Karma, Karma, Karma, Konfusion

I think when people see bad things happen to bad people its attributed to karma or justice. no one wants to see a cold blooded killer walk away free and if something like that happens then people especially the victims family are cheated out of justice. so is karma and justice the same thing? in a sense maybe but people tend to rely on karma when justice fails. whether you believe in karma or justice or neither it all boils down to the fact that people are looking for something and have the need to believe in something even if its intangible. theres an old saying i thinki heard it in a song i'm not sure. it goes like this. You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything:) Peace.
I think when people see bad things happen to bad people its attributed to karma or justice. no one wants to see a cold blooded killer walk away free and if something like that happens then people especially the victims family are cheated out of justice. so is karma and justice the same thing? in a sense maybe but people tend to rely on karma when justice fails. whether you believe in karma or justice or neither it all boils down to the fact that people are looking for something and have the need to believe in something even if its intangible. theres an old saying i thinki heard it in a song i'm not sure. it goes like this. You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything:) Peace.

thanks for posting! :joint:
The same principle has been spoken of in many cultures. But it is not Kharma. Kharma is something much more and the 'What comes around goes around' ditty is such a small part of it. Kharma is like a lesson plan for your life and what you choose to learn. The former is to me little more than Newton's 2nd Law (And very real indeed).
You are God(dess), experiencing hermself, repeatedly, in various guises, for fun.

It's a Play

Hey RIU'ers!

As you may know from some of my other posts, I am highly skeptical of religions, pseudoscience, and other unsubstantiated claims.

I have been seeing a few posts saying things like ...
karma is a bitch!
don't worry - karma will catch up with them
karma is real and what comes around goes around

Which got me thinking....
am i to understand that everyone gets what they deserve according to this karma system? and if it isn't obvious what that person did to deserve bad (or good) karma then the event creating said karma most likely occurred in a past life?

So anytime something bad happens to someone - they deserved it?

i'm sorry but this system leaves me with a sickening feeling in my stomach and was hoping someone who believes this could explain how this is any kind of justice.... any karma believers that want to convince me that - if it does exist (which I don't believe) it is a good thing?
Karma is an artifact of existence, it is not a rule.

You will have a life as a rapist, you will have a life as a saint.

You will have a life as a stoner, you will have a life as an average Joe.

Whatever life you have, you will come back and have another life as something else-- this is something that you will choose, in your growth process.

So let's say for this life you're a guy working at the office, you have a girlfriend, you have a place you rent where you grow some kind bud.

That's all fine and good. You're going to live this out and go, wow, that was pretty cool.

In your next life, you might choose to be a rockstar.

Or an astronaut, or whatever, all cool things.

At some point you will wear this out.

Then you will say... I wonder what's it's like to be a psychotic killer? I wonder what it's like to be Dick Cheney?

Then you will have a life as Hitler, or Dick Cheney, so that you can experience that.

So you are a very rich, very powerful man.

But you are not evolved.

And that is the whole point of this exercise, the whole thing you want to do, is evolve, experience yourself as God.

But to do that, you must experience everything.

Well, you are.

Right where you're standing.

You'll also come back as a poor immigrant who has to slave over the fields and fight to get enough money to feed your children.

You will do this, too.

You will be all these things.

Karma is an artifact of these things.

The artifact of being Dick Cheney is that at some point you will have moved through all these options, and you'll say... "I've been Dick Cheney, I wonder what it would be like to be tortured, since I allowed this to happen in another life, as Dick Cheney"

And you will come back and you will live a life as a torture victim, or a baby in Iraq who's limbs were blown away thanks to Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all the other crew.

You will be a person who has their scalp cut off, you will be a scalp cutter.

You will be all of this, you ARE all of this, all at the same time.

That's life, that's being God. You're God, and you've got eternity to explore every possibility, and you will.

but Karma is not a one way street. it's intended use is both ways, positive and negative......
Karma is an artifact of existence, it is not a rule.

You will have a life as a rapist, you will have a life as a saint.

You will have a life as a stoner, you will have a life as an average Joe.

Whatever life you have, you will come back and have another life as something else-- this is something that you will choose, in your growth process.

