umm... I'm openly gay and childless and have full support from my ward. I'm a medical cannabis recipient and have not been shunned or excommunicated. I also love the Tequila. There is a huge misunderstanding about the doctrine. Coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol are warned against but it's up to the individual if they wish to imbibe, PLUS, we have provisions for medicinal usage. In other words. If it's medicine. It's allowed.
LOL We're not Amish we attend regular public schools or if you're rich, private schools. We do have Seminary for LDS students before and after classes. In college it's called, Institute.
We believe in large families, yes. But that's a personal decision between husband and wife. Mostly the wife.
He lies, he flip-flops, he cheats, he does a lot of things that aren't kosher in the LDS community and we are a religion of "by their fruits ye shall know them." He isn't a good example of Mormon ethics.
It's not an obsession. The only time I think of storing food is when I'm canning. Time to rotate the food storage. ::sigh::