Obama Campaign Scandal Could Be The Nail In His Coffin.

As the Obamamaniacs and the msm will say: there is nothing to see here. Scandals do not matter to the kool aid chuggers.

The true nail in Mr. Obamas' coffin is Mitt Romney. Is that a hammer I hear?

Romney 2012
...because Obama and the democrats declared war on cannabis...what a liar he turned out to be!

that's got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life.

"too many dispensaries opened up under that guy...so i'll vote for the mormon who will 'fight it tooth and nail'".

just be honest clayton, we all know you're a racist shit bag who simply refuses to vote for the 'nigga'.
One poison is far more deadly than the other. YOU KNOW IT. Letting Obama destroy the country, so that some day libertarians can rebuild it won't work. This is it. Times up this November, so you libertarians need to get it together. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to support Romney? If Obama is re elected he will take us to the point of no return. Think about all the leftist judges Obama will put on the bench if hes re elected. This country is fucked for a very long time if our entire judicial system is ran by people who hate the constitution. Romney won't do that! First we need to stop the bleeding, then worry about bringing Romney over to the right.

When both men work for the same boss, they do what the boss tells them to do. One might make a more convenient scapegoat than the other but they will both do their bosses bidding whether they realize it or not. Kennedy spoke out against his bosses. Lincoln stood up to his bosses. They got.....fired.
ahha fucking retard thread one stared for fox
In Fact, GAI Has Made Clear Report Alleges No Wrongdoing

GAI Co-Founder Acknowledged GAI Has No Evidence That Obama's Campaign Has Received Donations From Foreign Sources. On Fox & Friends, Bannon acknowledged that GAI has no evidence to support the claim that Obama's reelection campaign has received tens of millions of dollars from foreign sources in violation of federal law. From Fox & Friends:
DOOCY: If your number is accurate, and it's 43 percent comes from international, we're talking tens of millions of dollars.
BANNON: Forty-three is what goes to their homepage and goes back. We're not saying that 43 percent comes, but that has to be checked. Without credit card security --
DOOCY: Because you don't know.
BANNON: You don't know. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 10/8/12, via Media Matters]​
GAI's Schweizer Admitted Foreign And Fraudulent Donations Are Just A "Concern." Writing in the Daily Beast, GAI president and co-founder Peter Schweizer and Newsweek's Peter J. Boyer highlighted the GAI report and said that "there has been surprisingly little focus on perhaps the most secretive and influential financial force in politics today: the wide-open coffers of the Internet." Schweizer and Boyer further wrote that unlike other presidential campaigns, Obama's "does not use a standard security tool, the card verification value (CVV) system -- the three- or four-digit number often imprinted on the back of a credit card, whose purpose is to verify that the person executing the purchase (or, in this case, donation) physically possesses the card." Schweizer and Boyer noted that fraudulent and foreign donations are a "concern," but at no point said that the Obama campaign is receiving illegal donations. [Daily Beast, 10/8/12]
Suppose you are sitting in the Chinese politburo in Beijing. Would you rather President Obama or Mitt Romney, who’s just declared that the era of American weakness abroad is over, win on Nov. 6?
Well, you can do something about it. Feel free to get out your credit card, pull up Obama’s fund-raising Web site, barackobama.com, and give to the campaign — along with a few thousand of your closest friends. As long as your donation is less than $200, no questions will be asked about whether you’re even a US citizen.
If it’s under $50, there won’t even be a record of it.

It’s illegal for foreign nationals to contribute to US elections. Yet the Obama campaign practically invites foreigners to give.
The Obama-Biden campaign has raised more than $271 million from donations under $200, vs. $69 million for Romney. But the Obama team’s done so in part by abjuring the most basic controls against fraud or illegal foreign donations.

The Government Accountability Institute, a Washington watchdog group, says it’s likely a high percentage of Obama online’s donors aren’t Americans. For starters, a full 43 percent of the traffic on the site barackobama.com comes from foreign Internet provider addresses, versus just 11.9 percent at Romney’s equivalent site.
Kid Rock and Stacey Dash are telling it like it is. And then there's this:
"[SIZE=+7]'You have to scratch your head when president spends week talking about saving 'Big Bird''...[/SIZE]
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.
Actually Romney was the first to bring up BIg Bird in the debate....if he didn't want peopel talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking.

Just 27 more days of this bullshit and then it will finally be over.
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.

Only Democrats think that PBS is an educational network that you can learn from. Republicans think T.L.C is an educational network- You know, shows like Honey Boo Boo and Sarah Palin shooting caribou on her show- I can't even remember the name of the show because it flopped so fast. You have to remember, Honey Boo Boo is the Republican's base!
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.

Oh I don't think Mitt Romney minds the Obama campaign talking about Big Bird, in fact I think he is getting great satisfaction from it. Knowing Obama can't talk about his failed economic policies and his complete
screw ups on foreign policy, Mitt, like everyone else is laughing their ass off!
Oh I don't think Mitt Romney minds the Obama campaign talking about Big Bird, in fact I think he is getting great satisfaction from it. Knowing Obama can't talk about his failed economic policies and his complete
screw ups on foreign policy, Mitt, like everyone else is laughing their ass off!

yeah, killing osama bin laden and 31 months of job growth after being left a major recession from you guys is nothing to talk about.

why isn't george w bush out there stumping with willard and talking about the awesomeness of GOP policies and results? :lol:
yeah, killing osama bin laden and 31 months of job growth after being left a major recession from you guys is nothing to talk about.

why isn't george w bush out there stumping with willard and talking about the awesomeness of GOP policies and results? :lol:

I hope Obama keeps beating those Bin Laden drums, look what it got him in Libya, knee deep in one of the biggest cover up scandals of our time!
The mantra of 31 months of job growth only works for the Obama phone crowd, anyone with half a brain knows Obama has had almost 4 years and still has a net job LOSS!

I'm actually glad George Bush isn't out campaigning for the GOP, it's beneath the office IMO, who wants an ex president being a press hound saying negative things about our current president, it's beneath the office!
I hope Obama keeps beating those Bin Laden drums, look what it got him in Libya, knee deep in one of the biggest cover up scandals of our time!
The mantra of 31 months of job growth only works for the Obama phone crowd, anyone with half a brain knows Obama has had almost 4 years and still has a net job LOSS!

I'm actually glad George Bush isn't out campaigning for the GOP, it's beneath the office IMO, who wants an ex president being a press hound saying negative things about our current president, it's beneath the office!

there's actually been a net job gain. being left with 800k jobs a month going down the drain is hard to overcome.

why isn't shrub out there touting his handoff of 800k jobs a month being lost?