My first Hit and run!


Well-Known Member
well Papaya got his and now your about to get yours..

heres my impersonation of you..

Im so gangster G, I make fun of people...AND i dont know how to properyl spell and use grammer.........I like to masturbate while driving because the movment of the car makes my hand feel like its not mine!.......yeayh..because if some dude pops up in my hizfoace!!! i fuck up a bitch with a bat..Even though i aint gut one IN MA CAER!!! YAHH..IN JO FACE!!! NUCICAAAAA!!!

i made fun of the internet gangster..a prick on the outside world..And a internet gangster at heart..go you.. Now get off the website before mom finds out your accessing it..wouldnt want a bad influence now..


Well-Known Member
goddamn kids an there baseball bats....lil slugger here musta just learned how to hit a teeball..good for you kiddy....peace az


Well-Known Member
LOL..Say all u want..but one I was High. Two her dumbass couldnt brake on time...and she hit me..but I have a truck so my bumper took care of that.Basically her car got fucked up not mine. And trust me ive been on the wrong side of hit and runs 5 times.!
dont blame marijuana for your actions, thats why its still illegal


Well-Known Member
Well my first hit and run was today and u know wat it felt awesome!! It was just a fender bender but that bitch got out of the car and started bitching so I got in and just left the scene!!! The beaty part is that I had temps that werent mine (I stoled them from someone) and I got my real plates yesterday so Im chnagijng them tommorow!!! wo0o0ot the perfect crime..:D ANyone else done hit and runs?

If the bitch wasnt bitchin then maybe the Nigga wouldnt have skated on her its simple, if your in the drive through being an asshole and you get your food spitted on, although its not right for them to spit in your food, you asked for it;-)

so maybe if she came out and said somthing like "are you ok" maybe he would have reacted differently

theres a reason they call them "Accidents"

the bitch bitched like so many morons out there that have no tact and dont know how to act, and then they wonder why poeple are like fuck you and dip.:mrgreen:

I say if you can dish it then you should be able to take it cuz u are inevitably gonna get it

i commend you brother i dont need to be bitched at by no body. Specially over some bullshit fender bender, so you hit her by mistake, So she comes out trying to chump you out infront of the world?

well look what happend to her dumb ass, she got chumped the fuck out, i bet shes still bitchin about it to her husband.

I just got a problem when poeple just think they can just do and say whatever without consequence


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the ladies that frequent this forum think about those of you who liberally refer to women as "bitches".


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the ladies that frequent this forum think about those of you who liberally refer to women as "bitches".
they prolly think that persons a real dik,,unless they like being called that

Keep on Growin



New Member
If the bitch wasnt bitchin then maybe the Nigga wouldnt have skated on her its simple, if your in the drive through being an asshole and you get your food spitted on, although its not right for them to spit in your food, you asked for it;-)

so maybe if she came out and said somthing like "are you ok" maybe he would have reacted differently

theres a reason they call them "Accidents"

the bitch bitched like so many morons out there that have no tact and dont know how to act, and then they wonder why poeple are like fuck you and dip.:mrgreen:

I say if you can dish it then you should be able to take it cuz u are inevitably gonna get it

i commend you brother i dont need to be bitched at by no body. Specially over some bullshit fender bender, so you hit her by mistake, So she comes out trying to chump you out infront of the world?

well look what happend to her dumb ass, she got chumped the fuck out, i bet shes still bitchin about it to her husband.

I just got a problem when poeple just think they can just do and say whatever without consequence
When I beat my ol ladies, it is their fault. They made me do it. I am really only trying to teach them a lesson.
C'mon panda, don't abuddy up with a scumbag.


Well-Known Member
When I beat my ol ladies, it is their fault. They made me do it. I am really only trying to teach them a lesson.
C'mon panda, don't abuddy up with a scumbag.
yea your right, she may not have even been bitchin, he could have just thrown that in there. I apologize, just im tired of being bitched at myself by my own bitch:mrgreen:

plus if i had my way i wouldnt call girls bitches but how else are we gonna describe them fellas? I mean the gurls love to call us jerks and assholes, I dont blame them, they shouldnt blame us for calling them bitches when they are. atleast most gurls are bitches and most guys are assholes.

and even if you arent one overtly, in your mind you are one, almost everyone is. no doubt

half the time they secretly like it, how many gurls you know who call themselves bitches? like 1 outa 2, they even make keychains and songs about it, crazy ass broads

but i dont know im kinda a laid back guy and so if someone is rude to me i get extreamly offended cuz I always go out of my way to make people comfortable and happy and feel if they dont do the same for me then they deserve the same type of treatment they are broadcasting.

when someone is bothering me I usually do the same thing they are doing to me, but to them. not for revenge but to subconciously teach them how thier actions effect other people

however all too often, they are either too dim to figure this out, or just unchangable


