Debate #3

Totally! moar characters
Either you did or you didn't work on these "warhead drones" but going full retard and trying to troll me, I think you'll find is pointless.

So what is it Mr DOD Insider? Did you or did you not work on "warhead containing" unmanned aerial vehicles?

Would it assist you if I wrote my posts in crayon or magic markers instead? Something you have some familiarity with perhaps?
Either you did or you didn't work on these "warhead drones" but going full retard and trying to troll me, I think you'll find is pointless.

So what is it Mr DOD Insider? Did you or did you not work on "warhead containing" unmanned aerial vehicles?

Would it assist you if I wrote my posts in crayon or magic markers instead? Something you have some familiarity with perhaps?

I actually machined a lot of warheads for unmanned aerial drones
In particular the transom mount for the hellfire missle
Do you have a point Harrekin? You did a lot better racially attacking my wife last night than you are this morning.
Either you did or you didn't work on these "warhead drones" but going full retard and trying to troll me, I think you'll find is pointless.

So what is it Mr DOD Insider? Did you or did you not work on "warhead containing" unmanned aerial vehicles?

Would it assist you if I wrote my posts in crayon or magic markers instead? Something you have some familiarity with perhaps?

I said I worked on UAVs that were in competition for the DOD to contract. How much more obvious do I have to make it for you Einstein?

The DOD doesnt have competitions for UAVs which are just going to be flown around like kites, not containing warheads. Obviously if my design would have been chosen, it would have been equipped with a warhead. That is one of the requirements for nearly every current UAV, with the exception of nanoscale UAVs which are for surveillance, and even then, some are equipped with mini warheads.

Need any more knowledge bombs dropped?
I said I worked on UAVs that were in competition for the DOD to contract. How much more obvious do I have to make it for you Einstein?

The DOD doesnt have competitions for UAVs which are just going to be flown around like kites, not containing warheads. Obviously if my design would have been chosen, it would have been equipped with a warhead. That is one of the requirements for nearly every current UAV, with the exception of nanoscale UAVs which are for surveillance, and even then, some are equipped with mini warheads.

Need any more knowledge bombs dropped?
You clearly claimed it was a nuclear warhead, anyone who reads that thread can see that.

Do your legs never get tired from all the back pedalling?

EDIT: Just admit it, you're a small time electrician or something, you might work at the DOD, but it's installing light switches or washing machines, not working on UAVs.
You clearly claimed it was a nuclear warhead, anyone who reads that thread can see that.

Do your legs never get tired from all the back pedalling?

I missed the link to the thread in conversation in your previous post. Where did you put it again?

I actually machined a lot of warheads for unmanned aerial drones
In particular the transom mount for the hellfire missle
Do you have a point Harrekin? You did a lot better racially attacking my wife last night than you are this morning.

He doesn't have one. He thinks he is trolling me all good like, but the reverse is true, seeing as I'm here for some late night conversation to keep me sane while I wait for results to pop up.
Ok due to PM's received, I'll admit that fb360 is probably some kind of engineer.

However, as I am man enough to not lie about that, how about you admit you havnt the slightest clue how nuclear weapon or rockets/missiles work. (What you design is neither)
Ok due to PM's received, I'll admit that fb360 is probably some kind of engineer.

However, as I am man enough to not lie about that, how about you admit you havnt the slightest clue how nuclear weapon or rockets/missiles work. (What you design is neither)

I will not admit that. As last semester I worked on the algorithm to create the math to create a computer control system to control an inherently unstable flying object (aka a missile in this instance)

I will admit, as I have in this thread, that I do not work on nukes, and have a VERY limited knowledge of nuclear weapons. The missiles and rockets I work on are far from nukes though. You need to understand that. I work on the engineering side, not the chemical side, nor the warhead side. I design objects that fly well, and the systems that allow them to do so.
I will not admit that. As last semester I worked on the algorithm to create the math to create a computer control system to control an inherently unstable flying object (aka a missile in this instance)

I will admit, as I have in this thread, that I do not work on nukes, and have a VERY limited knowledge of nuclear weapons. The missiles and rockets I work on are far from nukes though. You need to understand that. I work on the engineering side, not the chemical side, nor the warhead side. I design objects that fly well, and the systems that allow them to do so.
Well don't try use your actual knowledge of one field as some kind of a false positive when claiming you know something about which you do not.

