Jane Roe of ‘Roe v Wade’ Airs Anti-Obama Ad in Florida


New Member
yeah nothing like standing over/with your significant other while fully supporting their life decisions/ telling them they'll die if they dont do what you say
You won't find any sympathy with me pal. if my wife was doing drugs during our pregnancy that would have an effect on our baby's health, I would make a stand and protect the baby at almost any cost.

Your head is so wrapped around what you think the left stands for it isn't funny.
For people who put so much stock in science, you conveniently ignore the fact there are two bodies during a women's pregnancy. The left's mantra that women have the right to makes decisions regarding their own body leaves out this fact, who is fighting for the right of the baby if the father chooses life?


Well-Known Member
You won't find any sympathy with me pal. if my wife was doing drugs during our pregnancy that would have an effect on our baby's health, I would make a stand and protect the baby at almost any cost.

Your head is so wrapped around what you think the left stands for it isn't funny.
For people who put so much stock in science, you conveniently ignore the fact there are two bodies during a women's pregnancy. The left's mantra that women have the right to makes decisions regarding their own body leaves out this fact, who is fighting for the right of the baby if the father chooses life?
No science says there is just one body and a parasitic fetus. It is the womans choice if she wants to bring it to birth


Well-Known Member
You won't find any sympathy with me pal. if my wife was doing drugs during our pregnancy that would have an effect on our baby's health, I would make a stand and protect the baby at almost any cost.

Your head is so wrapped around what you think the left stands for it isn't funny.
For people who put so much stock in science, you conveniently ignore the fact there are two bodies during a women's pregnancy. The left's mantra that women have the right to makes decisions regarding their own body leaves out this fact, who is fighting for the right of the baby if the father chooses life?
You've personally aborted billions of potential babies.

Where's the hollow tears for them?

You have no argument based in logic, gtfo of here with your emotional pleas. Scientifically minded people, aka, those that make the decisions which resonate in the legal arena, couldn't give two fucks about how you feel about the situation, so keep crying til the cows come home, it'll never mean a thing to anyone but you.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You've personally aborted billions of potential babies.

Where's the hollow tears for them?

You have no argument based in logic, gtfo of here with your emotional pleas. Scientifically minded people, aka, those that make the decisions which resonate in the legal arena, couldn't give two fucks about how you feel about the situation, so keep crying til the cows come home, it'll never mean a thing to anyone but you.
Given your first statement..neither do you.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Obama voted for infanticide 3 times as senator of Illinois. He really pushes hard for partial birth abortion. Romney is against it.

Liar. O'Bama voted against a bill introduced that had enough wiggle room to basically outlaw abortion. It was more bullshit GOP maneuvering to try and legislate Roe vs. Wade out of existence. The other two votes were for an amendment to the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act that would have placed MORE restrictions and hardships on a young woman seeking an abortion.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad my girl friend and I had acess to safe, legal abortion when we needed it and it should be there for anyone else that chooses. If you're against abortions, don't get one.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Bullshit! Obama was the ONLY Senator to vote for that "wiggle room" bill. 99 other Senators were duped? Obama hates life. He hates all of us. He doesn't give a fuck. He'd detain 100% of us indefinitly. He only cares about the O-man.


Well-Known Member

Abortion doesn't equal murder in any sense of the word. Scientifically literate people understand this, ignorant religious folk don't.

I find it ironic and pretty funny you utilize such tactics as the woman in this story in an attempt to elicit an emotional reaction in order to subvert the rational one.

Back to the playground, kid. You don't belong in big boy discussions.
Yet kill a pregnant mother and you are likely to be charged with two counts of murder. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
You won't find any sympathy with me pal. if my wife was doing drugs during our pregnancy that would have an effect on our baby's health, I would make a stand and protect the baby at almost any cost.

Your head is so wrapped around what you think the left stands for it isn't funny.
For people who put so much stock in science, you conveniently ignore the fact there are two bodies during a women's pregnancy. The left's mantra that women have the right to makes decisions regarding their own body leaves out this fact, who is fighting for the right of the baby if the father chooses life?
lovely little strawman you built there about your druggy wife (those darn women cant be trusted with anything) but i havent seen anyone advocating that particular line of thought


King Tut
We made a pact before we ever slept together. i made VERY clear my feelings on the matter. She always had the opportunity to walk away after giving birth. Up to that point, she had already informed me of her decision to not abort should "we" become pregnant.


Well-Known Member
We made a pact before we ever slept together. i made VERY clear my feelings on the matter. She always had the opportunity to walk away after giving birth. Up to that point, she had already informed me of her decision to not abort should "we" become pregnant.
oh well that makes the death threats and subsequent boasting about the death threats perfectly cool then... your a real upstanding gentleman type arent you?

how did it feel holding a womens life over her to get what you wanted?


King Tut
oh well that makes the death threats and subsequent boasting about the death threats perfectly cool then... your a real upstanding gentleman type arent you?

how did it feel holding a womens life over her to get what you wanted?
i take it you are the type to back out on your word? People don't back outta their word with me if i have any say in it. Neither do i.