Well-Known Member
DEAsert dude proves his mental capacity to be on par with a year old race bait from donald trump.
one starred.

DEAsert dude proves his mental capacity to be on par with a year old race bait from donald trump.
one starred.
You are right, I am doing exactly that. The left opened up this smear campaign, with Harry Reid being the bagman with his insinuations about Romney.
You are also right that they are not the same. When Romney reveals his tax returns, we will learn nothing that we don't already know: Romney is wealthy, he has a VERY complicated tax return, and he paid the taxes he owed. When (if) Obama reveals his college records we will probably learn that he continued his years-long lie about being born in Kenya on his college application.
that settles it then doesn't it Uncle Buck? Desert Dude says he is not a racist and he has absolutely no reason to lie.
No. Title sounds sorta
So what is it about? cn
I have no first hand experience with wealth, but I suspect you are 100% correct.
Reid's actions are inappropriate - neither he nor any other member should issue statements about the candidates from the floor and no representative of our government should publicly release innuendo.
I take issue with the other paragraph however.
Romney has a complicated tax return, yes, he paid taxes he owed, yes, however, we are as prospective buyers of what he has to sell (his presidency), entitled to know how much he paid in taxes. Were he not running on a platform that revolves around tax policy, his tax returns would be of no interest, however, he is running on that platform.
If he paid no taxes for any year, some of us would like to know. I believe I have divulged some of my tax history on this site. I said that I refused to pay taxes for two years, running up a bill of about 40k before penalties and interest. I never paid that amount.
If I were running for office on the basis that I would enforce tax codes and bring tax cheats to justice, would you want to know that I evaded paying 40k? or would that have no bearing?
Because you have repeatedly accused me (and many others) of racism I have challenged you in the past to produce evidence of racism by me. I renew the challenge. Make your case.
Personally, I am not willing to lynch an innocent man simply because a bunch of gun-o-phobes don't like the SYG laws, or because they think its time for some retribution for the black man.
...a fair minded judge (maybe there is one) can't possibly look at the prosecution's case and conclude that it supports anything except simple self defense on Zimmer's part.
By the way, it is not a mere tactic on my part, I really would like to see Obama's college records. There is certainly enough irrefutable evidence of Obama lying about his birth place for any reasonable person to suspect that he used the same lie on his college applications.
"I found that money transcended race very quickly and that classism was at least as incidious as racism."
You suspect I am correct (I am), that being the case, the issue of Obama being black is far less relevent than Romney's being wealthy.
even though they are in no way relevant to his governance (we have seen how he governs), DEAsert dude simply MUST see obama's records because let's face it: the only way a half-black kid without a lot of money could get into harvard is by lying and using affirmative action.
pure race bait.
completely inconsequential to the issue of governance, just wants to rile resentment.
I don't think I ever said that Obama's race was a factor.
Being an inveterate liar is an indication of character, which I happen to think is an important attribute in a president.
The mormon church is interestedEvaded, or avoided? .
Well this thread has become a race to the bottom.
yes, you stepped around that landmine quite well. be proud of yourself.
yep, how else could someone like obama get into harvard other than lying? i mean, he had to have lied. i mean, just look at him. ughhhhh.
I would rather look at the records.
The mormon church is interested
He is Required to tithe 10% of his gross
he probably misreported that as well
That brings up all sorts of things - At first I can't see Romney lying about his contributions to the church - then I consider what I mentioned previously, that Romney is likely a miser - a horder of money.
I read an interview with both of them. Anne was waxing on about how they loved it every year when they cut a check to the church - how she was brought to tears at the fact that they were fortunate enough to be able to contribute as much as they did to the church. "I was in tears when we signed the check" she said, and then Mitt said "well I was brought to tears as well, but not for the same reason".
Who cries out of anything but the softer emotions when they drop a large check into the collection plate? Who cries for their loss when they give money to charity? But that is what Romney was hinting at. Now I may be taking this out of context, he may have been joking - but in any element of joke there is some truth.
I don't know, why would anyone as devout as they cheat their church? And isn't there some way that a chuch such as theirs confirm the percentages? Doesn't this church treat tithing very seriously? Aren't the members held to some sort of accountability before they are accepted as honorable members?
Or is it all totaly voluntary - and if so, well, maybe he is fearful of being found out by his church.