runs stop lights and stop signs, and using massive amounts of police resources? Whether it's $500 or $50? You support those dangerous and illegal actions over $50? You literally value the principal of busting a thief for $50 over the lives of innocent people? You are as criminally stupid as the op is. I'm sick of seeing such stupidity not only tolerated but encouraged. You are just as much of a dangerous retard as the op is. You should both be locked up as a service to society.

You sound like you have never been in a situation before and you think you know everything and your wrong plain and simple, it don't matter if I had thousands on my lap its my damn right to, just like if I had vicodins I could of had them there, and if the guys would of seen that I would of been probably into the same situation as I was, these punks were going to rob ANYONE and I kinda would of wished it was your grandma and shoot her but nope I took them off the streets they will be facing life charges for trying to rob me, It really has shit to with MM accept that thats what I was robbed for, I bet any money if it was something different you would think differently, I got a kid and I can only do things at night as I was helping out people (sorry for ever trying to do that) I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if I wasn't going to get it, someone right after me was, I'm kinda surprised they got caught, and when they did and had nothing I kinda expected the police to think they could of never threw anything out, but hey I love wasting hours of times, and my time and the police for nothing? I tell you I could do a million other things that would be hell of a lot more fun.
I would of probably handled it different but I'm sick of these punks thinking they can rob, steal, cheat everyone and if I didn't stop them, who knows what could happen. All in all I'm glad of how everything turned out, I could care less about the MM it was the point that these guys were not going to get me for a single DOLLAR worth of anything and somehow they did, and somehow I may get it back, who knows.

Saginaw is crazy, you stand up or you get pushed down, I'm not going to get pushed down by anyone.
well...if i were sitting at a gas station with 2 zips on my lap (highly unlikely no matter the neighborhood or time of day) and was minding my own business and someone tried that why would i just let it go?

2 zips or a thick gold necklace = no difference. jackers will rob you for weed even if they dont smoke...the same way they'll steal ur necklace even if they dont want it...cuz its valuable and they can sell it for money...

so whats the difference overall? mj is just something of value like an iphone, jewelry, etc.

granted i probably wouldnt have went on a 100mph chase but id attempt something if i were in the position to do anything. if i was unarmed like the OP was i certainly wouldnt have chased. if i were i might mattering on certain conditions.

point is criminals need to be put in check especially when they go around messing with people that arent messing with them. thats why they do what they do...because they think the victim will always just lay down and comply with watever demands they have...the more people that stand up to them the more likely they are to think twice next time before doing the same thing.
I didn't even read your post until after I made mine and you hit my point on so many levels, everyone is standing out there because it was MM, if I had two gold bars on my lap or two iphones or whatever anyone can rob you to make money from they will, times are hard, people will rob, shoot or even kill you over a few hundred bucks, If you don't pay attention you won't make it long here, Sadly I've been here my entire life, and I've been through alot of things being here, and I want to move out by next year which I plan on doing, but people can run there mouth and say this and that but if it happen to you, I can bet you wouldn't sit back and watch, and at that I'm 120LBS these guys were 140-160lb they didn't even need the guys but hey no one gives a shit anymore, funny part is after everything the cops let them go, I find the weed, they pick it up, and now they look stupid, of course they don't want it to come down on them. It's either your life or there life, they will pull the trigger for no reason, I will too because I've got a family and I'm not getting into any type of situation where you should have to risk your life, Sad part is I lived here 29 years never owned a gun or even thought about owning one, I purchased one due to that reason, I only keep it at home but still sad you need one now days.
these punks were going to rob ANYONE and I kinda would of wished it was your grandma and shoot her /QUOTE]

Maybe you could just have his grandmas ass beat, so that he agrees with you. Does she really need to die? She is old, she doesn't want to be hanging out at gas station smoking dope in the middle of the night.
these punks were going to rob ANYONE and I kinda would of wished it was your grandma and shoot her

Maybe you could just have his grandmas ass beat, so that he agrees with you. Does she really need to die? She is old, she doesn't want to be hanging out at gas station smoking dope in the middle of the night.

