The UK Growers Thread!

no u went on about postage,,i dotn care man,, u even break my balls wen ther a few short,,, im PORRLY u gotta eccpet i have bad weeks or good weeks were u will get more but i dont see u moaning if u do,,

ieven got my gp to icrease the amount so YOU can have more,,, im trying man i really am,,,

look at it from my point,, its the first pacel i sent UN recorded and everyone elses arrived but yours dident??? think about it matey what would u think if was otherway round??

i said originally im not eating a loss of 50 tablets,, ther was eevn pak of 8mls in ther again me trying to sort u out being a nice guy,,if u still want them let me know but u havent been trying to ring me all day u tried ONCE i have the missed call,,its NOT my phone i told u that so dont get all pissey wen i dont answer the wife wont coz its not her bisness and she dont wanna gety invloved,,PLUS she cant understand wtf u say

and i said YOU fucked it up coz u did,,talking about broken promises n shit,,ask anyone on here i say wat il do and do wat i say everytime,,im no messer and i think u forget whos doing who the favour

anyways watever man im not bothered u go try get em elseware i dare ya! u wont get the amount i can send u weekly so rant away im done with this..

and lol gabbies aint worth shit,, u jumped on them as soon as sambo wanted em so thats not my problem and u have the cheek to say that about sumthing i said keep OK then take the 44 subbies i said U CAN KEEP of the total since ur so fucking ungratefull,,, no need for that man

ok then send me every subbie and every gabbie bak then
Bro your babblin on about aload of bollox trust me if u dont trust me fair enough keep em but how can u say that parcels neva get lost ya mad cunt i sent u pukka sambo ttt a parcel each and ttt's neva got there so wot ya chattin??? U and sambo had nt of sent me fuck all then so why would i not sent ttt's which i had ??? U was the 1 goin on all fuckry with me cus i av nt recieved the parcel i phoned u once cus mans works so i did which u said i had nt i phoned the other day and the misses was at hospital which obviously neva got to u fuckin ask her yaself ya plum!!!!! And bro dont underestimate wot i can do u know jack trust me and i neva bashed on u cuz your a fuckin cripple it was u who brought that shit up
Bro your babblin on about aload of bollox trust me if u dont trust me fair enough keep em but how can u say that parcels neva get lost ya mad cunt i sent u pukka sambo ttt a parcel each and ttt's neva got there so wot ya chattin??? U and sambo had nt of sent me fuck all then so why would i not sent ttt's which i had ??? U was the 1 goin on all fuckry with me cus i av nt recieved the parcel i phoned u once cus mans works so i did which u said i had nt i phoned the other day and the misses was at hospital which obviously neva got to u fuckin ask her yaself ya plum!!!!! And bro dont underestimate wot i can do u know jack trust me and i neva bashed on u cuz your a fuckin cripple it was u who brought that shit up

wooow hang on one minute,.,,, u was just going on about i break promises and all that bollox,,,, and wer have ai said i dont trust u?? im saying that u need to chill the fuk out,, u go on about big things yet u mean about a few little subbies? i garuntee ur earning more than me on them,, and no1 would lay them on for as long as i am,, im doing u the favour and not even chargin postage each week

stop biggin yerslef up man its not needed im doing u the fucing favour just remember that,.,. and them packages u sent never came coz u cheaped out on postage,,, im no big massive grower but i dont skimp on paying for postage its stupid and uncecary

u either want em or u dont simple as that,,if u do STOP breaking my balls each time thers a few short,,,and if we continue wer splitting the loss simple as that 25 each way so tha takes us to 125,, or shall i take that other 44 of the 125 also?? we can all be knobheds m8
Knob head or not keep runnin ya mouth ya get fuck all

oooohhhh like that is it,,runs both ways engoy wat ya had job done delte my number u wont be needing it,,, nice to know ur a man who wont pay your debts wats yer name kev??

and yer weeds SHITE anyways we all know it
Hahahaha lmfao rofl i was nt the 1 runnin my mouth lad ya get to big for ya boots problems happen haha stop runnin ya mouth and tryin to chat shit to me and your sweet other than that fuck you is all im gonna say and do end of the lads who sorted me and gave me no probs av there stuff i tell ya your a fuckin little fish and give it the large ill fuck u over end of im no fuckin mug i know wots wot so why give it the big i am?? and give me shit??
In done with it mantz i really am lad lmfao why did i belittle myself to that level just ill neva know haha jk is all im sayin rofl
Hahahaha lmfao rofl i was nt the 1 runnin my mouth lad ya get to big for ya boots problems happen haha stop runnin ya mouth and tryin to chat shit to me and your sweet other than that fuck you is all im gonna say and do end of the lads who sorted me and gave me no probs av there stuff i tell ya your a fuckin little fish and give it the large ill fuck u over end of im no fuckin mug i know wots wot so why give it the big i am?? and give me shit??

i like been the small fish means i can take little bites out the big bitches!! so what u gorw 50,00000 ounces a day who cares,,, the problem is u brag too much chedz,, i truelly think u r a good bloke despite being handicapped(ginger) i really do but why the need to large it all the time?? yeh i was pissed u reckoned it dint arrive,,but uve just blatantly said fuk u ur not getting paid,, hows that rite?? and with u saying that how can i belive it dident arrive>??? ive done NOTHING to warrent u distrusting me,,ive been ill ive sorted it i,ive bin well uve got more,, LAID ON thats the bit u cant seem to grasp,,this is al on trust to a fella who i dont know,have never met,,and have recived one of 2 parcels h says he sent,, cummon give it a shake,,

big fish or little fish who cares wer all people trying to get a living in these times,,, so u need to realz and accept wat u get each week,,, ur onto a good thing u cant get these anyware else and u know it,,, so like i said chill the fuck out or wer done mate,, i dont dispute ur a BIG fish, i dont care its a webiste enough of the bitching in public the site has a pm function

its down to u man.
they've probably both got the wrong addresses for each other.. lol

Match made in heaven yous 2.................when ever theres somethin not turnin up it always you 2????? lololol

the only way to avoid the disappointment of someone letting you down is never to expect anything from anyone ;)

In done with it mantz i really am lad lmfao why did i belittle myself to that level just ill neva know haha jk is all im sayin rofl
These ladies have got their handbags out!!!!
OOOOOhhhhh you gave me 3 short, oooohhhhhh i never got mine, oooooooh im a gangster (a keyboard one), oooooohh your weed is shite, oooooohhh i have a bad month ( cos its that time of the month for u), oooh im gonna get you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shut the fuck up both of you tits!!!! lollll

Im only joking with you knobs, its my first post lollllllllll
Big switch on for me tonight lads so just wanna say.......... I LOVE YOU..............just incase it goes BOOOOOOM!!!!! lol
Hahaha........................fuck knows why but im nerves lol, tested each fan other day buts thats it, just wanna no if it all works ffs lol an how temps are an shit.

as soon as the youths asleep im in there sortin it, potted up my psycho to a 10L air an she's gunna spend her 1st night under the 400w mh the lucky bitch lol...or should i say day lol
aww damn just as i was about to do this



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