wiating on Sandy........................

Same here, got some good gusts and short runs of hard rain with breaks in between but nothings wowed me just yet. I do think its getting a little more intense though, lights flickered once.

edit: Oh and my Internets slow as balls for some reason which is starting to rustle my jimmies
I just picked the first one that I could paste in my post. The only chainsaw we own is a Stihl saw. ;)

I use my little homelite 14" more than my Sthil to be honest. Not because it's better, it's just over kill to pull the beast out for most jobs.

It's amazing the amount of accidents there are with chain saws compared to how little they get used. I respect my chainsaws because I am scared to death of them. Every time I go to use them I always think of room temperature butter and a red hot knife.
Not the ones with a large cache of guns and ammo?

Come on now. We live in the west. Where guns are a fact of life not a bragging point. ;)

This is true, but also guns draw attention, and alert everyone around you of your position, and that you obviously have a firearm. A dude with a firearm probably has food too, or atleast maybe more firearms. Trust me, if shit ever really did hit they fan, seeing/hearing a firearm go off would not be a deterent from home invasion, it would be an invitation. And having stock piles of food is good, if no one knows about it.

I have many a gun and enough ammo for a small army, but it wouldn't be my first choice if options were to be had. I'd rather hit a dude with enough kenetic energy to kill a moose, but never make a sound. Thats why I also have hundreds of arrows and a couple compounds at my disposal.

Only down fall is Im a heavy sleeper, probably wake up choking on blood from a slit throat while some dude is banging my wife and his friends are stealing my shit and selling my kids as slaves.
[h=5]The New York Avenue School has lost power and the people
housed there are being picked up by the National Guard, in atlantic city.[/h]
Not that I want anyone to get hurt, but I don't feel sorry for those who do, especially if they are out walking around in the fucking storm. I could see wanting to protect your home from looters, but even still is it worth you life saving all your stuff?

Imagine all the shit that can fall down on your ass besides a tree in a city like that. I think I'd rather take my chances walking through a mine field.
The New York Avenue School has lost power and the people
housed there are being picked up by the National Guard, in atlantic city.

Suckers. First Fema Death Camp victims, lol.

Atleast our leaders have their priorities in line.....

“If conditions are not safe on Wednesday for Trick or Treating, I will sign an Executive Order rescheduling #Halloween,” Tweets N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

You can't reschedule a holiday, lol. Someone knocks on my door after the 31st and asks for candy I'm going to tell them they missed Halloween already as I close the door.

If it isn't claimed by the end of the 31st, any candy still in this house will remain in this house.

Christie should have said "If conditions are not safe on Wednesday for Trick or Treating, then stay home, better luck next year"
Suckers. First Fema Death Camp victims, lol.

Atleast our leaders have their priorities in line.....

“If conditions are not safe on Wednesday for Trick or Treating, I will sign an Executive Order rescheduling #Halloween,” Tweets N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

You can't reschedule a holiday, lol. Someone knocks on my door after the 31st and asks for candy I'm going to tell them they missed Halloween already as I close the door.

If it isn't claimed by the end of the 31st, any candy still in this house will remain in this house.

Christie should have said "If conditions are not safe on Wednesday for Trick or Treating, then stay home, better luck next year"

But think about the children!
6 people would have died from violence but everyone is inside hiding from the storm.

drug deals gone bad

This guy almost got blown of the roof