Romney 2012...because Obama and the democrats declared war on cannabis...what a liar he turned out to be!
just admit it guys, he was a shitty pick the first time around. Its ok to admit you were wrong.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to support Romney?
As the Obamamaniacs and the msm will say: there is nothing to see here. Scandals do not matter to the kool aid chuggers.
The true nail in Mr. Obamas' coffin is Mitt Romney. Is that a hammer I hear?
Kid Rock and Stacey Dash are telling it like it is. And then there's this:
"[SIZE=+7]'You have to scratch your head when president spends week talking about saving 'Big Bird''...[/SIZE]
the GOP put up Romney as their candidate..WTF were they thinking.
that's got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life.
One poison is far more deadly than the other. YOU KNOW IT. Letting Obama destroy the country, so that some day libertarians can rebuild it won't work. This is it. Times up this November, so you libertarians need to get it together. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to support Romney? If Obama is re elected he will take us to the point of no return. Think about all the leftist judges Obama will put on the bench if hes re elected. This country is fucked for a very long time if our entire judicial system is ran by people who hate the constitution. Romney won't do that! First we need to stop the bleeding, then worry about bringing Romney over to the right.
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.Kid Rock and Stacey Dash are telling it like it is. And then there's this:
"[SIZE=+7]'You have to scratch your head when president spends week talking about saving 'Big Bird''...[/SIZE]
Actually Romney was the first to bring up BIg Bird in the debate....if he didn't want peopel talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking.
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.
Actually Romney was the first to bring up Big Bird in the debate....if he didn't want people talking about Big Bird why bring it up in the first place. I support PBS. It's actually one of the last educational programming we have left. The money we spend on PBS a year equates to about 6-8 HOURS of Pentagon spending..Fuck education power to war is the thinking of some.
Oh I don't think Mitt Romney minds the Obama campaign talking about Big Bird, in fact I think he is getting great satisfaction from it. Knowing Obama can't talk about his failed economic policies and his complete
screw ups on foreign policy, Mitt, like everyone else is laughing their ass off!
Just 27 more days of this bullshit and then it will finally be over.
yeah, killing osama bin laden and 31 months of job growth after being left a major recession from you guys is nothing to talk about.
why isn't george w bush out there stumping with willard and talking about the awesomeness of GOP policies and results?![]()
I hope Obama keeps beating those Bin Laden drums, look what it got him in Libya, knee deep in one of the biggest cover up scandals of our time!
The mantra of 31 months of job growth only works for the Obama phone crowd, anyone with half a brain knows Obama has had almost 4 years and still has a net job LOSS!
I'm actually glad George Bush isn't out campaigning for the GOP, it's beneath the office IMO, who wants an ex president being a press hound saying negative things about our current president, it's beneath the office!