i came across this thread because im considering a canine for security as well and for you(moebius) to make that accusation is outlandish and fucking stupid! i know lots of people who own dogs for many reasons with security being one of them and they dont even grow! so i guess they must be doing something wrong too huh? news flash kid, not everyone is spoon fed with a golden spoon and lives in the hills where crime like B & E's and home invasions never happen. throw plants in the mix and you are a prime target.
let someone break into your home and hold up your family at gun point over a few plants and you might think a little differently about not having a dog. where some of us live, its a reality. not the bullshit YOU watch on tv. your as cynical as you are stupid. go be a trolling keyboard warrior somewhere else. your un-rivaled buffoonery knows no bounds..
let someone break into your home and hold up your family at gun point over a few plants and you might think a little differently about not having a dog. where some of us live, its a reality. not the bullshit YOU watch on tv. your as cynical as you are stupid. go be a trolling keyboard warrior somewhere else. your un-rivaled buffoonery knows no bounds..