Well-Known Member
hipies and karma fearing smokers huh?...
It's not about fearing karma, people shouldn't have to be SCARED into being a decent human being. It's about doing the right thing, which is part of what being an adult means. Owning up to your fucking actions like a man, instead of running like a little bitch.

good for fucking you man!! fuck that bitch coming out the car bitching. Accidents happen. I would have done the same fucking thing..especially knowing i had temp plates. I would have grabbed my cock and spit on that bitches smashed up lemon tooo!
I really don't like the way you keep referring to the woman as a bitch, when HE'S the one who ran from the scene of the accident, like a LITTLE BITCH. That seriously is such a bitch move. And here you are sayng you'd do the same thing. I don't even need to say you're a bitch, you're saying it yourself!

had it been a dude coming out the car at me yelling like that i would have to post up..with the BAT!..and cause even more trouble than if i just had left....the BOONDOCKS have termed this as a "nigga moment"...

scott bullshit..and that bitch learned a valuable lesson.
Ooo, aren't you tough, gotta bat? I can't stand people like you who have to resort to weapons. You see a guy comin at you and you grab a BAT? Why, because you couldn't take him with your fists? Must suck to be...well, you know.

You can have the bat Freedom Fighter.....i have a gun permit

I tried to rep you, but it won't let me!


New Member
If the bitch wasnt bitchin then maybe the Nigga wouldnt have skated on her its simple, if your in the drive through being an asshole and you get your food spitted on, although its not right for them to spit in your food, you asked for it;-)

so maybe if she came out and said somthing like "are you ok" maybe he would have reacted differently

theres a reason they call them "Accidents"

the bitch bitched like so many morons out there that have no tact and dont know how to act, and then they wonder why poeple are like fuck you and dip.:mrgreen:

I say if you can dish it then you should be able to take it cuz u are inevitably gonna get it

i commend you brother i dont need to be bitched at by no body. Specially over some bullshit fender bender, so you hit her by mistake, So she comes out trying to chump you out infront of the world?

well look what happend to her dumb ass, she got chumped the fuck out, i bet shes still bitchin about it to her husband.

I just got a problem when poeple just think they can just do and say whatever without consequence
I always thought you were an asshole pandabear but now you have once again proved it.

I wonder what the ladies that frequent this forum think about those of you who liberally refer to women as "bitches".
they prolly think that persons a real dik,,unless they like being called thatI odn't personally like being referred to as anyone's 'bitch'.
Thank you. :roll:

Keep on Growin

When I beat my ol ladies, it is their fault. They made me do it. I am really only trying to teach them a lesson.
C'mon panda, don't abuddy up with a scumbag.
yea your right, she may not have even been bitchin, he could have just thrown that in there. I apologize, just im tired of being bitched at myself by my own bitch:mrgreen:

plus if i had my way i wouldnt call girls bitches but how else are we gonna describe them fellas? I mean the gurls love to call us jerks and assholes,umm...well with oyu its because YOU ARE ONE!!!!! I dont blame them, they shouldnt blame us for calling them bitches when they are. atleast most gurls are bitches and most guys are assholes.

and even if you arent one overtly, in your mind you are one, almost everyone is. no doubt

half the time they secretly like it, how many gurls you know who call themselves bitches? like 1 outa 2, they even make keychains and songs about it, crazy ass broadsYou need to either smoke more or less dope dude.

but i dont know im kinda a laid back guy and so if someone is rude to me i get extreamly offended cuz I always go out of my way to make people comfortable and happy and feel if they dont do the same for me then they deserve the same type of treatment they are broadcasting.

when someone is bothering me I usually do the same thing they are doing to me, but to them. not for revenge but to subconciously teach them how thier actions effect other people

however all too often, they are either too dim to figure this out, or just unchangable
so thats YOUR excuse and you're sticking wif it huh? :?:confused:


Well-Known Member
If the people who think Papaya's actions were ok truly understand the difference between a victimless "crime" (such as prostitution or drug use) and a crime with a very real victim (such as the person left holding the bag after a hit and run), then it is clear they are worse than amoral, they are immoral.

Wikid, you get the prize -- BEST RANT EVAH! And from such a young one, too, oye chica, estoy orgullosa para ti, y para sus palabras de sabiduri'a. :)

Kick ass, chica, kick ass!


Well-Known Member
this thread pisses me off ,i really want 2 fuck this punk up!, i was on the wrong end of a hit and run , i was not in the car though,it cost me over 4 grand to fix it.hit and run is what pussys do.i would love 2 choke your little what would u do if it was 215 lb 6'1 badman kicking your window out ,would u still run? i hope not that way i could kick in your teeth 2. kerma is a bicth.


Well-Known Member
He'd run for SURE! He'd run home to his momma with a big ol' snot bubble hangin' out his nose an' ever'thang. :lol: