Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

If I had a dollar for every time you post that huffington post garbage, I'd be a rich man. I thought this was supposed to be a "Nonpartisan" study?
If the guy who wrote the report is a bias Democrat like the huffington post, then how is it a nonpartisan study?

because everything in it is factually accurate, you fucking idiot.
I get the jist, I'm done arguing with these ignorant morons.
And I don't use that word very often, but these guys really are morons, there is no other word for their behavior.
It takes a special kind of stupid to be this biased and ignorant that even when facts are presented right infront of them they ignore/deny them.

our neo-nazi, stormfront member friend once tried to call a compilation of 518 different polls from various sources biased because it did not confirm his preexisting beliefs.

these people live in their own reality. red1966 lives in a really weird alternate reality where there is a genocide against white people being committed.
All the sources I've seen defending this thread are based on bias Democrat research.

i.e. the huffington post and
[FONT=PalatinoLinotype,Bold][FONT=PalatinoLinotype,Bold][FONT=PalatinoLinotype,Bold] Thomas L. Hungerford <--- liberal from the CRS.
All the sources I've seen defending this thread are based on bias Democrat research.

i.e. the huffington post and
Thomas L. Hungerford <--- liberal from the CRS.

and out come the crayons.

perhaps you can use those crayons to point to factual inaccuracies about the report itself.

I want to know the answer too. Does taxing the rich at a 100% tax rate increase economic growth?

ever heard of the laffer curve, manic guy?
The report has been withdrawn due to factual inconsistencies noted by the CRS.
Nothing to see here. This thread is a failure
The report has been withdrawn due to factual inconsistencies noted by the CRS.
Nothing to see here. This thread is a failure

nice crayons.

perhaps you can use them to point out said "factual inconsistencies".

probably not though, since you're now making this up as you go.
You are aware that trickle down government will not work right?
You are aware that Reagan fixed Jimmy Carter's mess right?
You are aware that the report you're referring to is too small to read, right?

A marijuana fact from Ronald Reagan... "I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.” Ronald Reagan

I think this might be a good time to invoke a new favorite catch phrase of mine: "Ha, Oh wise one, bend over so I may eat from your ass. Eww, it got on my nose." ~ Flaming Pie
the report is right in front of you, and you're saying you're too dumb to point out the factual inaccuracies that you claim are there?


The report has been withdrawn dumbass. Do I need to break out to crayons for you retard? What is it that you don't understand? The CRS retracted THEIR OWN report, and yet you choose to defend it like a dunce :dunce:
The report has been withdrawn dumbass. Do I need to break out to crayons for you retard? What is it that you don't understand? The CRS retracted THEIR OWN report.

but not because of any factual inaccuracies. you made that part up completely. that was a pure lie on your part.

here's you chance to show that it wasn't: Top Rates.pdf

go ahead and point out even one single factual inaccuracy.

it was only withdrawn because butthurt republicans like yourself who worship trickle down did not like the findings.
The report has been withdrawn dumbass. Do I need to break out to crayons for you retard? What is it that you don't understand? The CRS retracted THEIR OWN report, and yet you choose to defend it like a dunce :dunce:

I'll say it again, we don't need a think tank report to study and prove to us that farts stink.
but not because of any factual inaccuracies. you made that part up completely. that was a pure lie on your part.

here's you chance to show that it wasn't: Top Rates.pdf

go ahead and point out even one single factual inaccuracy.

it was only withdrawn because butthurt republicans like yourself who worship trickle down did not like the findings.

The report was retracted because the CRS agrees with the Republicans. How did the Republicans retract the report? Show me how they have the power to do that?
Tax is theft.It's a ponzi scheme to line both dem and rep pockets.It's not accounted for.Too much of what's"spent"is NATIONAL SECURITY secrets.Like $3,000 hammers.Taxes are like giving money to tele-evangelists,except you go to jail if you don't pay!
but not because of any factual inaccuracies. you made that part up completely. that was a pure lie on your part.

here's you chance to show that it wasn't:

go ahead and point out even one single factual inaccuracy.

it was only withdrawn because butthurt republicans like yourself who worship trickle down did not like the findings.