The only reason I originally joined in that other thread is because you made the assertion that if North Korea hadve launched a rocket containing a nuclear weapon and then that launch failed that the weapon would have detonated (your words "where was the ka-boom?"). This as I said is blatantly false, because of the specific way nuclear weapons are designed.

You also claimed the Japanese bombs were detonated on/by impact, and back pedalled that too.

Had you not asserted these things you would've gone untrolled. Had you not tried to backpedal on EVERYTHING you said you would've gone untrolled. Had you not jumped in "name dropping" your credentials and claiming to be smarter that everyone else you would've gone untrolled.

Dont blame me and cry foul that someone trolled onto it, if it hasn't been me it would've been someone else.

Stop trying to show off and have a discussion, oh and for the love of God don't send pictures/videos of your face to people btw, it's not a good idea on this sort of site.

Aside from that, welcome to RIU Politics :D
Well don't try use your actual knowledge of one field as some kind of a false positive when claiming you know something about which you do not.

The only reason I originally joined in that other thread is because you made the assertion that if North Korea hadve launched a rocket containing a nuclear weapon and then that launch failed that the weapon would have detonated (your words "where was the ka-boom?"). This as I said is blatantly false, because of the specific way nuclear weapons are designed.

No not necessarily. I claimed that if they indeed had a nuke, that it would have most likely detonated due to the failure, and most likely due to impact. This is because even though nukes are capable of being remotely detonated dynamically, the North Koreans do not possess the satellite technology that would allow them to do that. So I created a basic example using "impact". Sure it could be atmospheric pressure, but the point is that the nuke has to be constrained in some way that allows for detonation, and as a result of my previous satellite point, it will most likely be statically, with pressure. Ergo, that static constraint would have triggered detonation. Yes it was a bad example which led to questioning, however I thought everyone would pickup that it was just an example and get back to the main argument

You also claimed the Japanese bombs were detonated on/by impact, and back pedalled that too.

Had you not asserted these things you would've gone untrolled. Had you not tried to backpedal on EVERYTHING you said you would've gone untrolled. Had you not jumped in "name dropping" your credentials and claiming to be smarter that everyone else you would've gone untrolled.

Dont blame me and cry foul that someone trolled onto it, if it hasn't been me it would've been someone else.

Stop trying to show off and have a discussion, oh and for the love of God don't send pictures/videos of your face to people btw, it's not a good idea on this sort of site.

Aside from that, welcome to RIU Politics :D

I will admit that I did backpedal on the Japanese bombs, but that in my opinion, was only a matter of semantics, as it is still an "impact", just an atmospheric "impact".

I don't believe that I'm smarter than everyone else. But I do know my intelligence level, and I'm not afraid to use my intellect.

Lastly, I am 100%, completely, utterly, beyond discussion, legal, and growing less than 99 plants. I would do as you say and not post pictures and videos etc etc, except that I don't have anything to hide, and even if I did, I believe that the way our government identifies "pot" is absurd, and criminal. Therefore, I will not give in to them.

The politics section is always warm-hearted welcoming... Sike. But this section does pack a punch, and does separate the boys from the men. Being able to debate while constantly updating your own beliefs when proven incorrect, is a true sign of intelligence

Oh and I've never cried or blamed foul, as you put it. Rather, I accepted our conversation with open arms; as I've mentioned I need to kill some time
Nor am I in any of the pics or videos I've ever put on this site ;)

*****This last part is because I'm intoxicated, working, and want to converse****
The sad part is people get so uptight that they start fighting on this forum, further taking it with them off this forum. Even when Bucky posts some stupid bullshit about me, I take it as no more than conversation between brothers, because that is essentially what we all are; brothers of marijuana. We all share a common bond, and to let something come between our connection to the flower we love, would be ridiculous and criminal. Hell, you can talk as much trash as you want, and yes I will defend myself, but in the end of it all, I just go spark up and pass out; I'm sure you do similar. My point being, the only reason I even use this site is because it is a community. A community of individuals who are willing to help each other regardless of background, race, color, fiscal bracket, religion, political stance, even sexual orientation, grow some dank ass bud. Really not much of a point, but a nice statement regarding your "welcome to RIU politics" statement.
Attempting to sell designs to the Govt whilst having a belief that is contrary to their view on cannabis and publicly displaying such is unwise.

Lots of people on this site have been caught, stated their moral position to a Judge and told "Off to prison you go cos the law don't give a fuck."

What if you sent one to someone who just happened to be Johnny Law from your area?

You can't just be intelligent, you've gotta be smart.
The Russians and Chinese have some nice technology in their Su-35 jets, but the US has the easily visible worldwide technological advantage when it comes to Airforce, Navy and Military logistics. (Bar the common, relatively speaking, friendly fire incidents, but we won't go into that)

Israel has nice toys, but really their biggest weapon is the unique partnership they have with the US.
Attempting to sell designs to the Govt whilst having a belief that is contrary to their view on cannabis and publicly displaying such is unwise.

Lots of people on this site have been caught, stated their moral position to a Judge and told "Off to prison you go cos the law don't give a fuck."

What if you sent one to someone who just happened to be Johnny Law from your area?

You can't just be intelligent, you've gotta be smart.

How will I go to prison?

I have a medical card that allows me to cultivate more than I do.
Yeah I might be a painted red target, but as long as I'm legal, what can they do that won't help me achieve a dream of mine, marijuana legalization?

I haven't dealt with gov work for over 2 years now. I'm clear, free, and willing to speak. Gotta love our first amendment rights

If you can give me a reason to believe I'm giving out too much, then I'm all for hearing it. But, I believe that I am not only playing this smart, but I'm playing it well, and progressively; when is the last time you heard of someone working on missile technology who blazes, due to pain, more frequently than daily.

When individuals who I talk to figure out I have a medical card, with a legal medical reason to do so, and smoke and work as I do, they gain a bright and positive perspective on our community; You should thank me. I'm only helping by putting one foot in front of the other on the yellow brick road to legalization. I'm not trying to say I'm someone special and better than everyone, just that I stick to what I believe in, and some people find that awesome. I know it sounds like a pretentious statement, but it isnt meant to be so. I think that if we don't each individually stand up for what we believe in, that nothing will get done; it is exactly why the 2 party system has degraded like it has; because, it is almost always between the democrats and republicans.

if you mean federally, I guess they could come get me. But they would get me for much less than 99 plants, even less than 50 (with 4 other cards, 12 max per), and under state law I'm legal. Not really a case that screams RICO, gang, or dealer. Because I'm just that, not a dealer, but a small time medical consumer who grows what he consumes.
I used it as a basic example to explain my point that the test rocket fired by North Korea didn't have a nuke in it, and wasn't their best attempt at getting a nuke to the USA...

My example was that if they were to have a nuclear warhead that failed as it did, it would have detonated over them... I clearly state in that thread that it takes a catalytic reaction to trigger the detonation.

Furthermore, Harrekin couldn't even explain the basic concept of why the bomb is detonated above the target... I mean, if you can't even comprehend the premise of a blast radius, you have no business discussing the operation of a nuke lol

Lastly, he is stuck on my example, even though the mechanism to trigger the catalytic reaction is semantics, and wasn't even the topic of debate...
And to be clear, my example is valid, because the first atomic bomb ever detonated was detonated at ground level as a test.

The Trinity test was detonated on top of a 200-foot tower.

Here is a progression of the young fireball. Note "rope tricks" radiating from the lower portion in the later frames. These are caused by the guy wires vaporizing near the fireball, and the vapor incandescing. cn
