Jane Roe of ‘Roe v Wade’ Airs Anti-Obama Ad in Florida

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Bullshit! Obama was the ONLY Senator to vote for that "wiggle room" bill. 99 other Senators were duped? Obama hates life. He hates all of us. He doesn't give a fuck. He'd detain 100% of us indefinitly. He only cares about the O-man.
Illinois State Senate: In 2001, Illinois Senators introduced legislation to care for children who survived a practice known as "induced abortions," where a surviving baby is left unattended after labor is induced. State Senator Obama opposed this legislation, stating that by defining a "pre-viable" fetus as a person, the legislation was defining rights to that person. He then stated that by extending those protections to a fetus less than 9 months old, the practice would outlaw abortion.

US Senate:
While in the US Senate, Barack Obama co-sponsored legislation known as the Freedom of Choice Act. This legislation stated that its purpose was to protect, consistent with Roe v. Wade, a woman's freedom to choose to bear a child or terminate a pregnancy.

There were six votes taken related to abortion while President Obama was in the Senate. In two of those votes, Senator Obama voted against the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. In a third vote, Senator Obama voted against additional funding for enforcement of the Child Interstate Notification Act. The fourth vote that Senator Obama participated in involved defining a child for the purposes of SCHIP insurance planning. Senator Obama voted against this legislation. In the two remaining votes, Senator Obama cast a "no vote."
Yes, there certainly is copious amounts of bullshit but it isn't coming from me. He voted for the Freedom of Choice Act. Which supports a woman's right to choose. Keep spinning.


Well-Known Member
i take it you are the type to back out on your word? People don't back outta their word with me if i have any say in it. Neither do i.
yeah its always much easier to be that type when your dealing with a weaker pregnant women isnt it?

did you take any vows when you got married eh?

and the best bit is now even thou you forced her to have the baby thru death threats your now doing your best to keep her away from it

upstanding gentleman if ever i saw one


Well-Known Member
Bullshit! Obama was the ONLY Senator to vote for that "wiggle room" bill. 99 other Senators were duped? Obama hates life. He hates all of us. He doesn't give a fuck. He'd detain 100% of us indefinitly. He only cares about the O-man.
You should be detained, in a psychiatric ward.


King Tut
yeah its always much easier to be that type when your dealing with a weaker pregnant women isnt it?

did you take any vows when you got married eh?

and the best bit is now even thou you forced her to have the baby thru death threats your now doing your best to keep her away from it

upstanding gentleman if ever i saw one
Lol. You are quite the judgemental person aren't you? Passing judgement without having all facts too. Typical.


Well-Known Member
IMO, abortion IS murder. At least when dealing with my ex who wanted to abort our son. i simply told her, "Abort him, i abort you."[/QUOTE]

There was no legislation involved in saving my son's life. It became a choice for her.
The decision to not get pregnant had been made. She got pregnant after a strong course of antibiotics counter-acted the pill.

She made her choice when she allowed me in her
. We had discussed accidental pregnancy in the past and she flip-flopped when faced with reality. Her body, OUR child/fetus. In the end, all that matters is that she came to see my POV as being in her best interest.
The connection began the moment i knew we were pregnant. Not an "excuse". A motivating factor :smile:

See, here you are telling me how i felt/feel. Lol.
Then cool for you i guess.
its all there you havent denied any of it have you?


Well-Known Member
what more do i need?

you admitted forcing her to have a baby under death threats

you boasted about making her see its in her best interest to do as you wish

you seemed surprise after that she had trouble bonding with kid immediately after birth (i'd google postnatal depression if i was you coupled with abusive partners who threaten to kill if they dont get their own way)

you've said after forcing her to go thru all of that that you keeping her away from her kid

from where i come from no matter the "totality of circumstances" that makes you a proper arsehole

yet here you are boasting


Well-Known Member
If abortion is murder, so is masturbation.

"potential life" is "potential life"
Huge difference between sperm and a fetus. There's even science to back this up, why make such a claim? It cheapens the pro-choice stance by making us look uninformed when things like this are said.


Well-Known Member
Huge difference between sperm and a fetus. There's even science to back this up, why make such a claim? It cheapens the pro-choice stance by making us look uninformed when things like this are said.
theres a huge difference between a fetus and a baby too

every sperm is a potential person
every egg is a potential person
every fetus is a potential person

a baby is a person


Well-Known Member
theres a huge difference between a fetus and a baby too

every sperm is a potential person
every egg is a potential person
every fetus is a potential person

a baby is a person
I wouldn't recommend arguing against idiotic mythical points from the religious right by using our own idiotic mythical points. Something with it's own heartbeat and brainwaves is infinitely more human than sperm. As science stands right now, late term abortion puts an end to a living organism. If the baby were a speckled toad we'd fight to save it.


