why do the righties want us to forget about bush?


Well-Known Member
Obama has increased the deficit, period.
obama was handed a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit in FY 2009.

the most recent deficit for FY 2012 is $1.1 trillion.


you're digging your hole deeper, idiot.

The president doesn't sign laws into action himself simpleton, there are other portions of government, such as congress, which vote on whether or not to pass a law.
congress writes and passes laws, the president either signs or vetoes them. what don't you get about this?

The bailouts were signed into affect when the democratic party voted them to be. The house and senate were BOTH democratic at the time.
that thing sailed through the house and the senate easily. guess who begged for it to be passed in the house?

rhymes with schmaul plyan.


Looks like your savior Obama comes out the loser in the end bucky. He will undoubtedly go down in history as the WORST president of all time. You can't even admit how flawed his term has been, even when all the signs and results are smacking you dead in the face.
31 months of job gains, 5 million new jobs, a lowered deficit, 30 million more insured, more equal rights for the LGBT community...what a failure.

he should have left us bleeding 800k jobs a month and an economic catastrophe not seen since the great depression. then you would defend him.



Well-Known Member
The buck stops with Bush in the White House. You can't possably expect Democrats to take responsability for what goes on there. The fair thing to do is jump in a time machine and blame George Bush.

this thread is not here to blame bush for anything, it is to mock douchebag sock puppets like yourself who want us to forget history.


Well-Known Member
The buck stops with Bush in the White House. You can't possably expect Democrats to take responsability for what goes on there. The fair thing to do is jump in a time machine and blame George Bush.
Bush took office and a short time after 9/11 hit. Bush got sucker punched from the beginning. Clinton should have taken care of matters when he had the son of a bitch in the cross hairs. Clinton was too much of a pussy to take care of business. He was too worried about getting his dick sucked by Monica!


Active Member
congress writes and passes laws, the president either signs or vetoes them. what don't you get about this?
What don't you understand about this idiot?

You are the one saying that the bailouts are BUSH'S fault, when clearly they are a result of being voted through by the democratic congress!
Of course the president is the last to put his name on the line, does that mean he is his 100% in favor of that to be law? No it does not. Stop insinuating that the president does all of law making



Well-Known Member
Bush took office and a short time after 9/11 hit. Bush got sucker punched from the beginning. Clinton should have taken care of matters when he had the son of a bitch in the cross hairs. Clinton was too much of a pussy to take care of business. He was too worried about getting his dick sucked by Monica!
the right: stop blaming bush! waaahhhhh!

the right in the next breath: it's clinton's fault! waaaaahhhhh!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Can somebody tell me what the Glass-Stegall act was? And who repealed a significant portion of it? And what affect it had on the housing bubble?



Well-Known Member
What don't you understand about this idiot?

You are the one saying that the bailouts are BUSH'S fault, when clearly they are a result of being voted through by the democratic congress!

he could have vetoed it. instead he signed it, and that was after using the bully pulpit and toadying gladhands like paul ryan to get it passed.

the president signs bills into law. no one else.



Well-Known Member
Can somebody tell me what the Glass-Stegall act was? And who repealed a significant portion of it? And what affect it had on the housing bubble?


  • the right: stop blaming bush! waaahhhhh!

    the right in the next breath: it's clinton's fault! waaaaahhhhh!​



Active Member
he could have vetoed it. instead he signed it, and that was after using the bully pulpit and toadying gladhands like paul ryan to get it passed.

the president signs bills into law. no one else.

Of course the president is the last to put his name on the line, does that mean he is his 100% in favor of that to be law? No it does not. Stop insinuating that the president does all of law making.

President Obama could have stopped the bailouts as well, but chose to continue to administer them. Ergo, Obama owns the bailouts, not Bush, sistah


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I still find it very ironic that BUSH called for more oversight of fannie and freddie and democrats (including everyones favorite bawny fwank) strongly opposed it. And CLINTON repealed the bill that stopped the integration of investment banks and commercial banks which led to the underwriting of mortgage backed securities. NOW its Bushs fault there was uncontrollable lending. Got it. Some fantastic logic right there.

Gotta love it when uneducated idiots think they understand economics and the politics behind it.


New Member
congress writes and passes laws, the president either signs or vetoes them. what don't you get about this?

The largest budget deficits in history happened during a four year span, 2007,2008,2009 and 2010, each year the democrats controlled both houses of congress. So what you're saying is, President Bush never created a budget deficit, it was congress?


Well-Known Member
Of course the president is the last to put his name on the line, does that mean he is his 100% in favor of that to be law? No it does not. Stop insinuating that the president does all of law making.

President Obama could have stopped the bailouts as well, but chose to continue to administer them. Ergo, Obama owns the bailouts, not Bush, sistah

bush was 100% in favor of tarp. he asked for it. he used the bully pulpit. he wanted tarp, dipshit.



Well-Known Member
The largest budget deficits in history happened during a four year span, 2007,2008,2009 and 2010, each year the democrats controlled both houses of congress. So what you're saying is, President Bush never created a budget deficit, it was congress?
so, i guess what you're saying is that the house GOP is creating the trillion+ dollar budget deficit?

hey, if obama tanked the economy and started us losing 800k jobs a month, would you then be in favor of sucking his dick just like you enjoy sucking the dick of your savior shrub?


New Member
UB would do himself a world of good if he stopped referring to "righties vs lefties" and started looking at paradigms that actually contrast each other

you know, freedom vs tyranny...sovereignty vs globalization...free market capitalism vs FED-favored fascism...


Well-Known Member
Congress never passed cap and trade. So Obama circumvented congress and ordered the regulations be mandated through the EPA by way of executive fiat. If congress doesn't do what Obama says, then Obama will find a way around democracy.


New Member
so, i guess what you're saying is that the house GOP is creating the trillion+ dollar budget deficit?

hey, if obama tanked the economy and started us losing 800k jobs a month, would you then be in favor of sucking his dick just like you enjoy sucking the dick of your savior shrub?
Using your reasoning, the budget deficit started decreasing in the years 2011 and 2012, oddly enough when the republicans took the House!

Just using your logic, don't get made and racist on me!


New Member
The FED controls monetary policy and the economy at large

why are you fools arguing over puppets that pretend to argue each other?