"he died for your freedoms"

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The insults involve less processed food, like corn.

Of course, by that logic, "Spamhole" and "Twinkie hole" :shock: would be less insulting.
So whaddoIknow!? cn
So if I called somebody a "donut hole" it wouldn't be funny because of all the sugar and preservatives right?


Well-Known Member
Yet when pressed to find ONE quote of mine defending Obama, you consistently fail to find one and simply lie over and over again because you're a goddamn liar. We've already established that.

Attacking Romney is supporting Obama? Did you miss breakfast this morning?

Watch this, watch me defend chocolate! Ready, are you watching?..

"I hate vanilla"


Hopefully that simple example outlines how insane you are, jeff.

Bad to say about Obama?

-more DEA busts in CA than Bush, bullshit
-perpetual state of war, bullshit
-Gitmo, bullshit
-bail outs, bullshit

Close your cakehole, dipshit. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
You are ALL OVER Obama's dick. Don't try and hide it.
You are voting Obama, so just admit it.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess you showed me. :roll:
Who you voting for?
And don't say third party thats bullshit
Just cos your Romneys little cock-fag doesn't mean people only get to choose "chocolate" OR "monopoly man".

Fucking facist. FreedomWorks supports Romney over Gary Johnson, what an ironic fucking joke.


Well-Known Member
pad, harrekin: stop it. you're going to make falafelworks cry if you don't say you're voting for romney, and then he's going to bust out the crayons.

we don't need that.


Well-Known Member
Just cos your Romneys little cock-fag doesn't mean people only get to choose "chocolate" OR "monopoly man".

Fucking facist. FreedomWorks supports Romney over Gary Johnson, what an ironic fucking joke.
My vote is for Paul Ryan. I think he's going to play a key role in getting America back on track.
Why would I throw my vote down a rat hole for Gary Johnson?


Well-Known Member
My vote is for Paul Ryan. I think he's going to play a key role in getting America back on track.
Why would I throw my vote down a rat hole for Gary Johnson?
paul ryan? you mean the one with the plan that takes $716 billion out of miedicare, which you were just crying about?


you're an idiot.



Well-Known Member

Im not voting for anyone, neither candidate deserves my vote. I don't believe our political system is legitimate.
How did I know? Typical sell out. You would rather throw your vote down a rat hole and have a radical appoint justices with lifetime terms to molest our constitution for decades. You make me sick


Well-Known Member
How did I know? Typical sell out. You would rather throw your vote down a rat hole and have a radical appoint justices with lifetime terms to molest our constitution for decades. You make me sick
Lol, Paul Ryan looks like a young version of Steve Carrell.

And if you think Romney/Ryan represents "freedom", you're a complete tard and deserve to be sent to the gulags.


Well-Known Member
One of the glaring flaws with the American political system is that there are two choices; Republican or Democrat. Most Americans face more options when choosing a multitude of things, cars, what to have for lunch, who to stick their dick in or whose dick to let poke them/whatever your sexual preference. Then we are given the choice of two types of people to let run the country at least 85% of whom are crazy as a shithouse rat. Even the concept of a representative democracy is getting a little dated. It is ridiculous that this election comes down to 10-15 counties in 4-5 states depending on which source you believe. We have such prevalent modes of communication now that direct democracy should be a real thing. But these ideas would change the electoral system and greatly diminish dem and rep market shares, so guess who is against it?


Well-Known Member
One of the glaring flaws with the American political system is that there are two choices; Republican or Democrat. Most Americans face more options when choosing a multitude of things, cars, what to have for lunch, who to stick their dick in or whose dick to let poke them/whatever your sexual preference. Then we are given the choice of two types of people to let run the country at least 85% of whom are crazy as a shithouse rat. Even the concept of a representative democracy is getting a little dated. It is ridiculous that this election comes down to 10-15 counties in 4-5 states depending on which source you believe. We have such prevalent modes of communication now that direct democracy should be a real thing. But these ideas would change the electoral system and greatly diminish dem and rep market shares, so guess who is against it?
Oh there's more than two choices, you were just told otherwise growing up.


Well-Known Member
Oh there's more than two choices, you were just told otherwise growing up.
People are more than told. They are taught and indoctrinated with this two option mentality. In a country that is supposed to be free, we are condemned to choose between two options.


New Member

Can't tell you how many people I have seen just on the few forums I use always saying "I'm just gonna vote for the lesser to evils" or saying how they rather vote for Obama because they know people like Ron Paul won't win anyways, or people not voting at all, so many wasted votes I've seen in the past months.


Well-Known Member
How did I know? Typical sell out. You would rather throw your vote down a rat hole and have a radical appoint justices with lifetime terms to molest our constitution for decades. You make me sick
Yeah, actually you didn't know and have repeatedly accused me of supporting/defending Obama.

and in case you missed it, your vote is already worthless and simply by taking part in the sham they've got going, you perpetuate a failed system instead of demanding reform. You'd rather those you view as enemies lose than admit you're wrong.


And I'd rather have Obama pick the justices (which may or may not vacate their seats during the next 4 years) than a religious fanatic like Romney. He disagrees with Roe v. Wade, it truly does not get dumber than that.