Obama Campaign Scandal Could Be The Nail In His Coffin.

there's actually been a net job gain. being left with 800k jobs a month going down the drain is hard to overcome.

why isn't shrub out there touting his handoff of 800k jobs a month being lost?

Why are you progressives so obsessed with Bush, he's history, lets talk about the dead economy Obama's going to hand over to Romney!
Why are you progressives so obsessed with Bush, he's history, lets talk about the dead economy Obama's going to hand over to Romney!

31 months straight of job gains, near 5 million jobs added.

compare to the GOP business man record: 800k jobs a month lost.

so why isn't bush out there campaigning with romney, touting the success of GOP policies? :lol:
31 months straight of job gains, near 5 million jobs added.

compare to the GOP business man record: 800k jobs a month lost.

so why isn't bush out there campaigning with romney, touting the success of GOP policies? :lol:

Now, I'm not a fan of either candidate (Dem. or Repub.). I have to ask one question though: How many of those people in that huge unemployment drop started to attend college? That drops the total number, and I can't help but notice the unemployment drop included students. It seems a bit convenient during election season.
One poison is far more deadly than the other. YOU KNOW IT. Letting Obama destroy the country, so that some day libertarians can rebuild it won't work. This is it. Times up this November, so you libertarians need to get it together. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to support Romney? If Obama is re elected he will take us to the point of no return. Think about all the leftist judges Obama will put on the bench if hes re elected. This country is fucked for a very long time if our entire judicial system is ran by people who hate the constitution. Romney won't do that! First we need to stop the bleeding, then worry about bringing Romney over to the right.

the country had been destroyed before obama took over.
Now, I'm not a fan of either candidate (Dem. or Repub.). I have to ask one question though: How many of those people in that huge unemployment drop started to attend college? That drops the total number, and I can't help but notice the unemployment drop included students. It seems a bit convenient during election season.

i'm not sure how many started to attend college, did they include that in the jobs report all of a sudden? or have they always counted that and more people started attending college? it is that time of year ya know.
How many people are retiring?

that's what I was wondering too. At some point we know the boomer retirements are going to outpace the population growth. This could be the start of it.

In the next 20 years a billion boomers are going to die. The richest generation in history is about to eat up our health care costs and nobody is talking about. These people are going to want what was available to everyone else. It's going to be ugly.
The fact that 48% of this country is now stupid enough to vote for Romney makes me want to help them achieve their goals. If he gets into office, the country will go down the shithole that much faster. And when that happens, it will be much easier to make my own economy.

I can't believe I heard abortion issues come up again as an issue. There are too many people in this country already, which should have solved that debate long ago.