Well-Known Member
Huge difference between sperm and a fetus. There's even science to back this up, why make such a claim? It cheapens the pro-choice stance by making us look uninformed when things like this are said.
Huge difference between a fetus and a baby.

The argument is about 'potential life' being legally defined as 'life', which would outlaw abortions as murder.

You are no more murdering a fetus when an abortion is performed than you are murdering a fetus when you masturbate.


King Tut
what more do i need?

you admitted forcing her to have a baby under death threats

you boasted about making her see its in her best interest to do as you wish

you seemed surprise after that she had trouble bonding with kid immediately after birth (i'd google postnatal depression if i was you coupled with abusive partners who threaten to kill if they dont get their own way)

you've said after forcing her to go thru all of that that you keeping her away from her kid

from where i come from no matter the "totality of circumstances" that makes you a proper arsehole

yet here you are boasting
"Keeping her away" lol. She left US. Yes, she left myself AND my son.


King Tut
what more do i need?

you admitted forcing her to have a baby under death threats

you boasted about making her see its in her best interest to do as you wish

you seemed surprise after that she had trouble bonding with kid immediately after birth (i'd google postnatal depression if i was you coupled with abusive partners who threaten to kill if they dont get their own way)

you've said after forcing her to go thru all of that that you keeping her away from her kid

from where i come from no matter the "totality of circumstances" that makes you a proper arsehole

yet here you are boasting
And "boasting" isn't where i'm coming from. i'm TRYING to contribute my pov to this thread. TRYING to add a little reality from my perspective.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend arguing against idiotic mythical points from the religious right by using our own idiotic mythical points. Something with it's own heartbeat and brainwaves is infinitely more human than sperm. As science stands right now, late term abortion puts an end to a living organism. If the baby were a speckled toad we'd fight to save it.
If the baby were a speckled toad embryo we wouldnt give a shit


Well-Known Member
From a strictly medical standpoint at what stage of pregnancy does a lump of cells become a life? I'm pro-choice, but after the first trimester the dynamics definitely change.


Well-Known Member
Correct, unless it was MY speckled toad embryo.
In her first book, the 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe, McCorvey wrote of her sexual orientation. For many years, she had lived quietly in Dallas with her long-time partner, Connie Gonzales. "We're not like other lesbians, going to bars," she explained in a New York Times interview. "We're lesbians together. We're homers."[SUP][2][/SUP] That same year, she converted to Christianity and expressed remorse for her part in the Supreme Court decision. McCorvey has worked as part of the pro-life movement, such as Operation Rescue.
At a signing of I Am Roe, McCorvey was befriended by evangelical minister Flip Benham.[SUP][12][/SUP] She was baptized on August 8, 1995, by Benham in a Dallas, Texas, backyard swimming pool, an event that was filmed for national television. Two days later she announced that she had become an advocate of Operation Rescue's campaign to make abortion illegal.
McCorvey's second book, Won by Love, was published in 1998. She explained her change on the stance of abortion with the following comments:
I was sitting in O.R.'s offices when I noticed a fetal development poster. The progression was so obvious, the eyes were so sweet. It hurt my heart, just looking at them. I ran outside and finally, it dawned on me. 'Norma', I said to myself, 'They're right'. I had worked with pregnant women for years. I had been through three pregnancies and deliveries myself. I should have known. Yet something in that poster made me lose my breath. I kept seeing the picture of that tiny, 10-week-old embryo, and I said to myself, that's a baby! It's as if blinders just fell off my eyes and I suddenly understood the truth — that's a baby!

I felt crushed under the truth of this realization. I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion wasn't about 'products of conception'. It wasn't about 'missed periods'. It was about children being killed in their mother's wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion — at any point — was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully clear.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Shortly thereafter, McCorvey released a statement that affirmed her entrance into the Roman Catholic Church, and she has been confirmed into the church as a full member.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP]
McCorvey has also stated that she is no longer a lesbian.[SUP][15][/SUP] On August 17, 1998, she was received into the Catholic Church by Father Frank Pavone, the International Director of Priests for Life and Father Edward Robinson in Dallas.[SUP][14][/SUP]