Let me make myself more clear, since you failed to address the concept being discussed here. We each see the closing speed as 50 MPH. We agree that we each see the same distance decreasing in the same duration of time. You agreed to that. So we agree that there is always a distance between us, and at any given distance we will each agree to that distance.
It's really non-negotiable to each agree, because all it is saying is that the distance between us is one distance, not two distances. I grab the end of a rope and you grab the other end of the rope. There is one distance between us at any given point in time. If either or both of us changes where they place their hand on the rope, then we both agree to the distance between us. There is no "speed of distance" there is the speed of light!
So let me ask you again, do you agree that the distance between each of us is the same for both of us at all times??
No. We each measure the same closing speed. We do not measure the same distance or time. We have been over this a thousand times. No I do not agree we will agree on the distance, nor can we communicate our agreement/disagreement to each other because we don't have the same concept of time. My time is not the same as your time.
You are a fucking retard.
The evidence has been laid out clearly. By evidence I mean real measurements taken in laboratories, ALL of which agree with the theory of SR. Not a single experiment has ever been done that contradicts SR, nor has one ever been conducted that supports your conflicting theory. Lots of evidence, 100% of which converges at the conclusion that Einstein was correct and seedling was wrong. If you can provide even a single piece of actual evidence to support your theory I will apologize to you, and I will restructure my own beliefs to incorporate that evidence. Until then I only see a few possible options:
You understand SR and agree the evidence supports it, yet you are lieing because you like drama on web forums.
You do not understand SR and are holding tightly to your views according to your own intuition and ignoring valid evidence.
You do not understand SR because you have not been presented with the evidence to support it.
Given that I have personally provided you with not only a detailed explanation of how SR works in multiple scenarios, but linked you directly to the experiments that provided the supporting data, that leads me to believe you are either stupid or a troll. Either way I see no reason for this discussion to continue.