I disagree - he needs to at least wing her with a hunk of steel to make this right.
Just a flesh wound.
Then you break her legs while shouting, "This one's for Tonya Harding".
I added that last part kinda ad lib.
You don't have to shout that Tonya stuff; just break her legs.
well...if i were sitting at a gas station with 2 zips on my lap (highly unlikely no matter the neighborhood or time of day) and was minding my own business and someone tried that why would i just let it go?

2 zips or a thick gold necklace = no difference. jackers will rob you for weed even if they dont smoke...the same way they'll steal ur necklace even if they dont want it...cuz its valuable and they can sell it for money...

so whats the difference overall? mj is just something of value like an iphone, jewelry, etc.

granted i probably wouldnt have went on a 100mph chase but id attempt something if i were in the position to do anything. if i was unarmed like the OP was i certainly wouldnt have chased. if i were i might mattering on certain conditions.

point is criminals need to be put in check especially when they go around messing with people that arent messing with them. thats why they do what they do...because they think the victim will always just lay down and comply with watever demands they have...the more people that stand up to them the more likely they are to think twice next time before doing the same thing.

You shouldn't have to "let it go" because you should never put yourself into that situation.

It does make a difference; one is a schedule I controlled substance, the other is a very legal piece of gold. If the op was flashing $500 worth of gold, on his lap, in an unlocked car at a gas station in a bad neighborhood at night I would be saying the exact same thing: That is a foolish move.

But whatever, people make mistakes. What really gets me is that he thought it was a good idea to chase these guys at 100mph+ running red lights and stop signs. That is exactly what him such a dangerous retard. He should be incarcerated before he kills an innocent person.

No the real point is that you are just as idiotic as the op. If the op would have simply hidden his $500 worth of mj in the trunk and simply delivered them from point A to point B then the entire issue could have been avoided, and he wouldn't have been presented with an opportunity to show his epic poor judgement. My issue is not with him putting criminals in check, it's that he is a dangerous retard that risked many peoples lives.

That's if you even believe the story which I don't. I'm calling bullshit on his entire story.
You sound like you have never been in a situation before and you think you know everything and your wrong plain and simple, it don't matter if I had thousands on my lap its my damn right to, just like if I had vicodins I could of had them there, and if the guys would of seen that I would of been probably into the same situation as I was, these punks were going to rob ANYONE and I kinda would of wished it was your grandma and shoot her but nope I took them off the streets they will be facing life charges for trying to rob me, It really has shit to with MM accept that thats what I was robbed for, I bet any money if it was something different you would think differently, I got a kid and I can only do things at night as I was helping out people (sorry for ever trying to do that) I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if I wasn't going to get it, someone right after me was, I'm kinda surprised they got caught, and when they did and had nothing I kinda expected the police to think they could of never threw anything out, but hey I love wasting hours of times, and my time and the police for nothing? I tell you I could do a million other things that would be hell of a lot more fun.
I would of probably handled it different but I'm sick of these punks thinking they can rob, steal, cheat everyone and if I didn't stop them, who knows what could happen. All in all I'm glad of how everything turned out, I could care less about the MM it was the point that these guys were not going to get me for a single DOLLAR worth of anything and somehow they did, and somehow I may get it back, who knows.

Saginaw is crazy, you stand up or you get pushed down, I'm not going to get pushed down by anyone.

I have been in a "situation" before and never once did I exercise such poor judgement that I endangered innocent people's lives. Especially as carelessly and to such a high degree.

It is your right to keep whatever you want on your lap. Do not be surprised when you get robbed for it though. And don't be surprised when people point out how reckless and retarded your actions are if you engage them in a high speed chase. And no I would not think any different if you replaced MM in your story with anything else; I would still label you a dangerous retard and recommend you be segregated from the rest of society.

And you did not "take them off the streets". No one faces a life sentence for stealing $500 worth of stuff. Especially not all three of them. Not just retarded, but a liar as well.

Fuck you for being so stupid. You are unfathomably stupid. I have to reiterate that, you are unfathomably stupid. Quite possibly the stupidest person I have seen on RIU, and that is saying a lot.