Obama Campaign Scandal Could Be The Nail In His Coffin.


New Member
This couldn't have come at worse time for the democrats and the Obama campaign. After his poor performance in the first presidential debate, giving Mitt Romney the lead in the polls. The president may be finding himself in the biggest campaign scandal of his career.

[h=1]Government Accountability Institute report exposes Obama campaign accepting foreign donations.[/h]
This morning, the non-partisan group, Government Accountability Institute (GAI) released its 108 page report, the first ever analysis of election campaign donations issues called, “America the Vulnerable: Are Foreign and Fraudulent Online Campaign Contributions Influencing U.S. Elections?” raises indications the Obama campaign has potentially violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage. The use of the CVV number for donation transactions is non-existent by the Obama campaign among other suspicious activity.

The report outlined the Obama reelection campaign’s online donation system that contained at least three major security vulnerabilities:

  • The absence of the industry-standard CVV and unknown use of AVS anti-fraud security for online credit card donations.
  • The presence of a branded, major third party-owned website (Obama.com)redirects its 68% foreign traffic to a campaign donation page.
  • Active foreign solicitation using indiscriminate email solicitations and exposure to social media
The report outlined further each of these three major security vulnerabilities that:
Obama Campaign Lacks the Industry-Standard Level of Credit Card Security For Donations, But Uses It For Merchandise Purchases


Active Member
Who cares, any blind dumbass can tell that both Obama and Romney suck as leaders. Our country will only prevail if we stand for what is right and just. All this right and left wing propaganda is bullshit. We have our childrens lives to think about, not just our own.


King Tut
Who cares, any blind dumbass can tell that both Obama and Romney suck as leaders. Our country will only prevail if we stand for what is right and just. All this right and left wing propaganda is bullshit. We have our childrens lives to think about, not just our own.
Exactly. A vote for Obamney is a vote for Goldmann-Sachs and big banking interests.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Fox has seized on a conservative group's report to suggest President Obama's reelection campaign is receiving millions of dollars in illegal donations from foreign donors. In fact, the report provides no evidence to support this claim and the group's co-founder has himself acknowledged that it possesses no such evidence.
Non-partisan lol.


New Member
Who cares, any blind dumbass can tell that both Obama and Romney suck as leaders. Our country will only prevail if we stand for what is right and just. All this right and left wing propaganda is bullshit. We have our childrens lives to think about, not just our own.
Real cool story bro, now tell me how you are going to stand up and change it!
Don't tell me vote for Gary! LOL

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Real cool story bro, now tell me how you are going to stand up and change it!
Don't tell me vote for Gary! LOL
Erick Erickson Fails To Document Evidence That Obama's Campaign Is Committing Some Sort Of Fraud Through An "Illegal Donor Loophole." In an October 8 Red State blog post headlined "I Donated to Barack Obama," CNN contributor Erick Erickson documented his attempt to demonstrate that Obama's campaign is committing fraud through an "illegal donor loophole" that allows them to accept contributions from overseas. In the 13[SUP]th[/SUP] paragraph Erickson indicates that after attempting to donate to Obama as a Russian with a made-up passport number, he had his contribution rejected by the campaign.
The sky is falling OMG


King Tut
Real cool story bro, now tell me how you are going to stand up and change it!
Don't tell me vote for Gary! LOL
That is the legal way to do it in our current system.

A vote for Obamney perpetuates our problems.

The other option is revolution. Literally.

i'm voting GJ.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
"Credit card contributions to Obama for America are, in fact, processed using AVS (Address Verification System).
"If a billing address is verified via AVS, then the credit card contribution is processed without delay. Some transactions caught by AVS may initially appear to a donor to have been accepted even though this is not the case. Obama for America employs a manual process to review any transaction flagged by AVS, also taking into account other fraud risk factors, and using fraud detection services provided by our credit card processor.
"As an example, the contribution discussed here http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/04/dubious-donations-illustrated-illegal-contributor-edition.php may have initially appeared to have gone through when the donor completed the transaction at 10:18 a.m. but it was rejected at 4:51 p.m. under our standard fraud detection procedures.
"So any claims that Obama for America has disabled AVS are inaccurate; any question about this would have been answered -- if the question had been asked." [Election Law Blog, 10/8/12]

Those fox news boys really have him now.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Wash. Post: "FEC Audit ... Found No Evidence To Substantiate Those Allegations." In an article reporting on an audit of Obama's 2008 campaign by the Federal Election Commission, the Washington Post wrote:
In 2008, Republicans made an issue out of the millions in small donations that Obama's campaign raised in the last two months of the campaign, charging that he was accepting money from foreigners or fictitious people.
The FEC audit, which included an investigation of "contributions from prohibited sources," found no evidence to substantiate those allegations. [The Washington Post, 4/19/12]
Republicans making unsubstantiated claims that turn out to be false...shocker.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call the GAI partisan!
You sure are because you fell for republicans being republican, you're like a mushroom they feed you shit and keep you in the dark and you happily lap it up.

Republican Party officials said they will file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission Monday asking for an audit of Barack Obama's campaign contributions.
In announcing the move Sunday, they said they were concerned that the Democratic presidential candidate may be accepting donations from foreign nationals, and may also be taking a large number of donations that exceed federal limits for individuals.
U.S. law prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to American candidates, but campaigns from both parties have sought money from Americans living abroad.
The Republican Party cited a large amount of money coming to the Democratic presidential candidate from overseas, and a small amount of money that he has returned from foreigners, in explaining their complaint.
The party's lawyers also pointed to news reports of foreigners giving money to Sen. Obama, although the Obama campaign says it has either rejected or returned the money. [The Wall Street Journal, 10/6/08]

Even though they made the same claim in 2008 and it was shown to be false.

In 2008, Republicans made an issue out of the millions in small donations that Obama's campaign raised in the last two months of the campaign, charging that he was accepting money from foreigners or fictitious people.
The FEC audit, which included an investigation of "contributions from prohibited sources," found no evidence to substantiate those allegations. [The Washington Post, 4/19/12]


Active Member
Real cool story bro, now tell me how you are going to stand up and change it!
Don't tell me vote for Gary! LOL
Actually, last election, as well as this one, I will write my name on the line, take a HD picture with my phone, and post it on my FB, Youtube and Twitter, exposing my choice to about 50k individuals (that's level 1, my known friends, subscribers, and followers. Not to mention the exponential growth that happens which each of their followers, subscribers, and friends). I choose to write my name because I will not vote for one of those buffoons. Once people start realizing the power they have with their vote, we can start getting shit done. It's the "my vote doesn't count, so I will vote for the less of two evils" that completely kills the premise of our democracy. Funny thing is, the same people bitch and moan when the 4 years turn out to suck hard.