wiating on Sandy........................

If you were going to loot, during the storm was your best chance. Then maybe your ass would of drown, lol.

I wonder if any went out looting only to return home, and find someone looted their house.
Yeah right...Head down to walmart, first, steal a giant tarp, then wrap that shit around a couple big screen tv's...Then, grab an inflatable matress, and float your prize to your new entertainment room.

Haha...Just to set things straight, both this, and my original post inquiring about looting, are not meant to be taken seriously...If you find yourself taking things too seriously, stop, take a deep breath, reach deep inside that bitter little black ball you call a soul, and try to find your sense of humour.
i steer clear of their food products. i go in there for mouse products (ugh), and rolls of twist tie for the garden.

Honestly, I buy the shit outta their stuff...My 99 cent store has Artichokes, and they're good! Lots of fresh produce, some name brand food stuffs(always check the exp. date, though), a ton of shit in the hardware section, I used to buy my 6 inch Airstones for hydro growing there before they ran out(I think I bought them all...lol), I buy my trimmers there....It's become a regular fixture in my shopping rotation.
All the Red, Green, and Light blue ones there are from the 99 cenht store...only the dark blue pair and the grey ones are "fancy"...I love my 99 cent store snips and trimmers...Real fine point on them, too.

Finally got power back at about 5:15, took an amazing hot shower :) Spent the day flying a huge write brothers kite at a local baseball field thanks to the wind, a lot of passerbys got a real kick out of it lol.:bigjoint:
Finally got power back at about 5:15, took an amazing hot shower :) Spent the day flying a huge write brothers kite at a local baseball field thanks to the wind, a lot of passerbys got a real kick out of it lol.:bigjoint:
we only lost power for 2 hours. man, i was fucked up. that butter................
we only lost power for 2 hours. man, i was fucked up. that butter................

We lost power some time last night, every once in a while I would hear a loud deep thump (roots coming up, very distinct sound) followed by the stereotypical sounds of a tree falling. The wind wasn't all that crazy either, we've just had so much rain this last week the ground was so loose the poor things had nothing to hold on to anymore. Trees down all over my area with lots of clean up going on, seems like there wasn't any houses or cars or people taken out this time though. Oh wait! There was some property/people damage on my land.

I first tested my kite in my yard and we put up a net fence to keep the damn dear from eating our trees over the winter, and I was running to get the kite up, looked back to check if my buddy tossed it yet, look forward and I am RIGHT at the fence. I tried stopping but it was a lost cause, both my feet slid out from under me. I heard a snap and felt a sharp pain and my buddy instantly lost it he was on the ground laughing so hard he had to get up and take a piss on the spot. I had slid into one of the wooden poles holding the fence right between my damn legs and I snapped the pole in half with my testicles...the pole is about an inch and a half thick, at first I wasn't sure if the snap was the pole or one of my nuts going, god it hurt. Wish we videotaped it, that shit was straight Americas funniest home videos quality right there.
Pic of the kite?

Sure man, I love it. I'm just under 6 foot to give you an idea of how large it is. We always get the same house in the outer banks and we're semi close to this awesome kite store, which is also near the write brothers museum and not far from those huge sand dunes, its perfect :)

101_0817.jpg Lol not smiling because it was one of those mom moments "cmon lemme take a picture of you and your kite!" well I guess it did come in handy haha.

edit: I know scrog, you gotta be able to laugh at the stupid stuff you do or else you'll only bum yourself out and trust me even right after it happened I was laughing, it was just too perfect :lol: