Well don't try use your actual knowledge of one field as some kind of a false positive when claiming you know something about which you do not.
The only reason I originally joined in that other thread is because you made the assertion that if North Korea hadve launched a rocket containing a nuclear weapon and then that launch failed that the weapon would have detonated (your words "where was the ka-boom?"). This as I said is blatantly false, because of the specific way nuclear weapons are designed.
No not necessarily. I claimed that if they indeed had a nuke, that it would have most likely detonated due to the failure, and most likely due to impact. This is because even though nukes are capable of being remotely detonated dynamically, the North Koreans do not possess the satellite technology that would allow them to do that. So I created a basic example using "impact". Sure it could be atmospheric pressure, but the point is that the nuke has to be constrained in some way that allows for detonation, and as a result of my previous satellite point, it will most likely be statically, with pressure. Ergo, that static constraint would have triggered detonation. Yes it was a bad example which led to questioning, however I thought everyone would pickup that it was just an example and get back to the main argument
You also claimed the Japanese bombs were detonated on/by impact, and back pedalled that too.
Had you not asserted these things you would've gone untrolled. Had you not tried to backpedal on EVERYTHING you said you would've gone untrolled. Had you not jumped in "name dropping" your credentials and claiming to be smarter that everyone else you would've gone untrolled.
Dont blame me and cry foul that someone trolled onto it, if it hasn't been me it would've been someone else.
Stop trying to show off and have a discussion, oh and for the love of God don't send pictures/videos of your face to people btw, it's not a good idea on this sort of site.
Aside from that, welcome to RIU Politics
I will admit that I did backpedal on the Japanese bombs, but that in my opinion, was only a matter of semantics, as it is still an "impact", just an atmospheric "impact".
I don't believe that I'm smarter than everyone else. But I do know my intelligence level, and I'm not afraid to use my intellect.
Lastly, I am 100%, completely, utterly, beyond discussion, legal, and growing less than 99 plants. I would do as you say and not post pictures and videos etc etc, except that I don't have anything to hide, and even if I did, I believe that the way our government identifies "pot" is absurd, and criminal. Therefore, I will not give in to them.
The politics section is always warm-hearted welcoming... Sike. But this section does pack a punch, and does separate the boys from the men. Being able to debate while constantly updating your own beliefs when proven incorrect, is a true sign of intelligence
Oh and I've never cried or blamed foul, as you put it. Rather, I accepted our conversation with open arms; as I've mentioned I need to kill some time
Nor am I in any of the pics or videos I've ever put on this site
*****This last part is because I'm intoxicated, working, and want to converse****
The sad part is people get so uptight that they start fighting on this forum, further taking it with them off this forum. Even when Bucky posts some stupid bullshit about me, I take it as no more than conversation between brothers, because that is essentially what we all are; brothers of marijuana. We all share a common bond, and to let something come between our connection to the flower we love, would be ridiculous and criminal. Hell, you can talk as much trash as you want, and yes I will defend myself, but in the end of it all, I just go spark up and pass out; I'm sure you do similar. My point being, the only reason I even use this site is because it is a community. A community of individuals who are willing to help each other regardless of background, race, color, fiscal bracket, religion, political stance, even sexual orientation, grow some dank ass bud. Really not much of a point, but a nice statement regarding your "welcome to RIU politics" statement.