So let's say for this life you're a guy working at the office, you have a girlfriend, you have a place you rent where you grow some kind bud.

That's all fine and good. You're going to live this out and go, wow, that was pretty cool.

In your next life, you might choose to be a rockstar.

Or an astronaut, or whatever, all cool things.

At some point you will wear this out.

Then you will say... I wonder what's it's like to be a psychotic killer? I wonder what it's like to be Dick Cheney?

Then you will have a life as Hitler, or Dick Cheney, so that you can experience that.

So you are a very rich, very powerful man.

But you are not evolved.

And that is the whole point of this exercise, the whole thing you want to do, is evolve, experience yourself as God.

But to do that, you must experience everything.

Well, you are.

Right where you're standing.

You'll also come back as a poor immigrant who has to slave over the fields and fight to get enough money to feed your children.

You will do this, too.

You will be all these things.

Karma is an artifact of these things.

The artifact of being Dick Cheney is that at some point you will have moved through all these options, and you'll say... "I've been Dick Cheney, I wonder what it would be like to be tortured, since I allowed this to happen in another life, as Dick Cheney"

And you will come back and you will live a life as a torture victim, or a baby in Iraq who's limbs were blown away thanks to Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all the other crew.

You will be a person who has their scalp cut off, you will be a scalp cutter.

You will be all of this, you ARE all of this, all at the same time.

That's life, that's being God. You're God, and you've got eternity to explore every possibility, and you will.

so you live life over and over until you finally make it to God? What is God?

And what, exactly, about "you" lives life over and over?

do you have to have "faith" to think karma is real?
so you live life over and over until you finally make it to God? What is God?

And what, exactly, about "you" lives life over and over?

do you have to have "faith" to think karma is real?

I'm not speaking for anyone else here or their beliefs-

From my beliefs and what I was taught- we are all one with 'god' or the All. The ultimate intelligent force from which all comes. Since we are all one with 'god'- this must also mean that we ARE 'god'. We are like separate working cells in a body- from a far perspective, it is one body, we view this as 'god'. But at the same time, when looked at from a different perspective, we are an individually working cell in that body we identify as 'god'.

The part of you that lives on is the soul. This is not to be confused with the 'mind' you possess- the mind you are using to comprehend the words on the screen you are reading now, is not the soul, it is not you. It is merely a tool you have at your disposal. The desires of the soul also are not the same desires as your mental, physical, and astral selves.

With each lifetime, we have lessons to learn. It isn't until all the lessons our soul wishes to learn, that we can be relinquished from the constant rebirth and death associated with this reality. The rule of cause and effect (karma if you will) is what keeps the cycle of constant rebirth and death.

The remarkable thing about this, is that your soul is still fulfilling your 'current life lessons' regardless of whether you believe in them or are even aware of their existence. Awareness of these spiritual insights in one life or another, however, will inevitably be needed in reaching the ultimate goal of being released from the constant death and rebirth process.

One must fully understand and experience the created, in order to appreciate the role of being the creator.
The remarkable thing about this, is that your soul is still fulfilling your 'current life lessons' regardless of whether you believe in them or are even aware of their existence.

unless of course it doesn't exist at all except as a belief. that is what i am trying to determine. Since there is no evidence of the soul or even a creator, i'm guessing, yes - belief in karma requires faith.

A Christian would say God and Jesus influences your life whether you believe or not (ditto for most other religions).
unless of course it doesn't exist at all except as a belief. that is what i am trying to determine. Since there is no evidence of the soul or even a creator, i'm guessing, yes - belief in karma requires faith.

A Christian would say God and Jesus influences your life whether you believe or not (ditto for most other religions).

I encourage you to thoroughly research the Global Consciousness Project.
I think I'd like to correct you with a bit of semantics.

"Popular X-tian doctrine dictates that..."

I know plenty of 'X-tians' that have written their own version. I have written mine. And while the above amended statement is true to some degree. There IS relevance to one's belief. While we are all a part of 'God', if you will, we are only PART. I'm sorry but your inference and reference only remind me of the that South Park episode where Cartman thinks he's a psychic and they 'battle' with 'their minds' (Or....Strange childish sounds that do nothing but make you look like you belong in a psych ward).
True with wisdom, knowledge, training and effort we can shape the world with our will. Combining our will with others can make a particular endeavour more productive more quickly. For a pure single minded global consciousness to be focused...is purely redundant. If that's what 'God' wanted....I think he could have done that without us. It seems far more likely that our diversity and experience contribute to a larger model that is being shaped. So many have argued whether we are being shaped by our design or God's. I rather like Lao Tzu's answer to such paradoxes, "Same thing..."

But then again....I try to analyse religion and spirituality using logic....so I probably belong in the psych ward...
this is becoming very interesting. i try to analyze everything using evidence. Logic is an excellent way to reach probably true conclusions but the premise must be sound.

To clear up any confusion and avoid comparisons to cartoon characters in the future, if there is no proof - i don't believe it. We have yet to come up with a good definition of consciousness or mind or soul and yet we base further premises on them.
this is becoming very interesting. i try to analyze everything using evidence. Logic is an excellent way to reach probably true conclusions but the premise must be sound.

To clear up any confusion and avoid comparisons to cartoon characters in the future, if there is no proof - i don't believe it. We have yet to come up with a good definition of consciousness or mind or soul and yet we base further premises on them.

I encourage everyone to self research... everyone's definition and view is different.

Native Americans called English sails at first "weird clouds".. while the English had a different name for them- both of course referring to the same thing. According to the personal views and experiences, the name we call things, and the way we describe them change..

Every person ultimately only answers to them self- always trust yourself. You will always be your best teacher.
I encourage everyone to self research... everyone's definition and view is different.

Native Americans called English sails at first "weird clouds".. while the English had a different name for them- both of course referring to the same thing. According to the personal views and experiences, the name we call things, and the way we describe them change..

Every person ultimately only answers to them self- always trust yourself. You will always be your best teacher.

I've gotten away from my love of mythology. I think it might be time to dive back in again.
this is becoming very interesting. i try to analyze everything using evidence. Logic is an excellent way to reach probably true conclusions but the premise must be sound.

To clear up any confusion and avoid comparisons to cartoon characters in the future, if there is no proof - i don't believe it. We have yet to come up with a good definition of consciousness or mind or soul and yet we base further premises on them.

Empiracism+Technology+Logic =/= Absolute Truth

It, logically speaking cannot. Science in itself has proven it cannot know all. Even logic is relative to perspective. Time may tell all, but by then the universe AS WE KNOW IT may end. LOGIC dictates that RELEVANCY decide priorities of investigation and scientific debate.

I think Nietzsche said something to the effect of, 'Lets's stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves'.

To be honest, if Kharma meant something to a culture long ago, while there may be a handful of individuals who still understand it, it is little more, today, than self-righteous hippie-witch bullshit propaganda. Same bible thumpers, new flavour.

You can't prove God and the very nature of 'God' defies that proof will ever be provided for a VERY long time (Probably a lot longer than the probability that such a generation will even still LOOK like humans).

God and evolution need not be contradictory. The only real debate is between a handful of those who defy the religious institution and the insane fundamaentalists that fight for the dumbest shit in the history of the world.

Religious fundamental propaganda is NOT about morality, has nothing to do with the 'sanctity of marriage', nothing to do with 'God' or 'Creation'. It is about money and power. Church politicians are the very thing they preach against. They are a thing that, if they truly believe what they said, the very epitome of the 'Devil'. Oddly enough, for the most part, politically active religious community is truly atheist. Like a closeted gay politician, consumed with self-loathing and hate, rapes a nation of it's freedom and rights in an effort to restructure the world around their broken psyche.

The point: You'll NEVER find a definitive answer to the God Question. So get the fuck over it. If you are so damn insecure about your fucking beliefs that you feel the need to forcibly impose that belief and it's arbitrary by-laws, then I will kick your mother fucking ass when it affects me and those I care about. I won't sit down and debate it with you like I will now. I will fight for the freedom and truth this country was founded on.

Another note on that point, ideally and on paper this country was founded on the principle of an individual's right to freedom of choice or religion. Historically, it was little more than the propagation of a more subtle form of slavery. Still, I believe in that Ideal, and I'll be damned if some self-righteous, self-loathing, mentally imbalanced whack-job is gonna create fucking police state and expect me to volunteer to don the fucking horse blinders. Fuck you. Keep it up and I'll give you a lesson on what I fucking believe in.
The point: You'll NEVER find a definitive answer to the God Question. So get the fuck over it. If you are so damn insecure about your fucking beliefs that you feel the need to forcibly impose that belief and it's arbitrary by-laws, then I will kick your mother fucking ass when it affects me and those I care about. I won't sit down and debate it with you like I will now. I will fight for the freedom and truth this country was founded on.

not sure what i said to bring such hostility out but as long as the evidence points away from an interventionist god i will continue to be an atheist/agnostic. I am not trying to push my views on anyone though I will happily point out that faith or belief without evidence or worse - belief in spite of the evidence is a most likely flawed way of looking at things. But luckily we can make our own choices.

as for the ass-kicking - i most likely deserve one but might does not make right.
. I will fight for the freedom and truth this country was founded on.

this makes no sense to me...

this country was found?

what is a country? Isn't country just a imaginary concept (redundant)?

where was it before it was found?

FREEDOM and TRUTH? I am not sure if truth can be found... Ithink it can be covered up.... but not found... truth IS

It sounds very abstract and delusional.. are you saying tha you would fight somebody over an abstract or delusiona lc concept?

Like if I believed in dragons and you didn't, you'd wanna fight me?
Yes, email KARAM is real.. sort of..

If one lives in the world of reaction.. reactig to MIND... which 99.99995 of the poeple on earth do.. then there is a reaction..

Karma is beyond good and bad.. there is no such thing as good karma and bad karma...

Imagine karam is the fnal buffer between a world of dualism and the finite... which some call GOD..

KARMA is the law.. the science... it has no judgment....

Thoughts, intentions, and reactionary action create karma...

It is pointless to discuss or try to understand karma if one lives under the CONCEPTS of mind... short - tall , big - small, good - bad

If you wish to actually witness KARMA, and end speculation, you can do this... it just requires, surrender... surrender 100% to the moment...

What this means, is to bring your full ATTENTION to YOURSELF, YOUR BODY.. and REACT to nothing.... just keep your AWARENESS on the body....

the functions and manifestations of karma will then reveal... reveal...

There is a movie called "stranger than fiction"... it is a portrait of the entire inner working of the mind, karma, thoughts etc...


ALL CONCEPTS are a distraction from seeing karma..

ONe can transcend KARMA... and then BYE BYE

this makes no sense to me...

this country was found?

You know very well he wasn't trying to use find in the past tense


1 : to take the first steps in building
2 : to set or ground on something solid : base
3 : to establish (as an institution) often with provision for future maintenance
Yes, email KARAM is real.. sort of..

If one lives in the world of reaction.. reactig to MIND... which 99.99995 of the poeple on earth do.. then there is a reaction..

Karma is beyond good and bad.. there is no such thing as good karma and bad karma...

Imagine karam is the fnal buffer between a world of dualism and the finite... which some call GOD..

KARMA is the law.. the science... it has no judgment....

Thoughts, intentions, and reactionary action create karma...

It is pointless to discuss or try to understand karma if one lives under the CONCEPTS of mind... short - tall , big - small, good - bad

If you wish to actually witness KARMA, and end speculation, you can do this... it just requires, surrender... surrender 100% to the moment...

What this means, is to bring your full ATTENTION to YOURSELF, YOUR BODY.. and REACT to nothing.... just keep your AWARENESS on the body....

the functions and manifestations of karma will then reveal... reveal...

There is a movie called "stranger than fiction"... it is a portrait of the entire inner working of the mind, karma, thoughts etc...


ALL CONCEPTS are a distraction from seeing karma..

ONe can transcend KARMA... and then BYE BYE

I get it...very well put, I guess Karma might exist in that sense, but like you said there is no such thing as good karma and bad karma like people always seem to be talking about.