super lemon haze scrog uvb monster

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i know a guy thats haveing serious issues with his led`s, severe nute burn to start with then stuntted growth etc, he`s just about got it dialled in, i`ll tell him to check out the thread... if you start another send me a link please..

hope your clones take off for you, save the strain..


Well-Known Member
i know a guy thats haveing serious issues with his led`s, severe nute burn to start with then stuntted growth etc, he`s just about got it dialled in, i`ll tell him to check out the thread... if you start another send me a link please..

hope your clones take off for you, save the strain..
Hmm... The burn isn't from the l.e.ds.. It's probably the strength of the food. The LEDs aren't as powerful as an h.I.d system so the plants won't eat as much...thus you needs less foods I say..

I'm continuing this thread.. until I harvest a SLH from that waterfarm.. dammmit ... Lol.. I have one clone left..any others I take would be monster cropped from some that I have flowering ...


Well-Known Member
So sorry for your loss :( She looks like she'll give you something smoke able or at the very least usable though!

Can you give us a clear update to what you still have going and what kind of lighting? My SLH was a very picky eater. She did best without ever getting nutes in soil, just peat moss and then when she wanted food it was only needed in appetizer quantities. lol

A very picky plant that preferred low temps and little food but produced amazing buds. Best of luck with the remainder of the SLH you have going.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah he figured out early that it needed minimal feeding and then his well gave unuseable water for some reason, he went to bottled water at the right ph and resolved some issues, so he`s dialling it in as he goes...

you brought up the cloneing from a flowering plant, even yours being so well flowered, do you think its a bad idea to clone from a plant so late in flower? i have just gotten my first two females from batch two, the rest were either bad genetics or def after def that slowed them so much they never took off, so my question is ...

should i just clone from the two i have, there comeing up on a week in flower now so just showed sex, if i clone now will they hermi? is it too much stress?

if i clone now should i hempy them or will they re-veg for a scrog... have to as, i`m not that experienced with clones and how they perform...


Well-Known Member
try stop givin it nitrogen all together and make it do the autumn effect, it might shock itself and fix w/e the fucks goin on. maybe less watering too. Make believe it is going through a couple natural disasters and try and mock what would happen nature (
ACE - Autumn Colour Effect (idk if this is a true method)

probably the most common advanced growing technique that's not general practice amongst weed growers, would have to be the 'Autumn Colour Effect' or the 'ACE' technique, as I like to call it. This is where the Nitrogen is cut off from a flowering plant in mid to late flowering (depending on phenotype) so that the plant extracts all the remaining Nitrogen from it's leaves and puts it into the bud, this hugely reduces chlorophyll level in the plants leaves and buds by the time the plant is finished [which aids with good tasting, good burning weed] (cannabis, being an annual, does not require Nitrogen for the final leg of flowering, having to take it up, process it and motabilize it, hinders it's ability to put all its strength into the flowering process.To use the Autumn Colour Effect (ACE) to its full potential, you have to really know the pheno you're growing (having grown clones of it multiple times) so you know how long it takes to finish, what it likes/dislikes, what it can or can't handle etc.This is a common technique amongst elite growers (not the elite on this site that pay for that status, the true elite, like those who showed me it - and I was sus at first but they proved its benefits too me with out too much difficulty.Too do the ACE technique properly you have to grow Soiless or Hydro, or any other system where you have control over which nutrients the plants do or don't receive at which time during the grow.

i'm really digging that.. and it makes sense.. i also did begin to cut off N and only give it when needed.. (once i got into flowering) If you think about it.. if they were out in the wild and allowed to fully mature.. and ripen.. i think they would look like that.. and as growers the better we dial into nature and use it to our advantage indoors the better... which is partly why i add uvb


Well-Known Member
One of the earlier pages said you used LED before :?: You are now using 600w HPS :?:
I ask because I also am also curious about UVB. Are you sure the difference is UVB or the change to HPS :?:
i use led for the moms and clones.. once into my final weeks of veg i add the UVB to "tan" the plants prior to swithching to flower which i keep the uvb on during the full 12/12 at a reasonable distance...(hand test) i then rotate the bulb to each corner of the hood every other day to make sure i'm getting even coverage.. (when i'm not using a mover)...

she died because of bad drainage caused me to have to mess with the pump which led to rot...


Well-Known Member
So sorry for your loss :( She looks like she'll give you something smoke able or at the very least usable though!

Can you give us a clear update to what you still have going and what kind of lighting? My SLH was a very picky eater. She did best without ever getting nutes in soil, just peat moss and then when she wanted food it was only needed in appetizer quantities. lol

A very picky plant that preferred low temps and little food but produced amazing buds. Best of luck with the remainder of the SLH you have going.
heres my lighting regiment:
clones, moms, and freshly potted = led or flouro's (mh if avail... depending on the next stage)

veg (after 2 or 3 days from transplant (clones) to soil under 600watt mh.. depending on age i ease them in.. i have a dimmable ballast so it goes 300-450-600 .. i get them to 600 as soon as they can handle it at a fairly close distance..

