OBAMA 2012... because the GOP put up Romney as their candidate..WTF were they thinking.
OBAMA 2012... because the GOP put up Romney as their candidate..WTF were they thinking.
Which republican candidate would you have voted for? LOL!!!
Yup and Romney will legalize it for all
Romney 2012...because Obama and the democrats declared war on cannabis...what a liar he turned out to be!
Yup and Romney will legalize it for all...Damn has Obama hate really made you this stupid.
I hate people that hate what America stands for!
Obama and Romney will carry out the wishes of Goldmann-Sachs so it really doesn't matter who you vote for if your choice is one of them.
well you tell Ron Paul to stop running a race they he knows he will not win. Tell him to run Independent and start a real fucking political revolution.
Obama and Romney will carry out the wishes of Goldmann-Sachs so it really doesn't matter who you vote for if your choice is one of them.
I never let one issue, especially one I have no control over, dictate who I cast my vote for!
There is a vast contrast between the two candidates, I can't believe you cannot see this!
They are owned by the same people. The differences one sees are there for show and to create the illusion of choice.
Romney is clearly the choice i have to make. I vote with my wallet.
God bless Gary Johnson but I refuse to throw away a vote to give Obama one!
If you vote with your wallet then GJ should be your only option. You really think Goldmann-Sachs wants you to have a fat wallet?
I think libertarians who don't see that Obama is a far worse candidate than Romney are either stubborn or ignorant. YOU ONLY GET TWO CHOICES! There is NO third option. How is that so hard to understand?
Poison or poison. Take your pick.
Me, i choose neither one.