UVB is added with 1-2 weeks left in veg .. so they can get a "tan".. the leaves actually get darker...
Flower 600 watt hps and 10.0 UVB 26 watt flouro..

the SLH is a very picky eater... i have friends who've tried and could never dial in their nutes like i could.. he he he.. i do find myself starting her off low but by the time i was in my second week of flower she was at 1300-1500 ppm and i could of pushed her harder.. Shes a producer but its all in knowing your plant because every pheno has a mind of its own.. my slh mom was picked from 4 different phenos.. she had the best and most even internode and branching and was a very uniform slh beauty of a plant..


Well-Known Member
yeah he figured out early that it needed minimal feeding and then his well gave unuseable water for some reason, he went to bottled water at the right ph and resolved some issues, so he`s dialling it in as he goes...

you brought up the cloneing from a flowering plant, even yours being so well flowered, do you think its a bad idea to clone from a plant so late in flower? i have just gotten my first two females from batch two, the rest were either bad genetics or def after def that slowed them so much they never took off, so my question is ...

should i just clone from the two i have, there comeing up on a week in flower now so just showed sex, if i clone now will they hermi? is it too much stress?

if i clone now should i hempy them or will they re-veg for a scrog... have to as, i`m not that experienced with clones and how they perform...
well many people lolly pop their plants and its a perfect time for using those cuttings for clones... since lower branches have the most rooting hormones..

I would never remove more than 30% plant matter..

Keep in mind i trained and clipped away at my baby up until day 12 flower then a week or so later i did another big clean up..
but you also need to go at your comfort level.. you know your plants and you see how they respond during training or topping for example.. if they looked like they handled it well then they probably won't give you a hard time..


Well-Known Member
in terms of how you grow the clones.. its completely up to you.. my slh and all the plants that i've had over the last few years have been clones mostly from moms that i keep... they've all done very well:fire:.... minus this last bump in the road..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
onwards and upwards.....

any advice on cloneing before i go hacking in the next few days, just waiting on last plant to sex...


Well-Known Member
onwards and upwards.....

any advice on cloneing before i go hacking in the next few days, just waiting on last plant to sex...
lower branches if you can .. and i only make clones if i have at least 3 or 4 nodes.. being that i normally slice at the last node at 45 degrees.. and on the opposite end of the slice i do little tiny slits with the razor blade about a half an inch up.. (roots develop from any open wound... ) i also use a rooting hormone like clonex... i've used the cheap stuff before.. no problems.. but i am 100% clone rate with the clonex.. so i'll keep using it..

i then dip the sliced up tip into the rooting hormone and make sure i have adequate coverage.. now right before i take the cutting i drop the starter plug in a cup of water that i mixed a little of clonex in with.. just for good measure.. i then take the cutting slice and dice, dip and place into the starter plug..

i then place the plug in the cloning tray.. and on to the next one.. very important to keep 100% humidity the first 3 days.. so keep the dome on and every few hours i spritz distilled water with a spray bottle the clones and the inside of the dome...

24 hours light the first week then i go to 18/6


Well-Known Member
I still can't figure her out for feeding after 6 or 7 runs. Even in super soil she acts like she's too hot or she's wanting something. I've never had a plant as picky as her but I just love the smoke! This next time she's going in super soil, nothing but tea for her once in awhile. She vegges so happily though in nothing but peat moss for several weeks!


Well-Known Member
I still can't figure her out for feeding after 6 or 7 runs. Even in super soil she acts like she's too hot or she's wanting something. I've never had a plant as picky as her but I just love the smoke! This next time she's going in super soil, nothing but tea for her once in awhile. She vegges so happily though in nothing but peat moss for several weeks!
i've had several runs using promix by sunshine i think.. coco perlite type mix.. the secret that i found is... CAL MAG as soon as you hit flowering... otherwise she yellows out and you'll start getting spots... that and balancing your N during early flowering.. i kept her with some veg nutes till about day 12 flower..


Well-Known Member
good stuff in that link, its funny pretty similar.. a few differences.. but i can dig it.. i pretty much adapted my technique by incorporating a variety of methods and i found it works 100% of the time for me.. I always say find what works best for the plant, and yourself.... in terms of grow styles and methods.. The way i clone, it doesn't matter where from i normally take the clones right from the top to keep my moms low.. i normally have roots within the first week
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Schultz rooting powder.... I love that stuff! It lasts soooo much longer than gel, its cleaner and its dirt cheap!


Well-Known Member
Damn man im so sorry about your grow :( You definitely notice a difference using the UVB CFL though..?
Yeah definitely, the buds under the uvb hairs where crazy and the bud itself was changing colors more so than without.. there's a video somewhere in the thread towards the beginning.. thc, uvb and me ... Its on YouTube..check it out